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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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Amen. The stories are interesting so people watch. All the old favorites do help I think, but if the stories were dull no one would stick with it. I do believe people do tune in to see what Lucy or Anna or whoever look like, so they are the hook that reels the viewer in. The story has to keep them on the hook. With Luke and Laura and Frisco and Felicia back, I think the 2.1s might become 2.3s before long or more.

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Its funny how people say the only reason the ratings are rising now is bc old favorites are returning but last year when old favorites were returning and there wasnt a bump, they said those stunts did nothing bc the writing sucked. Viewers dont stick around unless thare is somethnig interesting to watch and IMO, the show is more interesting now than it was last year, especially the story surrounding the returning vets

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Yeah. This, pretty much, IMHO.

I'm enjoying so many things about GH right now but it doesn't mean I think it's absolutely great storytelling. I feel there's a difference. And yes, Ron is almost never dull. I see him as a total fanboy and I completely appreciate that (the fanboy in me does, but at the same time ...), doesn't mean I'm calling him the second coming or anything. He's satisfied me by bringing back the vets, not destroying AJ's return, and entertaining me. For example, I don't love how Heather is written overall, but I quite enjoy Mattson's performance and Heather's interactions with other characters.

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Bullying = Use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants.

Britt uses her position as a superior to intimidate subordinate Sabrina to do her bidding all the time. Liz has pointed out twice Sabrina doesn't have to take Britt's orders.Epiphany is her boss not Britt yet Sabrina caves every time to every order Britt gives her at work. Britt tries to intimidate Liz too but she doesn't stand for it.

RC intentionally made Sabrina an underling so Britt could order her around.

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The ratings rise is not a signal that something is good. Hell, at one point, Jersey Shore had about 8 million viewers and that was trash of the highest order. In the beginning, Trassions was Tv Guides choice as best soap of the year for 2 straight years, and the show had a legion of followers. We all know what a 9 year clusterfuck that was!

I think I've been pretty consistent when I say the writing is absolutely ridiculously bad. It's novice at best. And yes, the old faces are helping because the audience has longed to see them. But again, nothing onscreen is really good in a well rounded good storytelling kind of way. New people fall from the sky and are right in the middle of advanced love story/triangles? The vets have returned but they are stupid, silly and/or crazy. Nothing makes sense and for the love of god, please wrap up a damn story!

But you know what, some people are into dog and pony shows, and I am no one to judge.

Like what you like, but let's not criticize those who know that GH could be so much better. I won't settle!

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And last I checked I'm allowed to state my personal opinion. I seriously don't understand the logic that incorporating a soap that flopped has done wonders for GH. That show couldn't even keep itself afloat and a very small part of GH's audience watched it.

I challenge someone to name one well written story from beginning to end on GH in the past few months. And I mean story not plot point.

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My criticism is specifically targeted at the Bitter Bettys and Bitter Barneys who are determined to piss in other viewers' cornflakes because they want other viewers to be as miserable as they are.

While I don't give a rat's ass about those who hate this show (especially since I'm enjoying it a lot better now than I did when they enjoyed this show), it's annoying as fvck when some haters get on their 'If I can't love this show, you can't either' kick.

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Yeah. I'm sure that's as annoying as being told you must love it because I do and throwing in so do "most others" and claiming that ratings prove you're right. LOL.

Ratings are a measure of success. But they aren't an instant response to what is playing right now. Teresa whatever her name is who plays Sabrina had the highest episode count in January. Current ratings seem to reflect that the stories that were featured most last month were very successful.

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I brought up that earlier. The justification for the ratings is that incorprating Port Charles has been good for the show but we also got heavy Sabrina propping and heaviy Kristina grieving last month so I guess that must be what people want to see too then, right?

I don't know why some care so much about people stating they don't love everything about the show.

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who said that? most are just sick of some constantly wanting to rain on their parade's. Yes we know some think the show sucks, then why do they watch if the show makes them that miserable.

The ratings have been good for awhile, alot if has do with vets returning and alot of older characters being featured. Overall the show is working for viewers judging by ratings

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