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B&B: Celebrating 25 years of dropped stories and characters

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Few soaps have deep-sixed as many plots or characters as this one. Of course dumped can have a different connotation for each person - would you count Whip as a dropped character, or did he serve his purpose? What about Sydney Penny, whose most famous moment was weeping over a dead dog? What about that confusing return for Morgan when Ridge had amnesia?

If those still don't qualify as dropped, then why don't you make a list of dropped stories or characters who stood out for you (in a good or bad way).

I'll start.

Remember Taylor's stalker, back in 1995? Russell Todd was heavily implied to be this man and then he vanished, never to be mentioned again.

Remember Pierce Pierson, the hypnotist in love with Taylor, and his campy, Ridge-lusting assistant Paul Williams?

How about bringing back Joanna Johnson and having Taylor's ex groom her to be a big part of RIdge's life, only for the story to disappear in a few weeks?

Remember that Matthew Cowles (Billy Clyde Tuggle on AMC) character in 1998 or so? I can't even remember what he actually did.

Remember when Matt Borelgnhi showed up and Sheila had him stung by bees, or something?

Remember Kristen's HIV-positive husband and child? Um...remember Kristen?

Did Dr. Tim Reid show up to replay the Phyllis story with Morgan, or is that just a fanfic I read?

Remember when Ramona from Y&R menaced Amber and fell off a roof after about a week?

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Great topic Carl! Bradley must change his clothes at least twelve times a day before going out,.

Remember when Eric was suppose to have a Lolita type-story with Catlin Ramirez?

Remember when Thomas' gf/wife Gabby was suppose to have been presumed dead and come back disfigured to stalk Taylor as revenge trying to get rid of her?

Remember when they said they were going to cast John O'Hurley in a cameo role as Eric's brother ie Maggie's ex and Jessica's dad?

Remember when they wanted to have Larry Hagman and Linda Gray share scenes with each other?

Remember when in early 2004 Brad Bell announced that the Forresters were to be phased out in favor of Sydney Penney's family?

Does anyone remember Lauren's exit with Johnny/Rush or who ever it was?

Whatever happened to Connor Davis?

Remember how Massimo had a nephew named Ozzy and tried to romance Bridget and Amber?

Remember Massimo???

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Can you find that announcement please, I'd love to read it.

Rush kidnapped Johnny and took his place, and then he died in a fight with Johnny; Johnny then vanished after the funeral.

Remember all the time taken to get Lauren Koslow to do one scene, only for her son on the show to have little to no purpose beyond a few months with Bridget, and helping Stephanie in one of her cons?

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I'll have to dig deep for that one but I'm sure I can find it. If I recall right it was late 2003 or early 2004 right around the same time B&B found itself in a really, really, really awkward phase.

As for Koslow it was part of a bargain which Corday wanted to use Mascolo for as Stefano. But Corday never, ever used his end of the deal and we didn't see Mascolo again until 2007 long after he fled the coop at B&B after that strange story which Massimo had a change of heart over an environmentalist's PSA. I've long believed that Brad and Ken are drinking buddies.

Remember when Christopher Cazenove and Stephanie Beachum became the official spokespeople for Spectra?

Remember when there was a Taylor replacement character named Dr. Tricia Quick whom both Ridge and Thorne fell for?

Remember Dante?

Remember Mario Lopez's character?

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LOL at this thread title. For a long time I found this to be a charming but annoying quirk about B&B. I think a few years back the show finally ran out of gas though and it became clear that all the years of Brad Bell's short attention span had left the show without a new generation to take over.

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Tricia Quick? Really? I didn't know that. Who played her? Any scenes of her?

I'd forgotten about the CC and SB appearances (RIP CC :( ).

Dante - he seemed to have some potential, at least with Felicia.

Remember when Taylor and Eric were in love, but she quickly ended the relationship so as not to hurt Stephanie? Looking back I wonder if Brad was doing that to show that Taylor was purer than Brooke. It just seemed forced.

Remember when, about 10 years ago or so, Eric out of the blue decided he was still in love with Brooke, and began chasing her?

Remember when Stephanie and James, out of the blue, fell in love?

Remember when Bridget was suddenly revealed to be Eric's daughter, through switched paternity tests, and we never knew who had switched them?

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Remember that slightly creepy photographer who always seemed to be on the verge of a story with Macy or Kimberly, and then vanished?

Remember when Kimberly went bad for about a month before leaving town with her father, never to be mentioned again?

Remember Taylor's brother?

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those two were never in love. Talk about overexageration. It ended as soon as it started and amounted to one kiss and a mutual attraction which didnt materialize into much. No love or even dating for that matter

Tricia Quick was played by PC star, Tamra Davies. I think thats how you spell her name. She was one of the angels

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The only reason it stopped was because Taylor didn't want to hurt Stephanie. At the time I think it was suggested there would have been a strong bond between them.

I remember that woman on PC. At the time her acting was very badly panned. I didn't think she was quite as bad as some fans said, but I am surprised another soap hired her.

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that doestn equate love

She only lasted a couple of months on this show and was highly forgettable so that should tell you how much the show thought of her hire. The character was awful. Bell killed off Taylor bc he didnt want to compromise her integrity as his father envisioned the character and then brought her on almostimmediately as "edgy" Taylor. TD darkened her hair to look like HT and cameon as a shrink to console Ridge (much like Taylor had with Caroline). She was supposed to be in a triangle with he and Thorne but Macy came back not long after and Ridge was thrown between Brooke and Bridget. Tricia pretty much came DOA. The only memorable thing about her that comes to mind was her spaghetti sauce encounter wiith Brooke

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I TOTALLY remember that. I was 12 years old (2001) when I was watching that storyline! Little Steffy was presumed dead after going overboard on a boat--Morgan kidnapped her and dyed her blonde (!) hair red, Taylor eventually found her and was held captive herself, and Tim Reid helped out and had two guard dogs--Phyllis (laugh.png ) and Spike.

I'll always remember Ridge rescuing Taylor & Steffy by driving his SVU/minivan (I think minivan) through the front gate of the house laugh.png .

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I vaguely remember Tricia Quick. What a weird name. I barely watch this ridiculous show but when I do, I am always entertained by the howlers of dialogue and story, and acting, every time I tune in. It bears no resemblance to any quantifiable human reality. I have no idea how people like Patrick Mulcahey have written for B&B for years and waxed rhapsodic about its wonderful "layers". I also love reading the recaps of all the insane storylines they start and drop. Or the stunts, like when Sheila or whoever had Ridge and Brooke's little twins eaten by sharks. Sharks! Who can take that seriously?

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