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HOLIDAY MIRACLE: Prospect Park Back On Track To Revive AMC and OLTL

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I feel Agnesis legitimately consulting--she's on the payrole--but I agree she won't be HW even at first (I could see her helping with the set up though).

And yea--B&B (even if I largely hate the writing) has, what, four writers? I always laugh when I see the huge list of writers on the DAYS credits.

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That's Jamey's gossip. I don't fully buy it--the first actors approached for both shows have been far from young--and, like her or not, Starr is umm young (unless they're going for a soap focused on under 15 year olds)

Well it's filmed near where he lives--maybe he can pop in every so often... I just see JB as more of a longterm option and I admit I'll take Brooke anyway I can...

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Just to be clear, I've been in contact with ABC on this current matter and I'm still waiting for the official ABC comment. They just better not say "no comment" or else I'll be one angry bastard, although it does seem to be an actual comment at this rate. Will let you know.

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I will scream - I really will - if OLTL actually brings Billy Douglas back. I have wanted this for years and there is so much story to tell, especially with a strong Joey recast and if Wortham Krimmer agrees to make appearances as Andrew.

I don't think it will happen, but let me have that moment.

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Also, Erika Slezak has particular affection for the character of Joey. She said in an interview that she missed having a young man like him on the show who is sensitive, caring, and not all about the sly pop and snap of practically every new male character. SBH adores NF and is a Joey fan as well, so I could see them reviving the character in the vein of 1994 Joey.

And hey, why not bring back Billy AND Joey? They were best buds.

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