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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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I know, poor guy. It doesn't make sense, I get why they wanted to include Adam and Dr. Joe (who are recurring) in the opening but when you start including new recurring characters such as Evelyn and Jane but don't including Griff (who is also recurring), you have to wonder if someone just didn't [!@#$%^&*] up. Kinda cool that the opening isn't strictly contract cast though anymore.

Side note: it makes sense now why Francesca and Heather aren't in the 'women of Pine Valley' photo.

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He and Eden Riegel. Jordi, David Canary, Ray MacDonnell, Francesca James and Heather Roop are on recurring. All of them except Jordi are in the opening. Eden Riegel is on a short contract and is in the cast photo but was left out of the opening.

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I can take or leave Griffin but I feel bad for Jordi. He was one of the first to sign on for the project and was a big cheerleader for it and either he was forgotten about when they made the opening and not a single person in production noticed or there's some good reason (ex. Griffin is being paired with Colby and they needed Brooke Newton to start working before they could do their shot), in which case it would have been nice for the producers to give him a head's up.

I'm glad Jordi wasn't at the premiere last week because, had it been me, I probably would have felt like dirt after the opening.

Also I thought Jordi said explicitly said that he signed a one year contract. I remember because it was the first we heard about the deals being a year. But he's recurring?

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That's a good point, they'll have to add Colby at some point and she'll need a partner. I mean, Griff could've gone next to Opal technically, she did have a thing for him. laugh.png

Someone mentioned him working on some other projects so perhaps things changed and he opted to do recurring? And maybe he's not in the opening because he won't be around for much of this cycle. Who knows, maybe he'll be on contract for a future cycle? But yeah, he is recurring according to the closing credits which are done like ABC's were, with contract cast in alphabetical first, then recurring/guest cast in alphabetical.

I mean, Paula Garces' contract hadn't started yet by the time these first few weeks worth of episodes had been in the can and yet, she's in the opening with Zach, spoiling a story that probably won't be seen on screen for about a month. Just strange.

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It's possible but I see no reason to list those five "regulars" next to the dayplayers if they're not guest stars. First of all, the only one of the five who was 'confirmed' by Prospect Park before the photo shoot was Jordi. Second, their press releases never said contract and recurring, they always only said 'cast,' unlike OLTL's, which distinguished between them. I think it's to neuter the shock of some of the more prominent actors not being on contract. It's no secret AMC had issues securing stars from the past and if it was advertised that three more (David, Ray and Jordi) weren't on contract, it would look even worse, especially the ratio between new and returning contract cast members. The cast lists from the photo shoots were also just a list of who was in attendance, hence why HBS wasn't listed. Robin was listed because she was supposed to be there and even said as much in a Michael Fairman interview. It doesn't say anywhere that the photo shoots were contract cast members only, I think Errol and the others unfortunately just assumed as much. AMC seems to be including some (though not all) of their recurring cast in the cast photos and opening whereas OLTL is not. Long story short, this is also why Jordi isn't in the opening, he's recurring. Not sure why his four other semi-regular recurring co-stars are and he's not, though.

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I do hope we see some more characters introduced a nice blended mix of old and new characters. I am definitely intrigued by the Celia character and think her guardian is someone well known to Pine Valley. I had heard it thrown around that it may be Dimitri. If it is it would explain why he didn't want her anywhere near the Miranda Center and hence the Kane family. Something tells me it might be a Cambias though. I am curious to know what happened to Tad and really hope they didn't kill him off. I waited too long to see Dixie and Tad reunited and become a family with their daughter Kate(who I would like to see cast or at least mentioned by Dixie or AJ). I do hope that PP will find a way to bring Susan Lucci back. I LOVED the dynamics between Miranda and Binx, but kept thinking just how much better it would be if Erica was involved. Miranda is definitely this generation's version of Erica Kane. I could see Erica re-establishing Enchantment in Pine Valley with Bianca. Even if Lucci was recurring, Bianca could run the company in Erica's absence. I do hope we see more of the Chandler's, Cortlandts, Martins and Tylers appear at some point along the way. So far though I am hooked AMC is back!!!!

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