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GH: Discussion for the Month of August

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Sorry if you are blind and can't see Liz's attitude. Puhleezelaugh.png Sneak. Self centered. Self serving?

That doesn't pop in your head when you watch her?

People on this forum can feel however they want about LW. 1) She owns up to what she is. MAJOR attribute!!

What counts is her acting ability.

And lets not forget who won BEST ACTRESS! biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

RH nominated for anything??? biggrin.pnglaugh.png

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I really enjoyed seeing Matt this week but was disappointed in Garin Wolf's writing for his character. Hopefully he does better but still Matt was a breath of fresh air for me on this show this week. It certaintly isn't the worst SL going in my opinion. I'm missing Matt and Maxie too. Hopefully she will be brought into this drug storyline.

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What would you like to see Spinelli as??

There is no doubt he can act.....however as a character?? Oyyyyy

I always liked Matt. I always wanted to see more of him. But I don't like how he was written last week.

Sneaking around? Covering for a liar?

We will have to wait to see how this plays out.

I would LOVEwub.png to see him in a worthy storyline with Maxie.

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I agree! Does she look her best? No! But seeing her with such exuberance and liveliness really just makes it more obvious, IMO, that GH is missing out by not utilizing her/Bobbie more.

And I agree, I wish there was more of these. I would love to see one for Denise Alexander, Rachel Ames, Susan Brown, etc.

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My opinion of the show so far this month isn't so good. I don't like the Lucky drug repeat storyline at all. Jonathan Jackson always look's like he's ready to cry even in happy scene's so he is amazing in this storyline but it still bore's me. Robin covering for Sonny shooting her with her daughter right there almost in the room boggle's the mind. Patrick not calling the police was unbelievable. What the hell is Sonny in jail for anyway? There is no proof he had anything to do with Jax plane crashing. No one know's he shot Robin.

Matt chewing out Patrick in front of Robin and Jason was beyond ridiculous. You don't start a hospital lawsuit by blaming a doctor of malpractice in front of a patient.

That fat nurse would NEVER last one day in a real hospital ordering the doctor's around. Those nurse's take order's from the doctor's.

Michael should have left Abby on that Island The way she screamed at him for getting her a nice dress was uncalled for. If I were Michael I would have looked at her and said "now I am going to do something so UNLIKE my dad I am going to dump you on this Island and let you find your own way home". I would rather see Michael working side by side with Jason than in a suit at the Quartermaines.

All these year's Carly would do anything for Jason and he has been near death for day's because of her and she has barely been at the hospital. Guza's Carly would have had her knocked Sam down on the floor to stay with Jason.

Finally I hate with a passion it look's like they are going to pair Carly up with Shawn. I don't like this character at all. He is just another thug that throw's his weight around. There is not one thing he could do to make me like him. I really wanted Carly to go back with Sonny but not much chance of that.

I can't stand Sibhon and have never liked her. I wish she had died on one of these near misses.

MOre than anything else I hate the "new" Spinelli. I know it is suppose to be funny but it isn't and I really don't much care for the old one either but the new one I FF and usually he is with Maxie who I like a lot so I hate missing her scene's.

No body for Jax. Well we all know he swam to Paris and he is now somewhere having dinner with Brenda.

I don't like Skye but I do think she is going to make life at the Quartermaine's interesting and fun. Her and Tracy will be good together. I hope by the time Luke get's back Tracy isn't in a fling with Anthony but she might be.

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'That fat nurse would NEVER last one day in a real hospital ordering the doctor's around. Those nurse's take order's from the doctor's'

Nor do nurses's speak to patients like she does. There is nothing about her character I find amusing.

Sadly last week, the only day I enjoyed was when Monica was on. I believe that was only one day last week.

I have always had a soft spot for her scenes with Jason. wub.png

I can't even speak of Spinelli or Liz without vile coming up in my throat so I won't go there.

Matt is turning into a dufus. Not as charming as he was a month ago.

I have to disagree about the Island. Michael walking around in a white pants & coat was like Sonny being there. I found it repulsive.

The only thing notable was when Alexis & Diane & Coleman were at the bar getting naked. And how abruptly did that end?? sad.png

Sad because I was hoping for better by now.

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Tracy doesn't "fling" in the middle of a committed relationship. One thing consistent about her - she chooses wisely when to fool around, and she's incredibly loyal once she does choose.

Besides. I think Za-crazy is a better match for Hellzabub. They can both still terrorize LuNacy in their own ways (which is always fun) but a partnership between those two - especially a romantic partnership - would steal the show.

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