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I like the progressive nature of this news - a possible online future for the soap genre... But, as has been mentioned here, I do still want a "conclusion" - a finale - for both AMC and OLTL on ABC... These shows, in their online incarnations, will likely be different. That's not to say they won't be GOOD, but they will almost have to be somewhat reinvented.

Hopefully, with that being the case, this development won't do anything to prevent AMC and OLTL, as we know them, from writing and playing out satisfying endings to their current "television" chapters.

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I kinda wonder if this was the plan all along. If this was some big giant publicity stunt by "ABC" to generate buzz for their new venture. Unless this is basically the same AMC that goes off the air, I have no interest in it.

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Well if there isn't some transformation when the shows move online than I am sorry I don't see how any of this is different from the Direct TV move by Passions. Passions like these 2 shows was cancelled due to no longer performing acceptably. SO now same show on a new venue is supposed to matter? And without transformation it won't. Comparing these shows to Kevin Spacey's new venture isn't really apples to apples. So I actually hope its not just status quo moved to a new venue.

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Lol. Still can't believe this and to think just a few days ago my radio station said "NBCls long running daytime drama, All My Children's final airdate has been set for Friday, September 23"

Yes... they said NBC.

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This is both good and bad news, the good news is these shows have been saved but the bad news is internet TV is not a readied destination for all the viewers just yet.

For someone like me I have access to these shows online but I really don’t like watching TV on the internet unless its a sporting broadcast like the NFL or WWE/TNA PPV. A lot of the time I will burn stuff from the computer onto a disc and watch it on my DVD player.

Either way I’m thankful for Prospect Park saving these two shows and also keeping them in the same format. This is good news for GH too if they ever get canceled in the future.

This could be a giant step for soaps in the future as those of us who have predicted that these soaps will live on I knew we would be right on this one although I’m still very sad that GL and ATWT never got this second opportunity.

I hope online viewers outside of North America can view these soaps too. SoapNet should rerun these soaps on TV.

To me personally I think its just important for these soaps to continue somewhere b/c they can still get a television deal in the future if the soaps are successful online. DAYS is the #8 program and Y&R is the #2 program online.

I have a question though is Prospect Park owned by ABC/Disney or is this a separate group? Maybe Prospect Park can work out a television deal if their not owned by ABC.

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I think it will be different mostly because it's not going to be on any TV network. That means different expectations. There may also be more of a chance for AMC and OLTL because they are a little better known, and have the potential to, with the right material, reach a broad audience. Passions was so extremely niche and strange in its last years. You can't really expect a ratings boost when your main story is about a hermaphrodite who rapes and castrates members of his family.

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Exactly. I am condemning Agnes for selling her shows to ABC. It was a bad business move which rendered her spayed. She's not doing anything of the like: "still working her business at 90." She's being crumb-fed by a corporate entity that decides to pull her out whenever they want to use her and, as Susan Lucci publicly stated, bar her from the show(s) when they feel necessary. She is NOT in control, no matter how you spin it. Like I said... Erica being a girl sold into pedophilia, when Nixon's original intentions for the character was to be a girl with an abandonment complex... if Nixon had control, that wouldn't be. Also, Nixon's intention on doing something socially relevant as having Erica have the first televised abortion after Roe v. Wade become nothing more than a sci-fi experiment gone wrong? That's equal to having Nixon's Carla/Sadie Grey story be "Carla was really white all along... black Sadie just adopted her."

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