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Best and Worst EP's and HW's

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(Inspired by Soapsuds' thread on Best and Worst Actors...)


Best EP: Jacqueline Babbin

Best HW: Wisner Washam

Worst EP: Jean Dadario-Burke

Worst HW: Charles Pratt, Jr.


Best EP: Paul Rauch

Best HW: Harding Lemay

Worst EP: Charlotte Savitz

Worst HW: Michael Malone


Best EP: Robert Calhoun

Best HW (tie): Douglas Marland; Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Worst EP: John Valente

Worst HW: Stephen Black & Henry Stern


Best EP: Al Rabin

Best HW: Pat Falken Smith

Worst EP: Tom Langan

Worst HW: Tom Langan


Best EP: Wendy Riche

Best HW: Douglas Marland

Worst EP: Jill Farren Phelps

Worst HW: Megan McTavish


Best EP: Allen Potter

Best HW: Douglas Marland

Worst EP: John Conboy

Worst HW: Ellen Weston


Best EP: Joseph Stuart

Best HW: Douglas Marland

Worst EP: Josie Emmerich

Worst HW: Ralph Ellis


Best EP: Joseph Stuart

Best HW: Gordon Russell

Worst EP: Maxine Levinson

Worst HW: Dena Higley


Best EP: Bridget and Jerome Dobson

Best HW: Bridget and Jerome Dobson

Worst EP: John Conboy

Worst HW: Charles Pratt, Jr.


Best EP: Bernie Sofronski

Best HW (tie): Joyce & John William Corrington; Ralph Ellis & Eugenie Hunt

Worst EP: Ellen Barrett

Worst HW: Paul Avila Mayer & Stephanie Braxton

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Another World

Worst EP: John Valente/Terri Guarneri

Worst HW: Maggie DePriest's second stint

Best HW: Harding Lemay (first time) and Tom King/Craig Carlson (under Phelps)

Best EP: Rauch


Worst EP: John Valente

Worst HW: Black/Stern tie with Jessica D. Klein

Best HW: Marland

Best EP: Mary Ellis Bunim because she took the show into the modern age tie with Robert Calhoun

Edge of Night

Best and Worst EP: Nick Nicholson (worst for hiring Lee Sheldon)

Worst HW: Lee Sheldon

Best HW: Slesar


Best and Worst EP: Monty best first time/worst second time. All of Phelps

Best HW: Pat Faulken Smith

Worst HW: Megan McTavish tie with Guza's last three years


Worst EP: Susan B. Horgan

Worst HW: Corringtons tie with Higly

Best EP and HW Valenti and Carlivati


Best HW: Kay Alden

Worst HW: Maria Bell - she has actually done more damage that Latham, but I think Latham would have gotten worse too!

Worst EP: Latham for firing legacy personnel to bring in Knots Landing alum and friends and family


Best HW: Peggy O'Shea

Worst HW: James Lipton

Guiding Light

Worst EP: Michael Laibson tie see below

Worst HW: Ellen Weston the worst headwriter next to Black and Stern; her GL was incomprehensible

Worst EP: John Conboy for hiring his f_g h_ag, Weston

Best EP: Gail Kobe

Best HW: Nancy Curlee/Stephen Demorest/James Reilly and Lorraine Broderick (GL was golden for a three year period during this committee's time in office!


Best HW: Slesar

Worst HW: Russell Kubec


Best HW: Marland


Worst HW: Upchuck Pratt

Best HW: Nixon/Broderick/Washam

Best EP: Babbin ties with Behr


Best EP: Tom Langan/Al Rabin (Tom moderized the show and brought in a lot of talent)

Worst EP: Corday for keeping Higly these last two years

Best HW: Pat Faulken Smith/Bell tie with Maggie DePriest/Sheri Anderson/Leah Laiman. those were fun and solid years under each of those three ladies

Worst HW: Higly, Flippin, Laemmle, Harrower, Gene Palumbo, Hogan Sheffer (DOOL has had more bad headwriters as GL and it hasn't been around as long!)

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Best EP: Felicia M. Behr

Best HW: Wisner Washam & Lorraine Broderick

Worst EP: Jean Dadario-Burke

Worst HW: The poison pancake HW.....lol


Best EP: Robert Calhoun..no one comes close....Mary Ellis Bunim second

Best HW : Douglas Marland; Bridget & Jerome Dobson, Caroline Franz and John Saffron Mid 1983–1984 John Saffron 1984 – November 1984 Tom King and Millee Taggart November 1984 – April 1985 Cynthia Benjamin and Susan Bedsow Horgan April 1985 – November 1985 Susan Bedsow Horgan

Worst EP: John Valente...he was the one who totally turned the show south with him being put EP....a fatal blow to the show. and Chris Goutman...TIE

Worst HW: Stephen Black & Henry Stern...actually their ATWT was dark but not as bad as what Jean Pissy did....Jessica Klein's HW was boring....


