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I missed the first twenty minutes, so I can't judge the episode as a whole until I watch it in its entirety. What I did see seemed like sort of a mess, like the way The End of Time was a complete clusterfvck of a mess.

I did like that the Doctor spent what he thought were the last years of his last life holding the fort down in a small town on Trenzalore. Very in character for him.

Got a laugh when I realized both Matt and Karen were wearing wigs in those last minutes.

I really liked the regeneration. I watched it thinking that while Eleven has had his I AM BIGGER THAN EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE moments, this was so much more on the mark than Tennant's regeneration was. And I loved how he held it off long enough to say goodbye (as the Eleventh) to Clara and make a good point about regenerations being the way of things. And then he controlled himself enough to not almost take the TARDIS with him this time. Like, he gave himself the moment at the end and the goodbye, then got on with it.

I've seen some fanboys/fangirls complaining about Smith just snapping into Capaldi and I just have to wonder if they were paying attention at all during the Love From Gallifrey battle or while Eleven was preparing Clara for the change. The snap made perfect sense to me given the circumstances. The Doctor had regenerated before he even went back into the TARDIS, but he wanted one last moment with Clara.

I'll have better-informed opinions on the story and execution once I see the entire episode, but I spent a lot of time scratching my head wondering WTF story was Moffat trying to tell?

And I love Steven Moffat as only a fangirl can.

Edited by katie_9918
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That's a good question. I'm thinking it's a little bit of both.

I LOVED the whole thing from last season about how the Doctor kept coming back to Amy (holding onto her) because she was the first face his face saw (it certainly explained why the Tenth Doctor was so fixated on Rose that it literally handicapped his last two seasons) and then Moffat followed through on it with Karen Gillan's cameo. In a way, it did sort of synchronize perfectly with the Tenth Doctor choosing to visit Rose before she'd even met him right before his TARDIS-destroying regeneration and, again, explained exactly WHY Rose was so damned special when there were at least five or so Companions before Rose who did more for the Doctor than Rose ever did (not to mention my poor Martha, who was as selfless as Rose was completely selfish) and only got a hand-wavey "oh I visited them too, you just didn't see it" on the Sarah Jane Adventures.

I think the Doctor wanted to see Amy one last time and the TARDIS knew it and granted him that one last wish because he deserved it.

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Upon re-watch, I got a bit of an a-ha moment when Eleven started talking about how one minute we're here and the next we're gone "like breath on a mirror." It's like they were telling us outright how quickly it would happen. But like Clara, the audience was still in the process of saying goodbye.

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That article is written from the point of view of an American reared entirely on contemporary American genre shows with no sense of DW before 2005. It would be quaint if I hadn't seen that article at least twenty times from other people in the last four years, all of which amount to the same complaints once leveled at RTD and all of which approach DW as though it is a static show in the mold of a seven-season American primetime genre show with a set premise and rules.

His claims about the show's ratings and popularity are also utterly contrary to the actual numbers and facts - the show is more popular than ever. This guy is a vapid tourist.

Edited by Vee
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Watching the End of Time right now and just remembering that I THOUGHT we were going to be okay, but had no idea the great ride we were in for with the Eleventh Doctor.

I sighed nostalgically with the rewatch of Parting of The Ways.

I want to go straight into The Eleventh Hour with The End Of Time.

Hell, it's New Years. Why not?

Edited by katie_9918
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I finally watched TOTD. It got reviews that ranged from the sublime to the condemning, so I wasn't sure what to expect. But I think that's the best regeneration story since The Caves of Androzani, and probably one of the best, period. Really excellent, and unlike some past series finales of DW it wasn't kind of hollow in its cause and effects, drama-wise. I can understand why people felt it was overstuffed - it could easily have been a two-parter, but I thought it was easily the equal of Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, if not better, and certainly far better than The End of Time, which I am more charitable about than I used to be these days.

Really a fantastic story, all around. Matt Smith's era could've used another couple years for me, but he had a solid run and one of the best final stories in DW history, IMO. Jenna Coleman's Clara is a standard companion at the moment, yes, but she did so well with what they gave her. Orla Brady was great, and the final reverie with Amy/Amelia - that was beautiful, and a major callback to Androzani, where the Doctor remembers all his recent companions, particularly the dead Adric. Just such an incredible moment.

Really wonderful stuff, and it also closed the book on the fun but byzantine Eleventh Doctor mythology. And it must be said that Eleven's final scene was far more dignified - and mature - than Ten's, about the process of changing. It was also a metacommentary on the show.

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That just proves that whoever did that poll doesn't have the first clue as to why Who didn't die when Hartnell stepped down.

So it's pretty much worthless, if they're trying to claim that Matt was some kind of failure based on one Internet poll.

Tennant may have jump-started Who's public face in the US, but Smith skyrocketed it to the level of Star Trek and Star Wars. May not mean much in the UK, but Trek and Wars are the stick to measure all other Sci-Fi here against here, as far as I know.

Edited by katie_9918
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