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GH: Discussion for the Month of February

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Just my opinion, Carl, but I can't imagine that it'd be that serious for lapsed viewers to care about what current viewers had to say about them tuning out. Perhaps, it's me, but the last thing that I'd be worrying about is Tom, Dick, and Harry judging me for ceasing to tune into a show (especially when said show was terrible enough for me to justifiably quit watching).

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ICAM they are both immature, unstable creatures. But, I actually understand the strong feelings because it's a bullying story which typically do inspire visceral reactions. I get being Team Britt or Team Sabrina. Teams form over bullying stories all the time.

Cinderella was essentially a bullying story, too, with the victim finally triumphing. So RC delivering a total bitch (stepsister) doctor bullying the insecure, poor (waif Cinder) underling. RC even called Sabrina Cinderella in an interview. The evil stepsister wanted the Prince cause he was handsome and rich, and for Cinder he was a savior from drudgery and bullying. The Prince and romance took secondary focus there, too.

Notice RC's twitter and GH Facebook been pushing the bullying aspect for weeks. Last week they intentionally phrased it as, "do you LIKE Sabrina finally standing up to Britt?"

Notice the question is not who do you think Patrick belongs with? That question they reserved for Maxie/Spin/Ellie which is a real romantic triangle, with Spin's feelings and relationship with both the real main focus.

ICAM RC couldn't make it more obvious this bullying story is just filler for JT while he stalls KMc's return. JT knows it, too, because he only shows up for Robin-related scenes. Give him a scene watching a DVD or talking to Emma about Robin, and he makes Patrick's feelings very clear. Otherwise, he's checked out.

You know what I don't understand, How any viewer buys Patrick & Sabrina stand a real chance here????

Heck, RC even has Sabrina propping the Scrubs great love story. RC writes Robin as the poor tortured heroine fighting with all her might to get back to her family. Patrick took forever in soap time to try to move on and still comes across lost without Robin.

Seriously could RC paint a bigger neon sign that Scrubs are the tortured lovers torn apart who will get their HEA? RC is many things but subtle isn't one of them.

The ending been already written. Patrick wins getting Robin back. Robin wins her HEA. Sabrina wins by overcoming bullying and emerging tougher and gag prettier. Only Britt, the bully, wins nothing.

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