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AMC: The Prospect Park Era (old production thread)

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That's the ad that's on the back of TV Guide and SOD. I'm still bitter that OLTL's cast photo isn't "complete" as of the initial cast. But as soaps go, it will be out of date soon enough anyway. Hell, AMC's will be in a few months since they've added Paula Garces to the cast. I just hope Errol was right about them doing more promo shots but I think he was mostly making an educated guess. Hell, we're still waiting on individual headshots and more group shots from this shoot.

Ps, you'd think Us Weekly and EW would have that print ad as well given the exclusive of the AMC women photo and the online photo gallery in Us and all the soap coverage on EW's website.

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The print version of EW has been awful for soaps--though they had quick little blurbs in their TV section for Y&R and GH's anniversary shows (which were actually pretty flattering and not dismissive) and of course that hated Death of Soaps article a while back. I remember when they started and they wrote better, longer pieces they often featured articles (like that great 1991 article about Linda Gottlieb coming to shake OLTL up) and had a regular, albeit small, soap column. Still I hope in the next issue there is some mention of the online reboots.

Thank GOD you didn't post a clip from the hilariously awful film of the musical with poor Lucille Ball croaking her way through--or I would have had to revoke your gay card.

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My assumptions about Gabby:

1. She is in Paris with Reese

2. She is living with Bianca but is just off camera, which would be weird, IMHO

3. She is with Erica wherever Erica is - she isn't getting along with her mother, and she asks if she can go visit her mother's mother. She loves living in southern California or Paris or NYC or across town in an off-camera section of Pine Valley where Erica lives, and Erica agrees to let her stay because Gabby agrees to behave and not cause any problems.

4. She is with Kendall

5. She wandered into the Martin attic to put away some skis and was never heard from again.

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