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GH: triangle in the works

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Lord in the morning... Anna needs a hot, young, vibrant male. Yes I'm going to go there -- like Patrick. Or perhaps somebody less boring. But whatever. She needs a hot young buck. Not Peepaw McRoadkill.

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I was under the impression that you were referring to the current regime, which hasn't shown any indication of Tracy being Luke's seconds since she is no longer his wife or woman.

From what I read, she was forced to sit on the sidelines while Edward tried to groom Eeyore (with Jasus' permission, of course) to take over ELQ. I'd hardly call that 'having her own storyline'.

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From what you've read. She actually was utilized in a meaningful capacity and was given ALOT more to do under GW than RC so far. More so than Guza in his last years as she only existed to give Luke something to do when AG was on the show

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That really wasn't how it happened. Michael left ELQ shortly after GW's content started airing (this is, in part, maybe why the Q revival was dropped LOL), it was his stupid girlfriend, Abby, who stuck around there. Edward got very little airtime through this story under Guza and Wolf. The meat of it was Skye's return and her deal with Anthony to sell out Tracy in exchange for major cash (this part sucked, as I don't think Skye would've done that to ELQ and Edward very bizarrely was OK with it all). It involved Tracy's stint on "The City" and the fact that she saved ELQ with mob money that she stole from the Soleito family. Once Skye rather abruptly left, the story became an afterthought.

Speaking of Michael, GW actually had him interact with the Qs on a regular enough basis, though there was SO much untapped potential there.

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So, should we be happy that Anna has all but disowned her grieving grandchild so she can woodenly stare at deadbeats Luke and McBain? I don't consider that a story, and I don't care about seeing Luke in any romance, especially not with a woman who once had a backbone.

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I'm actually kind of interested in seeing Anna and Luke together, both because I do see something there (in spite of knowing better regarding Luke), and also because I hope it means Robert will come back and lose his crap over seeing them together and try to get Anna back once and for all (because that's just how I roll).

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They didn't meet until 2006, but I think the real reason most are against it is because:

1. Robert and Luke already have Holly in common. Do they really need to have Anna in common, too?

2. Luke hasn't told Anna that he sent Robert away to chase after Ethan--telling him he's his son instead of Luke's--which meant he missed Robin's funeral. If Robert and/or Anna found that out, I don't see things ending well for Luke.

Honestly, without those two factors/the current flaws in both Luke & Anna's characters, this actually sounds like a great idea--a triangle made up entirely of mature, older characters (no disrespect towards Jane or Fin--both look great!).

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You know, the triangle I think I would be most interested in seeing for Anna would be one with Luke and Mac. I know, two brothers sharing the same woman, but once again, Robert's head would explode! And really, I generally think Man/Woman/Man triangles are better than Woman/Man/Woman triangles.

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