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Ratings from the 60's

Paul Raven

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 August 66

ABC replaced Confidential for Women with Dating Game at 2pm and it became the best rating ABC show since GH.

Within weeks it was beating Password 35 share to 28 and that was with lower clearances  than GH.

And then Days took off on NBC so CBS dumped Password for Love Is A Many Splendored Thing.

The first chink in the CBS armor.

Edited by Paul Raven
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February 1967

Variety reports that at 3pm CBS To Tell the Truth has sunk to a 36 share up against NBC's Another World 35  and that since December 66, NBC's pm line up Eye Guess, Let's Make A Deal, DOOL, TD and AW have all picked up 4 or 5 share points at the expense of CBS.

Edited by Paul Raven
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Yes, they were very slow in expanding SFT and TGL.

Since ATWT and TEON launched in 1956 in 30 min format, every other show either expanded or debuted as a half hour.

CBS were having problems at 2pm with ATWT #1 but Password losing too much of that lead-in.

So CBS decided that Love Is A Many Splendored Thing would be the answer to their problems.

I don't know why they didn't just expand SFT and TGL to 30 min then and move Guiding Light to 2pm.

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Oct 67- April 68 

1.ATWT 13.6

  1. House Party 10.7

  2. AW 10.2

  3. Dick Van Dyke 10.0

  4. TGL 10.0

  5. SFY 9.9

  6. TD 9.7

  7. You Don't Say 9.7

  8. To Tell the Truth 9.5

  9. Andy Griffith  9.5

  10. EON 9.4

  11. SS 9.4

  12. Match Game 9.3

  13. LOL 9.2

  14. Lets Make A Deal 9.2


April 22 – May 5 68

CBS 7.7

NBC 7.6

ABC  4.2

Days, The Doctors, Another World and You Don't Say were all timeslot winners 2-4 pm. Snap Judgement  at 10 am also won its timeslot.

That lead CBS to revamp Splendored Thing to hopefully boost its rating and retain more of the ATWT lead in as well as a flow on to the rest of the afternoon.

The Lucy Show replaced Candid Camera as 10 am lead in SFT expanded to 30 min at 12.30, TGL was moved to 2.30pm displacing Art Linkletter, Secret storm was moved to 3pm to replace To Tell the Truth  and Art Linkletter sent to 4pm.

CBS was now all soaps in the afternoon.It also meant that for the first time all 3 networks programmed a soap in the same timeslot. At 3pm it was AW v SS v GH

By Nov 68

CBS 9.2

NBC 7.5

ABC 5.5

Love Is A Many Splendored Thing was  now #2 in timeslot.  and CBS had its biggest margin since Aug 67 with 7 7 of the Top 10




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CBS had such a strong lineup back then.


Sadly they now have 2 soaps remaining and it’s none of these.

Weakened by inroads from other networks, network ownership and interference (Secret Storm, Love of Life), time slot changes due to P & G block scheduling (Edge of Night, Secret Storm, Love is Many Spendord Thing), 2:30 change for SFT and sponsor moving it to NBC and erosion, deviation from original focus as well as poor writing for all

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Interesting that Guiding Light was ahead of its lead in Search


GL regularly beat Search as GL was on at 12:45 and Search at 12:30.

August 66

ABC replaced Confidential for Women with Dating Game at 2pm and it became the best rating ABC show since GH.

Within weeks it was beating Password 35 share to 28 and that was with lower clearances  than GH.

And then Days took off on NBC so CBS dumped Password for Love Is A Many Splendored Thing.

The first chink in the CBS armor.

The decision to preempt Password the day Dating Game premiered is what sent Password on it's downward spiral.  In a book on Allen Ludden, another factor was that based on the rules of the time, there were only about 3000 words that Password could use.

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I guess the problem with Splendored Thing is that like Password before it,it lost too much of the As The World Turns lead in. Days of Our Lives had proven to be tough competition. So eventually P&G pressured to have all its soaps in one block.

Paul Raven, the biggest issue with Splendored Thing became cast changes in the leads.  LIAMST finished the 1969/1970 season about half a point ahead of Days (9.5/8.8).  CBS cooked the goose that laid the golden egg when it offered David Birney (the most popular soap actor according to the Daytime TV readers poll) and salary cut!  He left just as Donna Mills was leaving, and since she was dating Birney, so did Leslie Charleston who went with him to Hollywood.  When those cast changes hit in May/June 1970, LIAMST fell from 1st in the readers poll to 8th.

Paul, these numbers must have had Irna have a potty accident!  No wonder she moved to melodrama to goose up the ratings.


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Actually, LIAMST was moved to 3:00 PM and TSS at 3:30.  I think that having an hour of crime would have been good if TSS had stayed at 3:00 and moved fully to that arena.  LIAMST could have survived if ti became more relevant in its love story to compete against OLTL.  Instead, that 1972 move gave both NBC and ABC their best shot at taking over CBS and they made the most of it.  That is the year AMC and OLTL made the top 10 and GH I think tied AW for #3.

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