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Was love in the air in February 1967? Let's find out!

Monday, February 6, 1967: Polly tells Jessie she is thinking about moving to an apartment.

Tuesday, February 7: Audrey cooks dinner for Phil.  Lucille calls and suspects the worst.

Wednesday, February 8: Meg's dinner party is a success.

Thursday, February 9: Tom confesses to Meg that he thinks he ruined his chance with Jessie.

Friday, February 10: Audrey and Phil declare they're only going to be good friends.

Monday, February 13: Steve telephones Audrey from San Francisco and tells her that his plane is fogged in.  Phil arrives at Audrey's with a valentine.

Tuesday, February 14: Meg gets a letter from a dear friend, a nurse, and Meg wonders whether there is a place for her at the hospital.  Steve gets home and finds Phil's valentine to Audrey.

Wednesday, February 15: Tom and Jessie enjoy a shopping trip and dinner.  When Prentice calls asking to see Jessie, it puts a damper on their fun.

Thursday, February 16: Steve checks in with Prentice, who assures him everything is under control.  Bob and Polly reveal that everything is not under control.

Friday, February 17: Prentice tells Jessie that Bob's wife called and threatened to sue Polly for alienation of affection if Polly breaks up her marriage.

Monday, February 20: When their babysitter cancels, Jessie offers to stay with Scotty while Lee and Meg are honeymooning.

Tuesday, February 21: Steve awkwardly tries to suggest to Audrey that they celebrate their second wedding anniversary.  Phil and Audrey fight their attraction for each other.

Wednesday, February 22: Jessie tells Steve about the new problem with Polly.

Thursday, February 23: John Prentice tells Polly about the call he had from Bob's wife.

Friday, February 24: Meg and Lee's wedding day.

Monday, February 27: Tom helps Jessie with Scotty.  John calls, interrupting their evening.

Tuesday, February 28: Dr. Pinkham unexpectedly kisses Sharon.

Wednesday, March 1: Phil impulsively tells Audrey she's kidding herself about their mutual attraction.

Thursday, March 2: John suggests art to school to Polly, and is relieved when she is not against the idea.

Friday, March 3: Audrey writes to a well-known gynecologist in San Francisco to ask for an appointment to discuss artificial insemination.

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More from 1967...

Monday, March 6, 1967: John Prentice is a little jealous of Tom Baldwin, despite Jessie's efforts to reassure him.

Tuesday, March 7: Steve tells Jessie his problem.

Wednesday, March 8: Audrey hears from Dr. Jones who suggests an interview with her and her husband before considering performing the artificial insemination.

Thursday, March 9: Polly tells Prentice she has decided to go to Chicago to get out of Bob's reach.  Audrey tells Steve of a reunion of former stewardesses in San Francisco.

Friday, March 10: Audrey forges Steve's name to a statement of consent to the artificial insemination.

Monday, March 13: In San Francisco, Audrey calls Dr. Genevieve Kendall Jones and makes an appointment for the following day.  Polly leaves for the Art Institute in Chicago.  Phil discovers clippings about artificial insemination in Audrey's desk.

Tuesday, March 14: Audrey gives Dr. Jones the forged statement of consent.

Wednesday, March 15: Tom joins Jessie and Prentice for lunch, and it's not very successful.  Audrey has the artificial insemination procedure.

Thursday, March 16: Phil finds Lucille looking in Audrey's desk for lipstick, and decides to remove the clippings.  Audrey and Steve have a happy reunion.  Tom tells Meg and Lee about his uncomfortable luncheon.

Friday, March 17: Audrey goes back to work with Phil, and it's obvious he suspects what happened in San Francisco.  Prentice gives Jessie an engagement ring.

Monday, March 20: Phil admits a new patient, Alice Seaton.  Later, he sees Jessie's ring and tells her, in no uncertain terms, what he thinks of the engagement.

Tuesday, March 21: Audrey discovers the clippings are missing from her desk.  Phil returns them, leaving her shaken by the fear of what he suspects.

Wednesday. March 22: Meg doesn't have the heart to tell Tom of Jessie's engagement.  Lee copes with Scotty's questions about being his father.  Tom takes a Japanese framed print to Jessie, and when he sees the ring, he grabs her passionately.

Thursday, March 23: George Morton, Alice Seaton's boss, comes to visit her.  Phil is concerned over her reaction to the visit.

