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GH: Alternative

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Nowhere which is the problem with the writing for Liz. They seem to just half ass things with her. She and Keenan feel like such filler material especially since there ison investment there and little progress gets made. They have no story together but just have scenes. Romance? What romance? So much more could and should have been done here but it's been a dud. She had more to do when Maxie was fighting her over Matt
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But we are speaking of kids those ages in an outdoor environment carelessly paying attention to the road. This was a toddler who was supposed to be in a secure environment during the night. Liz doesn't have to be a watchdog but she should have made sure the door was locked and the kids were actually asleep before she zoned off, a mother's job is never done and yes she is partially responsible for her son walking out of her house in the middle of the night into the street and being hit by a car.

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I think the problem with Liz's character is she's part of an era long gone by. It's kind of why Robin and Patrick dont really fit anymore. Characters like that require strong relationships on canvas to maintain them because they are not snarky or in your face or wacky or mentally challenged characters and GH doesn't and hasn't told those kind of stories in a long time. The important and key relationships Liz had were either destroyed or removed from the canvas. Liz was primarily written as a doormat these last few years for a trail of men to impregnate and walk away while they walked back to their real relationships or realized she wasn't it for them. You can only tell that story so many times before it becomes uninteresting. I don't think her type of character particularly interests Carlivati unless he decides to pair her with Sonny.

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So did I which was why my mom put a chain lock on the door that I couldn't reach. Kids will do that is not the question it is up to the adult to provide measures that make sure that it cannot be accomplished which is why parents childproof their homes.

Jake getting hit was an tragic accident but it could have been prevented not by the driver having been sober but if he never was able to leave his home unnoticed.

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Agreed Liz's problems are rooted in her relationship with men and her having children by them. Strong single mothers raising their children and juggle their jobs and other problems are no longer a fixture.

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You make a lot of good points. Too bad she has no family outside of Steve. All her friends from her teen years are gone in particular Emily and she and Lucky have been tarnished. The only real strong connection she has left on the canvas is Jason and that nearly destroyed her
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Can y'all get the hell out of there with this conversation? I mean, seriously? Do we really need to go over again the whole Liz and Jake the Pothole story? We did this last month. It got nowhere. What goddamn point is there in having the same discussion about a story -- written as a stunt -- that is over and done with for over a year?

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The discussion last month was most enlightening. It was the first time I realized that when someone has children, she isn't allowed to pee or even turn her back to cook or wash dishes because that is negligence.

The truth is that Jake had to be killed so Sam could have Jason Morgan's golden child with smooth sailing. Too bad nobody cares.

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Did we not start the alternative thread to get away from these pointless discussions that fucked up the regular thread constantly?

I find some of the ignorance in this thread appalling. NO mother can watch their child 24/7. It isn't possible. Every single child on the face of the planet has, at some point or another, gotten away from their mothers attention and done something they weren't supposed to. Does that make it the mothers fault? Absolutely not. It wasn't even as if Jake ran outside and Liz didn't notice for hours. She noticed almost instantly, ran to the door screaming, and SAW him get hit by the car. It was NOT negligence - it was her being a HUMAN. No mother, no matter what they claim, can watch their children 24/7. And saying it's her fault Jake is dead is THOROUGHLY ignorant.

Only on General Hospital would the grieving mother get blamed for the child's death, while the drunk driver gets a free pass and a pat on the back.

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