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Soap questions you want to ask but havent

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Her father Jeff (Richard Dean Anderson) was there before she was, but not since. It is pretty strange. All she had was her grandmother and now her children.

ETA: I forgot her lame brother Stephen. First he was brought on to hump Cujo. This time around all he does is hump Holivia. Some brother he is.

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How did Luna get her radio show? Did she even have any experience in broadcasting before that? I know she had a New Age store in Memphis (which helps explain how she got Serenity Springs started), but she was a waitress at Wanda's before she got the Loveline.

Seeing the question about Frankie above this, I've often wondered if Luna was actually somewhat based on Frankie, as they both held New Age beliefs.

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God only knows what he would have done to Bob Hughes (or Hal, or even John), had he stayed. LOL...luckily for us, most of Oakdale's fathers didn't raise their children---a lot just showed up on their doorstep fully grown.

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How did Janet ever find the well she trapped Natalie in? Did they ever explain that? I like details, and it's odd Janet would know of that well - especially considering it's on the outskirts of PV and on private property (Wildwind). Janet isn't even from the PV area (originally), so....

Was she just wandering around Dimitri's property one day, discovered the well, and thought, "Hey! This would be a great place to trap Nattie!" Whaaa?

I was watching an episode after Dimitri rescues Natalie; she's all paranoid and delirious, thinking that Dimitri is in cahoots with Janet... because "How the hell did Janet know about the well?!"

Dimitri tells her that he has no idea how she found out about it. So how did she?

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