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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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Exactly! What has hair/makeup done to her?

YES!!! We need Tracy's other son back!! They were the best mother/son pairing on GH or any other daytime show for that matter! Get him off B&B and back onto GH!

No because KS as Connie is perfect and IMO Connie is better than Kate

I miss the old Q's.....

And c'mon? You've gots to be kidding me? Brooke wouldn't even think twice about not giving her shares to AJ? Tracy is her grandmother,she's gotten to know her/like her better and Brooke was kind of like a young Tracy much like Lulu in 05-07ish

AWW YEAHH!! Word,Ned isn't all that but,he is wink.png

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Since I've heard so much buzz about the Emma vs. Britt scenes, I decided to look it up for myself and, well, I'm on Team Emma and Team Britt.

Emma telling Britt that she didn't like her was her channeling her inner Scorpio/Devane to a tee. If Ron is setting up an epic battle between her and her father's new girlfriend, I want her to embrace those genes hardcore so that I can be treated to scenes of her thwarting her evil wannabe stepmother with the God-given smarts that her mother and grandmother passed on down to her.

As much as Ron wants me to hate Britt for nearly bringing my beloved Robin's pride and joy to tears, I simply cannot do it because she amuses me. It's been so long since this show has had a unapologetically manipulative character who is self-aware enough to not justify herself to anyone that I can't get on the I Hate Britt bandwagon. Still not in the I Love Britt camp yet, but I hope that Ron allows her to stick around because she has the potential to be a love-to-hate character and I credit the actress for that.

On another note, does anyone know if the actress that plays Britt is of Cajun or Creole descent? I can hear a bit of a Southern accent in her voice in addition to her having a darker complexion and I'm pretty sure that she has a French last name (can't recall the spelling at the moment). My apologies in advance if my reasoning comes across as stereotyping...

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It's safe to come back in now. The Ned hate seems to have died down a bit.

VH, there is no epic battle between a 5 year old and a grown ass woman. Those scenes only served to once again to tell us how freaking wonderful that stupid geek is. !@#$%^&*] her! !@#$%^&*] Emma too! I'm sure FRon's intention was not for me to hate a 5 year old, but I do. Too bad Emma is not going to stay gone. I had hoped to see her again in about 14 years once she dried up and decided to stop hooking! Again, !@#$%^&*] Emma too!

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Such a shame that some cannot appreciate the awesomeness that is Nedley (who was as handsome as ever), especially since his return (which I hope Frank makes permanent) feels as if he's never left PC.

I'm not going to speak on Terrorsita 2.0 because I haven't gone out my way to see her scenes to compare them to Britt vs. Emma. All I saw from those Friday scenes was Britt telling that child that she was ready to go toe-to-toe with her and well, I simply couldn't bother to get upset about it (for any reason) because I thought it was amusing. Honestly, I'd still find it amusing if Terrorsita 2.0 wasn't a factor because I have a feeling that Britt would've been just as mean if she hadn't had to contend with her for Emma's approval/her father's affections.

I may tune into this storyline if I get treated to some Parent Trap style shenanigans between Britt and Emma.

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Trey's proven to be more viable in his 6-month stint that Krustina has in her entire SORASed existence. I keep hoping that Cartini learn from their OLTL mistakes (namely, not throwing away characters with potential/charisma while keeping characters that should've been tossed to the curb years ago), but they seem to want to repeat the same ones on this show.

Such a shame.

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