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Historical Inaccuracies

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I think they implied that Willis and Gwen had done a lot to raise him. It was all kind of a mess. Dorothy Lyman was bewildered about the writing for Gwen, and I think they just wanted to make her seem like Opal (a homicidal Opal, anyway).

On GL, when they rewrote Amanda's paternity for no apparent reason, saying that Brandon Spaulding was her father and Alan was her brother, some fans were annoyed because the name given for mother on the birth certificate was Jennifer, when she was actually named Jane Marie Stafford at that time, and not Jennifer until some years later.

On ATWT, when they decided to inexplicably give Lucinda and James Stenbeck a child, the characters referenced a long ago affair, totally ignoring the fact that James and Lucinda met onscreen for the very first time, in 1986, and Lucinda talked about wanting to know more about him, digging up dirt on him, etc.

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On AW when they celebrated the 25th,it was played on air as Cory Publishing's 25th.Photos of Brava magazine covers were shown as a backdrop,detailing big events of those years eg moon landing in 1969.

However,Brava was started onscreen in 1980/81 by Pat Randolph as a magazine for working women.

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ATWT infamously switched around the birth order of Jack and Brad Snyder, making younger brother Jack the "older" one to accomodate both Austin Peck's physique and less-than-serious on-screen gravitas. They completely threw out ALL of Brad's previous history (it seemed) because Peck arugably "looked younger" than Park. The fact that his story usually blew chunks and only compounded Peck's shortcomings was (IMO) kind of karmic retribution for our shallow and grandiose IIC.

I'm sure there were lots of continuity errors I can't recall, but missing/forgotten children always bothered me the most, I'm sure.

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ATWT's Lucinda said, "I have 2... no 3 daughters" during the Sheffer reign. This was an ad lib by Liz Hubbard to make up for the inaccurate script.

I'm not a Sheffer fan, but I don't blame him for this. Somebody should have told him, plenty of his staff had been with the show long enough to know its history intimately. His only knowledge of ATWT came from watching the show during Laiman.

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AMC: Un-doing Erica's abortion AND her reasons for it. Nevermind that the idea of an embryo transplant that could be performed in an outpatient first trimester abortion setting WITHOUT the patient knowing about it in 1973 was so utterly unbelievable. Oh, and the doctor's "skills" sucked because Erica ended up in the hospital with an infection from that abortion too - it's how Jeff found out she'd been pregnant. When it happened, Erica had an abortion because she didn't want a baby, period. She wanted a career and fame. Then suddenly in 2006 it was that she was so traumatized from having Kendall at 14 after her rape that she couldn't bear to have another baby... which is all well and good except that Erica got pregnant by Phil Brent two years after the abortion/unabortion and was so devastated by the subsequent miscarriage that she needed professional mental help. :/

In 1999 Erica told David that Bianca had never really accepted her relationship with Bianca's Uncle Jack... when a year and a half earlier Bianca played a role in getting Erica to the Crystal Ball with Jack and was happy they were engaged. Although I'm willing to pretend that may have been Erica playing loose with the truth.

Mike Roy died in Erica's arms but was revealed to be alive more than a decade later. The same is true for Jesse Hubbard, whose organs were supposedly donated. We saw Dixie as an angel countless times but both times she was revealed to be alive. The most recent Angel Dixie was when Palmer Cortlandt died, and Dixie was shown welcoming him to Heaven... but really she was apparently in David's Project Orpheus lab somewhere? So... does that mean David has Palmer stashed somewhere too? Maybe Palmer was the mysterious second patient!

In 2002 or so Chris Stamp was talking to DA Jackson Montgomery about the possibility of filing some sort of lawsuit against Erica's father because of her rape... and Jack didn't immediately shoot down the idea. Let's see... it was a crime that happened in 1968 or 1969 in California. The criminal is dead and has been for more than a decade, and at that point in the show, Erica had told NO ONE that her father traded her to Richard Fields to make a movie... at that point Chris and Jack both thought that Eric Kane had simply forgotten about Erica and Richard showing up was just a horrible coincidence. Chris was supposed to be both a licensed attorney AND an FBI agent, and Jack was the DA, and they were honestly discussing legal options? The absurdity of that entire conversation just blew my mind.