Best EP: Wendy Riche & Gloria Monty

Best HW: Claire Labine by a mile long

Worst EP: Jill Farren Phelps

Worst HW: Elton John...aka Bob Guza


Best EP: Robert Calhoun..hmmmm..he was damn good

Best HW: Pam Long tied with Millie Taggart..the whole James E Reilly foursome in 92 I believe.

Worst EP: John Conboy & Ellen Wheeler...dont cry Ellen.....

Worst HW: Ellen Weston...bitch.....lol


Best EP: Paul Rauch & Susan Bedsow Horgan

Best HW: Michael Malone

Worst EP: Jill Farren Phillips

Worst HW: Dena Higley

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BEST EP: Wendy Riche

BEST HW: Douglas Marland

WORST EP: Jill Farren Phelps

WORST HW: Bob Guza


BEST EP: Al Rabin

BEST HW: Willam J. Bell

WORST EP: Stephen Wyman

WORST HW: (tie) Jim Reilly (the second time around), Hogan Sheffer


BEST EP: Joseph Stuart

BEST HW: Michael Malone

WORST EP: Paul Rauch

WORST HW: (tie) Dena Higley, Ron Carlivati


BEST EP: Bill Bell

BEST HW: Bill Bell

WORST EP: Paul Rauch

WORST HW: (tie) Hogan Sheffer, Maria Arena Bell

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Out of curiosity what did you like about Tom King and Craig Carlson under JFP? I've never really been clear on what was DePriest and what was the King and Carlson from that era. Were they really that different? They wrote both before and after DePriest right?


Best EP: Jacqueline Babbin

Best HW: Wisner Washam

Worst EP: Jean Dadario Burke and Julie Hanan Carruthers (ultimately came down to a tie because I just spent way more time than any normal person should trying to decide between the two lol)

Worst HW: Charles Pratt, Jr

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A friend on here asked me about ATWT history...the writing....here is a link ...a good read


I'm trying to remember Black and Stern years....man I sure forgot them..for obvious reasons....

I know James was back with Model Paul in toe....lol....Zoey and Mark and Mike's sister whats her name on the show....Zoey was such an awful character.

Jessica Klein had that infamous church fire...she didnt last that long as HW...I think around 2 months.....lol

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Well with GH it's fairly self-evident. Wendy Riche's direction revitalized the show, though I still wish she'd pushed Guza out the first time and not let him back. What he's done to this show is criminal. JFP makes a trained monkey look competent. Her penchant for allowing misogynistic themes on her shows and undervaluing Genie Francis (who I always saw as vastly more important to the show than Tony Geary) bother the hell out of me, as does her complete spinelessness in the face of Frons' constant interference. One thing I WILL say in her favour is that GH today LOOKS outstanding...until the dialogue starts.

Guza is again self-evident. The man thinks he's writing The Godfather, and seems to forget that the show's meant to be targeted at women, not 20 year old men. And for the last time, SONNY CORINTHOS IS NOT A HERO.

Doug Marland beat Claire Labine out by a very slim margin, mostly because I saw what came before Marland and he really pushed the show in an entirely new direction that was credible, exciting, and thoughtful. He wrote in a slew of new characters without making the viewer feel like they were being bombarded by unfamiliar faces (it helps that the majority of the new characters were close relatives or children of existing characters), wrote off the dead weight, and made the teen characters believable (something the Pollocks really failed at judging by the way Laura was written pre-Marland). The story was fresher, less heavy-handed, and integrated the goings-on in the hospital better in the story than before (IMO).

The only beef I have with Claire Labine is her humour always came across oddly slapstick and old fashioned, whereas in every other regard, she was a very cerebral, thoughtful writer. Her GH got a bit dark, but the story was compelling and I'd kill for the show to be even half of what it was under her pen.

Days is one of those shows where I feel like it's been about 4 different shows in the course of its run. The most consistently strong producer was Al Rabin. He had a strong vision for the show, and it served the show well.

Bill Bell, of course, is fantastic. His stories for this show may have aged a bit badly (Mickey's amnesia is something I think would make anyone's eyes roll nowadays) but Bell was always great at making stories that seem goofy and stilted work beautifully.

Ken Corday needs to be sent packing. Much as the show is a personal/familial thing to him and he loves it dearly, the man has allowed more damage to be done to his show out of pure cluelessness than I think his mother's heart could ever bear. Between the Melaswen fiasco, allowing Dena Higley to sh*t all over everything for two years without so much as flinching, and allowing Gary Tomlin to turn the lights on so bright that any cost savings in that studio are surely being offset by the energy bill, I'm not what you'd call a fan. In addition, the man needs to step away from writing the background music. The endless one-note piano hits are starting to drive me insane.

I'm not saying everything Linda did was great, but she absolutely took something that was going down the tubes fast and looked pretty much like every other soap and made it look distinct, feel different, and stand out. The stories went from being over-the-top parody of soap opera to being relatable and mature, and I don't think I've seen OLTL dare to be the kind of envelope-pushing serial that Agnes originally envisioned since then. A lot of that is thanks to Michael Malone.

