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GH: Discussion for the Month of January

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Yeah, I agree with you there. I was just addressing the idea that she was trying to pass those scenes (which were ugly and disturbing) off as sexytimes. I think she was just kissing up more than talking about the scene. She probably didn't even watch it.

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I haven't been reading spoilers so I was a little shocked at what happened w/Maxie. I was convinced she was going to have multiple babies sad.png How DISGUSTING this has all turned out. Spinelli was unbearable! (LOL at the new nicknames for him in here - I think I like toadface!).

I *love* the Actress playing Ellie and agree with others who say she has potential but not if she's in story w/Bradford Anderson!

About Ellie. What in the world was she doing waltzing in the middle of the street anyways? Was it really necessary for her to be doing that? She couldnt step to the side? A part of me was like "That's what you get little wonder girl" when she got ran over, because...yeah.

Dr. Britchbourne just gets worse. I find it interesting she seems to hate her job. If she doesn't have ulterior motives for being in town & lusting after Patrick, then wow.

KA/Starr this past week/every week rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif LMAO. What a joke!! GET OUT!

Liz & Johnny scene cool.png

I can't wait to see the dumbfounded looks on Carly & Spinelli's faces next week.

Wouldnt it have been better if the car crash brought back Kate in the aftermath? Just in time for her sons death so she could at least say goodbye. Damn I'm just so over Connie rolleyes.gif

It's really embarrassing how the Anna/Duke/Robert story hasn't been picked up on in over 3 weeks. Did Ron take a lil break so he could figure out what to do next?!

I so agree with this, Cat. For the longest time I've been wanting Olivia & Sonny to interact again. It makes no sense why they even stopped. There's so much potential in that relationship (not just romantic).

I wasn't a huge fan of Liv & Johnny Skidmarks but i actually wouldn't mind them trying their relationship out again. Could be good. I just really enjoy both actors and would love to see their characters salvaged somehow once things start to heal over for them.

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Agreed. I'm not overly offended by her tweet -- actors on all shows and movies do this kind of thing all the time.

I do remember when John Ingle died and GH actors were posting their tributes/condolences on Twitter, that KA posted something insensitive, though. Something along the lines of "Like, OMG! Why is everybody so sad and gloomy? Get over yourselves people." Correct me if I'm wrong. I remember being pissed about that.

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Just finished watching Friday's episode. I take that back. NOBODY should be pimping that icky love scene.

Starr getting mad at Johnny in the hospital was like watching a little Shih Tzu try to bite their owner.

shihtzu.jpg Arf!

Brandon Barash -- damn, boy, can you do no wrong? Not only does he look all... tousled and hot, but Johnny confronting Todd, ready to spill the beans? Oh yeah.

Connie: "Whatever you do, you have to SAVE THAT BOY." rolleyes.gif This actress can't even make an affecting death scene sound anything other than campy.

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Whew! Cat, you had me worried there for a second! There was no great acting and the Spixie "love scene" was disturbing! Maxie is a self loathing disgusting creature, and KS is lacking on so many levels. A capable actress would have us feeling for Maxie. I feel nothing, and when I see Spin, I feel less than nothing. There is nothing captivating about this story, and each character has you wondering "why"? They make no sense.

Johnny, he's always been sex on a stick, but that Back Street Boy haircut has to go! He also needs a new wardrobe. He wears that shirt too often and he has it in every color!

KA and her stupid mother? How many fingers am I holding up?

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I'm caught up and...

I truly hope that my Todd remains a pariah in PC for a while, as it makes zero sense that he's better regarded by the community than my AJ - even though he's done far worse. The same goes for Starr being upset at him because I definitely don't want to see a redux of her 'conflict' with Frodd (when she forgave him almost instantly after he pushed her down the stairs).

With all the talk about freeing Ellie from Jar Jar Binks, I would definitely be on board with pairing her with Hot Johnny. Not only does he have chemistry with everyone on the show, I think that they'd balance each other out nicely. A lovely bonus would be that Ellie has absolutely zero connection to Sonny.

Since I'm on the subject of Hot Johnny, I thought that those revelation scenes between him and Starr were lovely. While I definitely don't see any sensual or romantic chemistry between the two, I think that it'd be a shame if they never reconciled, IMO, Starr and Hot Johnny's big brother/little sister relationship has been the best part of her time here in PC.

I'd say that the Cole and Hope revelation was pitch perfect, but it was marred by the unnecessary presence of Eeyore and his Slagbeast of a mother - who, I repeat, have ZERO place in this storyline.

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Oh, I don't know! His hair was all messy and hanging over his forehead, and I was like damn.

Obviously I am biased because I just want to crawl all over him but BB must be one of the few actors on this show who has chemistry with everybody and everything. And different kinds of chemistry, too, not just romantic or sexual. Lisa LoCicero is another, as is Finola Hughes.

Yeah, I don't know what Eeyore was bleating about either.

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Michael has a right to be pissed with Johnny. Johnny set his father up for that crime, and once again, an opportunity was missed. Michael should have been beating the crap out of Johnny, but no, the bleached chihuahua had to "shine". We should have seen Starr go off (or the best KA could do) and Dante trying to calm the chaos. It was undercooked as usual! Not sure why level 2 frightens Ron so much!

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It's funny how Michael Quartermaine was blasted when he took Sonny to task for ruining my AJ's life and beating him up since 'this wasn't his first time at the rodeo', yet Eeyore has a right to be appalled (!) that Hot Johnny did what folks usually do to their enemies when presented with the opportunity? Double standards, I tell you...

If they had to include someone other than Dante the arresting cop in the Todd-Shorty-Hot Johnny confrontation scenes at the hospital, I'd have much rather that it'd have been Sam or even the Bipolar Banshee (as much as it pains me to say so) since they were actually affected by the baby switch that played a role in Cole and Hope dying. But, no, Ron just had to insert those two mother-and-son assh0les in the mix for no damn reason.

BB is the only reason why I've always liked Hot Johnny. A lesser actor would've signaled the character's demise a long time ago (since God knows the writing for him wasn't hitting on anything), but he brings the vulnerability and gray areas that I haven't seen in a Gummy-Bear-Mob-affiliated character since Zander Smith. One of my biggest gripes about the handling of his character (past and present) is that this show has never given him the platform to fully shine in the way that they did for MB during the height of my Sonny love in the mid-90s. He's proven time and time again that he's got the chops, so what gives?

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I want neither Michael nor his father beating the crap out of Johnny. Especially if it's like last time where he doesn't get to fight back.

No interest in this Trey is braindead crap. No one cared about Joe other than those who thought he looked good with Tracy. And this story was so badly developed I don't buy anyone giving a crap about him. We enver saw onscreen why they would.

BB needs a shave, to drop a few pounds cuz he's looking puffy, and a fresh haircut

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