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OLTL: Discussion for the week of July 11

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That's where the difference comes in. As far as having respect for an actor. I can respect an actor who would rather quit than play such nonsense. You're right Vee, some of that should have never aired.

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I actually respect TSJ as an actor, he has no limitations and for him nothing is 'out of bounds' and I like that kind of fearlessness in an actor. You can tell he reads the material, throws it away and completely recreates his own version of the character within the confines of the script and he commits to his character and their situations fully. I think as an actor that is all that you can expect from a performer. That they are going to do their best by the material written for them. That being said I do think it's cheap that we thought TSJ's Todd was the real Todd all along and now they are changing that just to have RH's Todd back.

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I actually thought the execution scenes were incredibly laughable and overwrought at the time. I think Trevor St. John is quite talented but those were far from his finest moments. I was embarrassed for him.

"Don't cry, dear!" It doesn't matter who the woman was - Todd would never have called them that and he would never have gone out like that. It was shameless Emmy bait from OLTL and very often in that era they just restored to having people howl and wail at the top of their lungs en masse as though sheer force of will would make a bad story work - and this went for most of the cast, having to do this crap. "HRRRRGGHHHHH!!!!!"

And yes, it's true TSJ will do basically anything. He does very interesting stuff. But that leads to another problem. He subverts material he doesn't like, and often that's fair when the material is terrible as it generally has been for him for the last several years. But what about when it's not? What about when the show is actually trying to put across that Todd has a soul, that he wants one thing instead of another? That's not the moment when you're supposed to be checking out Langston's ass, or whatever. And then there's the air quotes. In the last couple years, who can buy his Todd as the show has tried to sell him, as having a soul or a shred of decency? TSJ clearly doesn't believe it, and neither did I.

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I believe I've read TSJ say he views Todd as a sociopath and I believe the character is one. I've always thought whenever they tried to stray him away from that too much was silly and I've enjoyed him playing against that. I would die if he was like David Gregory and the character of Ford.

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You hit the proverbial nail on the head Vee, especially with what I highlighted in bold. This has been a problem for me with TSJ.

To be honest, I'm neither a RH fan or a TSJ fan. They both have their moments greatness, but they also have other moments, such as when they're clearly not into the material and it becomes apparent on screen.

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And I posted the video because it has TSJTodd clearly remembering moments pre-face change, that we as a viewer are now supposed to ignore when it turns out he's not Todd...Which means we're either looking at someone implanting RHTodd's memories in TSJTodd or we're supposed to forget completely....Here's another scene that's already bothering me...(also it shows how much better KA was as a semi-child actress)

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_m27uf_Ak7g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Well I'm not sure if yall remember but when Madame Delphina (is that her name?) came to see Natalie in the hospital a month or two ago, she was having visions of things going on and when she got to a location where TSJ Todd was standing she made a comment that she couldn't identify the person because they were wearing a mask of some sort. So if they keep in continuity with that, they will stick with the face change thing and maybe even go the "brainwashed" route.

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I have no doubt whatsoever that if that show was not "cancelled" that that [!@#$%^&*] would be going on for many, many more months, followed by Erica dumping an "unfaithful" Jack for Caleb. Nor would Broderick have been hired.

Jessica's dead daughter, who she miscarried as Tess. Todd did not turn Tess in, so the situation reached that conclusion.

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