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Whitney Houston dead at 48!


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Ah, I totally missed that. I was looking at some of his videos from when he was a young man, he had a beautiful voice.

The interview.

I wouldn't have known the infomercial was for a company or product by the SIL if it wasn't mentioned in here.

I do agree with this part.

Yeah, and it wasn't just the other woman saying that Whitney got in her face about RJ. So, Pat's words did basically confirm for me that Whitney was playing the fool in that whole situation. I'm surprised Pat didn't stay with the company line and mentioned that the other woman was crying after the altercation and that [Pat] was mad at Whitney for what transpired.

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And Pat didnt know Whitney was in trouble at that party?? Doctor after doctor said she as a recovering addict she should not have been drinking yet she was and Pat was ok with it. Her revisting the day Whitney passed were weird too. I mean really someone you care for might be hurt or worse and you are walking slowly down the hall of the hotel?? Hell, I would be running as fast as I could to get there. I'm sure Whitney and Pat had an argument the night before after they left the party and that's why Pat wasnt going to see Whitney during the day. Either that or she knew Whitney was so wasted that she wanted her to sleep it off. I still say had Pat gone to see Whitney like she asked her to she might not be dead now.

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That is a judgement that can't be made until the autopsy is complete. If Whitney's body just gave out no visit by anyone would have helped her. We already know she didn't drown, so being unattended didn't kill her.

Pat walking down the hall slowly was one of the only parts of the interview that I didn't find odd or calculated at all, it made sense to me. Pat knew the writing was on the wall so far as Whitney was concerned so she knew her death was coming. My problem with the Houston family is that they are a family of enablers who stood by Whitney as she made extremely destructive decisions that affected herself and her child.

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Pat isn't Whitney's mother or legal guardian. She's her sister-in-law and manager.

It appears to me Pat didn't want her to go to the party, and she also may have been pissed off at her after the party. She may have been fed up with her on a whole. It's a very human reaction. She could have been dodging Whitney's calls for a week because she was pissed at her, it doesn't make Whitney's death her fault.

Like DF, I didn't find the description of her walking to the room odd either.

Also like DF, the only thing I fault Whitney's family with is, yes, being enablers. She was Whitney, she had money, she was giving or/and paying them money as staff - so it looks like they didn't as much as they could have to kick her a-- into submission. Not that I even can really judge them on thnat front. I don't know how much they did or did not do behind the scenes to get her help BUT I do know staying quiet and making up tales while she was tripping wasn't a good decision.

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And they continue to do it after her death. I find it out how Oprah didnt mention the part of Whitney dont handstands and such in the hotel room instead mentioned some stuff about her being in a rush to pick up some clothing.....and the stuff with Bobby.....I dont get that at all...to me they didnt want him there...they said none of the family members wanted him out yet he was thrown out...by whom....??? And who leaked the photo of Whitney??......the interview was good but so many things were left out or glossed over....

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I personally think the sister-in-law was mostly out to get what she could get as her manager, so I do think there was a lot of enabling in terms of just continuing to be in her presence while she was spiriling further and further down. It's all about money for family members sometimes, no matter how little they can get.

The funeral home head stated that she knew who snapped the photo, but wasn't going to reveal it.

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I think there was an element of that going on between Whitney and a lot of the family she had working for her. I don't believe it was the whole part of the situation or equation though. I think they really loved her. I think they really wanted her to get better. They all appeared to make the decision to be passive about the situation for some reason and I'm sure the financial stability she was offering some of them to just work, shut up and deal with her as is was part of that equation. There's also the element of that being the type of family situation they all were used to, not putting stuff out there, covering up each others messes. I don't personally feel there's malice there.

I do find it odd how much they appear to like Bobby, BUT what we felt and what they lived is different.


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Exactly. The lies and the spin keep on coming because the truth isn't as easy as the lies. I heard a lot of easy answers from Pat, Gary and Bobbi Kristina, it would have been nice to hear the truth.

I think so much of Whitney's life was being used by other people so she used them right back. Really, I think everyone, including Oprah Winfrey, should be ashamed of themselves.

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Oprah got exactly what she set out for with this...

I wonder who else has to die for Oprah to land an interview with the family for a ratings boost.

I don't know if Oprah anticipated that OWN's failure would hurt her integrity and make her look so...desperate.

Edited by Y&RWorldTurner
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Shaun Robinson@MsShaunRobinson

Breaking News: Whitney Houston death ruled as accidental drowning:Heart disease, cocaine use listed as factors.


Coroner: Drowning, heart disease, cocaine use killed Houston

The cause of singer Whitney Houston's death was drowning and the "effects of atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use," the Los Angeles County coroner's office said Thursday.

She was found dead last month in the bathtub of her hotel room in Beverly Hills, California.

The manner of death was listed as an "accident."

Cocaine and metabolites were identified and contributory to her death, the report said.

Other drugs identified in Houston's body were marijuana, alprazolam (Xanax), cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl), but they "did not contribute to the death," the report said. Flexeril is a muscle relaxant, and Benadryl is an allergy medicine.

No trauma or foul play is suspected, the report said. The final coroner's report will be available within two weeks, the coroner's office said.

Edited by dragonflies
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So, although the television news won't outright say it, it does appear she was using close enough to her death that it showed up in her toxicology report. Sucks. I for some reason believed she was over the street drugs and was just doing the alcohol, prescription drugs and maybe some weed.

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