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GH: Discussion for the Month of March

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In terms of not telling Jason about Robin's death immediately after he came out of surgery? Yes. God yes. I don't understand why everyone on this show is acting as if it's so unforgivable and improbable that Sam wouldn't tell him about what happened concerning Robin when he is supposed to be in bed right now and not up and moving around after having extensive brain surgery. mellow.png

There is nothing bitchy about that motivation at all.

I don't know about fire, I always felt that Monaco played Sam more as a stressed good girl more then an outright bitch. She reminds me of a more flawed version of Courtney who is constantly bashed for their sacred three. But that being said I don't really see the Sam character as someone who is consistently devious or mean spirited. She's just heavily Jason centric to the point of desperation. They will change her character based on what they see fit for his character. They made her an evil bitch of the west only to prop up another failed attempt at Laison and since that event she has more or less been the same character she always has been - Jason's action girlfriend. It's one dimensional but that is her purpose she supports him no matter what.

That being said there is a sort of sensual intimacy with her and ME that I've never seen her have with anyone else on this show. GV and KeMo spilled sex all over the screen but it always felt more primal then anything else. Once they actually became a full relationship they seemed to lose steam. KeMo's scenes with ME seemed more romantic and emotionally intimate rather then sexy persay, it seemed to me she was playing a variant of Livvie when she was at her more vulnerable states. Skipping to the bottom line: yes there was more of a connection between her and ME then I ever saw between her and Burton (or anyone with Burton in the last decade to be honest).

KeMo is too good for Burton and the entire Jarson (Jason/Carly/Sonny) clan.

There was more engagement. Even in her brief scenes with Easton there also appears to be more layers to Sam then what was presented under Guza. Sam to me appeared to be softer and more vulnerable here then I have seen in awhile. KeMo is a low key actress but I definitely think you could tell a difference in the quality of her performance as Livvie compared to her performances as Sam.

There short scenes were probably one of the best things I've seen on PC the past two weeks.

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To be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what any of these "returns" have been for. They stories are still revolving around the same people. Such obvious points of connection have been missed (ie. Robert and Holly staying one more week for Robin's funeral). There isn't any real flow. JaSam are still getting more time than anyone else - at least that's what it seems the occasional times I tune in now.

GH does have a rich history, but the mining of that history is being botched. Not that I like Monica, but given Anna and Monica have a real past and shared loss, AND that Robin died helping Jason, that is the natural place of comfort. Luke was Robert's friend, and was only Anna's drinking buddy. The reference to the swing was the only thing they actually shared, and that was when Anna was having an uncharacteristically challenging time accepting that she was to become a grandmother. Outside of people in common, Luke and Anna don't have a connection. And then the references to Tracy and Duke today? Really? Anna was there when Tracy found out that Paul was using her, making Anna one of the few characters who can remember how deeply feeling Tracy really is. And the slight about what Anna was thinking when she married Duke? A mob boss? I actually felt bad for fans of that couple - Duke was out of the mob and trying to destroy it, and their relationship was beautiful.

I hate it when these writers get caught up in their own brilliance and "respect history". They usually don't and just think they can outsmart the viewers.

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<p>The problem with LuSam is they weren't ever given a chance. Not long into it they had Lucky obsessing about Liz again and didn't take the opportunity presented to them with LuSam to both break Sam away from CarSaSon and Lucky away from Liz. If the writers had been interested in Lucky at all, they could easily have make him more interesting and action focused (he was a Spencer and police; in most worlds that should have been enough to get him moving). But alas, Lucky played by GV had to be treated poorly.</p>

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<p>I often think in a parallel universe GV's Lucky could have outplayed Jason without a problem. He was the better looking and sexier of the two, and could emote. He also had serious chemistry with every woman and every child that was in the room. I used to love the times when Tracy and GV's Lucky were together because the inappropriate chemistry was palpable. I'm just enough of a conspiracy theorist to think this is the real reason GV never had the chance - he would unseat SB in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.</p>

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<p>She's one more who has been sacrificed on the alter of CarSaSon - but she's still standing, which says something considering all those who have gone before.</p>

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It always feels like lip service - hey, these geniuses truly care about fans because they bring people back. As long as they return under Guza's rewrites then it doesn't work. RC seems to just take the worst of Guza and not a lot else.

I wonder if RC or FV ever even saw Duke.

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Writers are the ones killing soaps. It's rather disappointing but predictable seeing fans online get so excited for these returns and their willingness to believe it will be like "before" (which is subjective for everyone and their preferences), and then the character shows with great disappointment and questionable links to their own history. How many times have we seen this? At least with Guza, like it or not, he had a vision of who these characters were as they aged gracelessly. Most fans didn't like it but I could usually see where he was going with it. RC however, seems to be throwing everything in the air and expecting "chopped salad" writing to present itself as soufflé.

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RC is only bringing in the vets to distract the viewers from the OLTL presence. He knows nothing about the vets' history, and has thus far written them poorly. Not sure why Tristan Rogers didn't bring a gun to set on his last day and shoot the place up! Robert's time and exit was what bad horror movies are made of. He damn near skipped out of town and sent a note? That was beyond heinous!

Never thought I'd wish Wolf back or even Guza, but I do. Can't stand Cartini's GH or should I say, One Life To Live In General Hospital?


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I'm not even sure it's intended to distract GH fans because I honestly believe FV and RC thought these crossovers would be embraced. I think it was more about look at how much we care and know about GH history. But they aren't doing anymore than Guza did. He brought back vets over the years, Robert, holly, Anna Noah, heather, Laura, Felicia I just don't think any of these returns have been handled any better than what Guza did.

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I loved Tess. I don't get how people could dislike her and yet love EHP's version of Alison. ph34r.png Especially seeing as KeMo could act seas around EHP.

She was saccharine, but I don't think she was awful.

This. But I tend to think ME is a sexier "model" to work with then TK and Burton are. TK could spark with the right woman (Eva La Rue) as does ME (KeMo). But I have never seen Burton have any real chemistry with anyone since he came back to PC in 2002 and I just ask why he is still in the centerfold.

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