David seemed to specialize in just about every field of medicine possible. He was supposed to be a young and brilliant cardiologist (who was aged a bit to be with Erica and then aged again to be Babe's father), but then suddenly he was heading a foundation for rare diseases and doing stem cell therapy on someone with a brain disease, then he was working on sex drugs, then he was back to doing heart transplants, then he was doing a rape exam on Bianca and treating her pregnancy, then he was doing vague and somewhat nefarious stem cell therapy research/treatment that also apparently included cancer patients. It got to be really ridiculous after a while. I wouldn't have minded if they'd had him as just a doctor in the way that Jake,Cara and Angie didn't seem to have a particular specialty, but they spent so much time talking about David the brilliant cardiologist, David who could operate on Erica's heart in a crashed car in a snowstorm and save her life... and then to have been an expert in everything was just sloppy writing.

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Gail was a foster mother to Monica during Monica's orphanage days (in St. Louis, according to an old scene I saw on YT before). And Gail THOUGHT Monica had slept with her boyfriend--he actually raped her. Monica confided this to Laura after she (Laura) was raped by Luke.

What I find weird is this scene from 1979/1980ish, when it seems implied that Alan raped Monica.

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It's entirely possible that she got him to stop before he went too far, but the scene leaves you wondering--and from what I understand, it was never even mentioned again.

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In 1989, when Sierra was presumed dead in Montega, Lucinda went into freedom fighter mode and tore through the country to try to find Sierra. She didn't, but she did help save Bianca, whose family had been killed by the evil regime. She adopted Bianca, and Bianca was a part of her life until about 1993 or 1994, when ATWT started jettisoning some players who were seen as not important. Bianca left to be a translator at the UN, and was never really mentioned again. At least Liz remembered her!

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I know a good one from AMC....they always made it seem i(n later years) that Adam had so deviously seduced a poor, innocent Dixie and gotten the poor country bumpkin pregnant. HOWEVAH! If you watch the original story on YouTube she isn't so innocent and actually really wants Adam. She was a little schemer. Not like she was an Erica Kane-like bitch or anything, but she definitely knew what she wanted and wasn't so innocent.

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God yes! Dixie constantly went after whatever she wanted, but she got to play the innocent victim in everything, whether it was Adam, David, or Zach. The worst to me was that she gave away her own child, a child she supposedly loved and wanted more than anything else in the world, and then rather than fess up to it and perhaps use the fact that TAD had never consented to an adoption to try to immediately overturn it, she faked her own death and let her own son and the man who was supposedly the love of her life believe she was dead for FOUR YEARS. And yet somehow she was the VICTIM in all this? Somehow it's all Adam's fault that JR was effed up? Gee, I don't know, if my mom gave away my sister and then let me believe she was dead for four years, that would seriously screw me up too. angry.png

I hate Dixie in so many, many ways, and it pissed me off that they kept bringing her back from the dead.

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OLTL in its last years just blithely rewrote history, and if viewers disagreed, then the most they could expect was a "cute" reference to it on the show. Examples include Todd and Tea's insta-daughter, Danielle, being several years older than a brother who was born over a year before her. Ignoring history that had taken place only about five minutes beforehand, OLTL claimed that Natalie had cheated on John while they were engaged, even though they were actually split up and she had no reason to believe they were getting back together, much less getting engaged. They also rewrote Ford raping Jessica out of love about 3 times, going from a scene where she was clearly in an alter personality, and when she realized what was happening, ran out of the room, to claiming that Jessica knew exactly what was happening, and that Ford had asked her dozens of times whether or not she wanted to have sex.

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On ATWT, the regimes honored both Tom and Margo's and Kim and Bob's anniversaries in real time, and ignored the fact they now had children obviously older than the marriages. Kim and Bob celebrated 25 years, with a 35 yr old Chris.

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