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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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Now see, I love it. But I go to one of those hippie-dippie, "love is all you need" churches where that song would fit in perfectly. LOL! I also bought the "Hall of Fame" song used in OLTL's vid based only on one line in the song.

However, I willingly admit that I'm not a viewer who puts a lot of stock in opening sequences. I just don't care.

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I don't particuylarlyt either. I guess I outgrew it--as a teen I found opening sequences fascinating, I was probably obsessed as Alexisfan on here is :P But now it's pretty much the thing I worry about the least (though I admit, I still miss back when the last theme premiered in 1990 and they had the song's vamp lead from the end of the pre-credit sequence into the credits...)

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It really isn't, except, for the uninitiated viewer, I'd want something a bit bolder. Maybe not as bold as DALLAS, say, but something a notch above "One Tree Hill."

And I go (um, that is, when I go) to a Catholic church, which is all about (you guessed it) pagentry and tradition. (And about hating gays and birth control. But that's neither here nor there.)

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Once AMC debuts again on 4/29... I am going to anxiously wait for initial thoughts of the first batch of episodes. I bet if they are good, then all the credit will go to Agnes Nixon.. but if they lack in something, then I bet the blame will go to Mcpherson and her co-head writer.

However, the initial reviews of the first episode look quite promising so I will happily tuning in on the first day... and since I only have regular hulu.. maybe I can watch all 4 on Friday/Saturday if I don't have the anxious feeling of having to wait a day to tune in :) LOL

I've heard snippets of the new song and it's a nice song. True, it isn't the timeless theme but as long as the photo album/book is featured in some way then I'm happy :)

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Oh, you know it will. That, and "Gee, why can't PP convince Lorraine Broderick to return? Aren't she and Agnes good friends still? AMC was el fuego at the end (on ABC)!".

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