Much as I find his overemphasis on Todd annoying, Malone's first run did a lot of good for the show. Making Viki's DID less of a farcical plot point and more of a real, complex psychological problem. The story didn't assume the audience were stupid (as many regimes afterwards have done with Tess etc., thanks Higley for THAT little nugget), and was absolutely engaging.

By this same hand, no one did more to undo Agnes' original vision than one Paul Rauch. I don't know how one man can go from doing such good on one show (AW) to doing everything so awful on every other (OLTL, SB, GL, Y&R). OLTL's ratings may have stayed high under Rauch, but he treated vets awfully, whitewashes the canvas, and was clearly of the opinion that people enjoy seeing everything under flat, blinding lighting. The show became a cartoon under his watch, and while there are a LOT of elements during his run that I enjoy (Cord/Tina, Maria, Anything involving Gabrielle and Max, the idea of 1888), a lot of his OLTL was over-the-top camp that's eyeroll-worthy in retrospect.

Also, as far as I'm concenred, Ron Carlivati's writing can be good, but I've yet to see an instance where good stories of his aren't destroyed by his penchant for moustache-twirling psychos-du-jour, rampant misogyny, and too much focus on all things Todd.

Basically, this show was amazing until Bill Bell wasn't writing it anymore, then it slowly became 'good', then 'alright', and now I ask people what they're thinking when they tell me they watch it. I put the blame squarely on MAB and Hogan for what I see as a complete and total break in canon to the rest of the series. Days may have pulled off changing the reality of the show's world, but Y&R's world was always far too rooted in (an albeit highly glamourized version of) reality for me to accept even a quarter of what's gone on on this show in the last three years. The last straw was definitely the whole twin doppelgangers storyline. It was the last time I was watching regularly, and it just put me off so much I don't think I could ever watch it again.

And back to Paul Rauch bashing, his whole approach to lighting has undone years and years of distinctiveness on Y&R, and replaced it with OLTL circa 1988 sitcom lighting. Awful.

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I can never say Rauch was worse for OLTL than JFP. Certainly in terms of treatment of some actors, I would agree, and he did move away from the essence of the show, but I thought it was still entertaining up to about 5 years into his run. JFP just demolished the show and there were only a few actors who made this slightly more bearable. She gutted just about everything and all that was left was stalling, stalling, more stalling, and endless degradation.

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BEST HW- (tie) Agnes Nixon & Lorraine Broderick

BEST EP- (tie) Francesca James & Felicia Minei Behr

WORST HW- Jean Passanante

WORST EP- (tie) JULIE HANAN CARRUTHERS(!) and Jean Dedario Burke


BEST HW- (tie) Harding Lemay & Donna Swajeski (I was alive to watch during her run & it was the best of my lifetime)

BEST EP- (tie) Michael Laibson & Chris Goutman(No Rauch bc he was part of the disastrous decision to go 90 mins)

WORST HW- (tie) Michael Malone & Peggy Sloane (the show went WAY off track when Swajeski left IMO)

WORST EP- Charlotte Savitz


BEST HW- Doug Marland....................... and Hogan Sheffer (only cuz he got me hooked- was an NBC guy during the Marland years)

BEST EP- Robert Calhoun........................ and Chris Goutman

WORST HW- Black & Stern

WORST EP-- Felicia Minei Behr


BEST HW- (tie) Pat Falken Smith & Maggie DePriest

BEST EP- (tie) Al Rabin & Gary Tomlin

WORST HW- (tie) James E. Reilly & Dena Higley

WORST EP- (tie) Tom Langan, Stephen Wyman, & Ken Corday


BEST HW- Michael Malone (1st stint)

BEST EP- (tie) Linda Gottlieb & Jill Farren Phelps

WORST HW- Dena Higley

WORST EP- Paul Rauch


BEST EP- Jerome & Bridget Dobson (although I liked Jill Farren Phelps as well)

BEST HW- (tie) Jerome & Bridget Dobson and Anne Howard Bailey

WORST EP- Paul Rauch BY FAR. At least Conboy had the good sense to bring back the Lockridges!!!!

WORST HW- Pam Long BY FAR (she makes Pratt & Conboy look like Hemingway)

The Young & the Restless

BEST EP- (tie) John Conboy & Bill Bell Sr.

BEST HW- Bill Bell Sr. & Kay Alden

WORST EP- Lynn Marie Latham

WORST HW- (tie) Lynn Marie Latham & Josh Griffith (people forget how shitastic Griffith's tenure at y&r was)

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All My Children

Best HW: Agnes Nixon/Lorraine Broderick

Worst HW: Megan McTavish

Best EP: Behr

Worst EP: Julie Hanan Carruthers

General Hospital

Best HW: Claire Labine

Worst HW: Robert Guza Jr.

Best EP: Wendy Riche

Worst EP: Jill Farren Phelps

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