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Y&R: MAB OUT! Hamner OUT! JFP IN! Griffith IN! Sheffer UNKNOWN!

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Linda Dano is a lovely woman and a truly good woman. She is also one of the biggest FOJ's in the world. She might be THE biggest FOJ. And the thing is...Linda is a wonderful actress...most FOJ's are good actors. It's always got me thinking that JFP might be onto something with her FOJ's...

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Exactly. She said we MAY need to pull out all the stops. She's being cautious as she would with any regime change, just like all the other actors. If Sony or JFP had already given her reason to worry, she wouldn't be so subtle about it.

Sigh. Sometimes I think people just want to assume the worst.

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I think people are reading too much into it and I think the actors are a little too quick to panic and cheer. Her next tweet was basically her saying, "there's been a regime change so who knows, anything can happen" which is fine and true. I understand her being cautious. Plus she just got back from a 2 week vacation so she probably didn't know what the hell was going on.

But Kristoff with his "All the black people are going to die!" retweets and Sharon Case and her "Ding dong Maria's gone, the real Sharon will be back" retweets is a little much. Plus anytime any castmember tweets or retweets anything the message boards jump to "OMG they gonna kill Nikki, OMG all the black people are going to disappear, OMG they're going to turn Y&R into the new Dallas reboot"

We really don't even know how the Bells will be involved with the show from here on, how much power Sony will have, etc. and the actors didn't even work today and probably won't meet Jill or find out more for weeks so yeah, it's a tad much to me.

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I wouldn't be surprised if anything happens. I just think overanalyzing tweets and Facebook messages for info about what will happen with the new regime change when they haven't even started is kinda useless. I think you can get a good idea of how some actor's felt about MAB's writing from Twitter, but they really have no clue at this point what JFP or Sony plans to do (I doubt JFP and Sony even know yet).

Some Michael Muhney fans have already decided that because he's been silent on Twitter about it, he's getting fired. What? Social networking - a gift and a curse.

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See, I tend to believe that viewer negativity is a big part of the reason this genre is dying and that these shows would have more of a fighting chance if fans were more supportive. When the show screws up, TPTB should be held accountable, absolutely. But it's as if people are thinking "gee... what's the worst thing that could possibly happen to this show?... OMG, that's totally going to happen!!!" All rationality is shot to hell.

I don't think Y&R is anywhere near beyond repair and the "cancel it now" comments are particularly unhelpful. MAB has done tremendous damage, absolutely, but all the important elements and cast members are still there. Josh Griffith restored Y&R after LML and I believe he can do the same again.

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Can someone on this board direct me to the tweets where Sharon Case celebrates MAB's firing? Because, unless I'm looking at the wrong account, all I'm seeing is a bunch of tweets hawking some crap jewelry. LOL!

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Does anyone know exactly what position William Bell Jr. holds now (Maria's hubby)?

Also are Ed Scott and Josh Griffith still good friends? Why can't Y&R get Ed back and give JFP to B&B lol. And why, during all of these damn EP changes on various shows, didn't anyone call Francesca James? I think she's always been very talented.

I'd like to see Kay Alden or Jack Smithback on the writing team with Griffith.

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