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Love and Hip Hop Thread


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Because even though IDC about all the HWs, those heffas are all smart and realize their worth. These tricks don't, yet do twice as much for nothing. That's why I shake my head at them when they be fighting. Only way I'm gonna be acting a damn fool on a reality show is if I'm making Nene type money -- 1 million +/ per season.

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Exactly. You see NeNe, Lisa, Teresa, etc. on Good Morning America and CNN because most of them are business women who know this wont last forever and are trying to make money. These women on VH1 are just looking for twitter followers and probably never even finished high school lol... it's amazing how VH1/Mona/Shaunie O'Neal pimp these people out and they don't even know it.


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LOL sick burn but on some level I feel as if some of them DO know about it i.e Evelyn tragic ass but she's too stupid and has her head so far up Shaunie's ass to care. They know this is a paycheck and definitely don't want to see it stop because it'll make them become irrelevent once again and their "15 minutes" will be up.

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Mimi has a new man (he's no looker IMO but hopefully he treats her better than Steebie)


& for the Jos lovers she (along with Steebie & Diamond) did Black Men Magazine [so damn proud of her keeping up with that weave, it has done glorious wonders!]


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Tahiry: "Most of you may know me as being Joe Budden's gf" No ho! Never heard of you. Bitch flipping a table. Who she think she is? Karlie Redd? I dont get the issues with her and Joe. They are not together. They have no kids, so why do they even need to interact? And who does she think she is? Chrissy and Joe is kinda like her Jim? I dont get why she's acting a damn fool. Team Raqi

Joe's good looking but man that beard bothers the heck out of me. He needs to get a trim. Oh and his 27th birthday? Who the hell is he fooling?


Yandy has the ugliest outfits in her talking heads. I would have hoped she'd have upgraded from last season, but this season is equally bad. Hopefully once she pops that kid out, she gets a better one. Whoops looks like she already had the baby

Olivia and a new album? Girl, I like you but it just aint happening. Maybe she needs to rethink her strategy. She needs a new manager bc while Rich may beleive in her, it just aint working. She also may consider the fact that she just isnt meant to be a solo artist. She'd probably do better in a group. She should have done that years ago bc she's getting to the point where she's too old and still hasnt established herself

Rashidah? We already got one. Not interested in you, looking like the daughter of the Buckwild neighbor


OMG, WAY TOO many new chicks. Its like Mona just kept throwing numbers at the table, hoping to get something popping. Wow, I just noticed Olivia's shot isnt even from the same photoshoot



LOL! Pizazz slapped her on the way out

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just saw the episode. Bitch needs to get her ass kicked

Why whould VH1 do a special for ATL if that season is nowhere in sight? Seems odd that they had that prior to NY, when NY is the one they should have been promoting. Just made people more eager to see ATL back instead

Speaking of which, Mimi aint gonna be too happy about this...lol



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LOL Cheap, Mimi said she's done and hopefully she is. I'll believe it when we see it. I posted links above of her with her new man and if anything Stevie ain't like THAT based on her interview saying that he has issues with her when she drops of their daughter and doesn't have face time with him.

I hope she truly is done and gets a man that loves her and only her (and her little cutie daughter too since they're a package).

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Erica is a bottom of the barrel bitch. No class or control whatsoever! She goes off on that girl in the beginning of episode and then acts like she is soooo real and down for Rich bc she walked out of a picture with Somaya and Olivia didn't? I usually don't like her but I was Team Liv! There are times and places for everything and all Olivia did was take a picture they ain't BFF! Then Erica tries to go in on her at Yandy's event and tells Yandy to leave her own event if she doesn't like it? WOW.

I was LMAO when Erica said Yandy looked stupid and both Yandy and Olivia bust out laughing bc in reality Erica was the one looking stupid

I'm so bored by Joe Budden and his hoes. Fast forwarded all that sh-t.

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The ratings for the show fell below 2 million, which never happened last season.Also, Why in the hell is Rashidah on this show? She is soooo boring and seems to have no connection to hip hop other than being Tahiry's go to girl. NEXT!

Lord, I need Joseline Hernandez.

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I HATE Erica! I thought that with Kimbella gone that Erica would have calmed down but she is popping off at every chick in every episode. I loved Yandy checking her and telling her to get the F out. Erica is on some Evelyn Lozada type bullsh-t


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and telling L'orel that she was giving her life? Who the F is Erica Mena?




God, I want someone to deck her




I love Raqi. She's the best new addition since season 1

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