Friday, March 24: Prentice gets a good bill of health from Phil and Steve.  Phil is present when Audrey receives a bill from Dr. Jones from San Francisco...and the truth comes out.

Monday, March 27: Lee and Meg look at a new house, and later, a letter from Meg's friend arrives, saying she'll be arriving at the end of the week.  Phil asks Audrey whether Steve knows about the artificial insemination and is appalled to find out he does not.

Tuesday, March 28: Jessie gets a call that her sister-in-law has died.  Tom asks to see her off to New York.  Mr. Morton comes to see Alice and presses her to marry him.  Steve sees how upset Alice is by the visit.

Wednesday, March 29: Steve and Phil discuss the mysterious problem of Phil's young patient Alice.  Audrey sends Dr. Jones a money order instead of a check to keep Steve from finding out.

Thursday, March 30: George Morton presses Alice who is terrified.  Meg and Lee are settling in when Meg's friend, Iris Fairchild arrives.

Friday, March 31: Iris interviews with Steve.  Phil orders "no visitors" for Alice, but she panics because she's afraid of offending George Morton.  Phil finds out that Steve's name was forged on the consent form for Audrey's procedure.

Edited by depboy
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And that’s how Peggy McCay came into the scene as Iris ! Fascinating ! Don't know much about the character. Think she was in a quadrangle with the Baldwin brothers and Meg. 

I'm glad we know more about Tom than only his ill-fated marriage to Audrey.

John and Polly Prentice are interesting too !

Only wish Sharon and Henry were given more to do. 

Edited by FrenchFan
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I realize these dates bring us to the 13-day AFTRA strike of 1967.  I will do more research and try to provide a better look at when the episodes aired and eventually got back on track.

Monday, April 3, 1967: Steve is invited to speak at a banquet of the San Francisco Council of Preventive Medicine--and Audrey panics.  Alice admits to Phil that she is afraid of George Morton.

Tuesday, April 4: Sharon asks for Meg's advice. Jessie returns.

Wednesday, April 5: No info.

Thursday, April 6: No info.

Friday, April 7: No info.

Monday, April 10: Tom asks Jessie to help him take a biopsy from a nervous and difficult patient.

Tuesday, April 11: Iris Fairchild begins her first day at work as a nurse at GH.  She opens up to Meg about her past.

Wednesday, April 12: Audrey has sense she may be pregnant.

Thursday, April 13: Audrey tells Phil she is terrified Steve will discover the truth, but is not sorry she did it...not yet.

Friday, April 14: Phil tries to comfort Audrey about the likelihood that Steve's speech attracting Dr. Jones' attention.  Later, Audrey receives a special delivery letter expressing Dr. Jones' eagerness to meet Steve.

Monday, April 17: Jessie confides to Meg that planning a wedding isn't fun when most of your friends are against the marriage.

Tuesday, April 18: Audrey schedules an appointment to find out if she is pregnant or not.

Wednesday. April 19: Phil learns a little more about the basis of Alice's fear.

Thursday, April 20: Jessie notices that Prentice doesn't look well again, and she persuades him to see Phil.

Friday, April 21: Phil discusses newspaper accounts of George Morton's wife's death with Steve.

Monday (assumed to be April 24, no airdate given): Phil probes Alice for information into what happened on the day Mrs. Morton died.  Dr. Prentice tells Audrey she is pregnant.

Tuesday (assumed to be April 25, no airdate given): Phil checks John Prentice for congestive heart failure.

Wednesday (assumed to be April 26, no airdate given): Lee grouses to Meg about the continuing presence of Iris as a houseguest...when Iris appears and announces she is moving out.

Thursday (assumed to be April 27, no airdate given): Iris is shaken when a letter arrives from a Kansas City doctor who jilted her.

Friday (assumed to be April 28, no airdate given): Audrey is miserable on the day Steve is to leave for San Francisco.  Phil has a hostile encounter with Morton.

Edited by depboy
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To me the worst thing about Michelle's performance as Nina is that she gave her an affectation that made her appear brain damaged.  It was beyond what was written in the script because when Nina first appeared out of her coma she seemed confused about her age and how much time had passed, but months later the actor continued to use blatant indications of a lack of sophistication that seemed like odd acting choices.  It was too bold for the show and did not match the plot.

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