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GH: July Discussion Thread

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Someone on another board said Garin forgot about Dawn when Monica was talking about her children being gone. Never even knew she had a daughter named Dawn. I looked it up and its understandable that he forgot. The character was only on the show for 3 years played by 4 actresses.

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I guess what it comes down to is that just because it may be dated doesn't mean that it's not true. Specifically because all of this stuff Siobhan is saying is still so very true and accurate. Liz wants Lucky in her life and she wants Lucky to come back to her so she can endlessly cheat on, abuse and hurt him further when he is barely healing from her last injury. Everything Sio is saying is true.

Liz has cheated three times on two husbands and it's often all swept under the rug as if it doesn't matter. She is still the victim in everything. Lucky couldn't even hold it against her because she was institutionalized afterward and Nikolas made him feel guilty for 'punishing Liz' as he called it. The man can't even be mad at her for her indiscretions and consistent cheating. :rolleyes:

Can I just say how refreshing it is that one character doesn't view Liz as this perpetual damsel in distress, heart of gold victim and is calling her out on her selfish actions which have caused pain and heartbreak for herself, others, young children and other members of her own family, friends and co-workers? I get it Becky plays Liz sympathetically and everyone wants to give her cookies, warm milk and comfort hugs and pats on the head but that doesn't mean that Liz is any less despicable as a mother, wife and woman.

I agree completely on this. A lot of fans are saying JJ's Lucky is being propped and primed as one of Guza's go to characters but the same could honestly be said for the character of Liz. I would even go as far as to say that Liz is probably viewed as one of those moral centers that you mentioned which is what makes this all so incredibly annoying because she still has her halo so to speak. In theory Liz is a very sympathetic character. She is an artist, a nurse, a mother and a rape victim so she has a back catalog of sympathy in her character history but I despise the way she is written as if nothing she has done is bad or holds any weight/consequences and it's all skimmed over as if by passing accident.

She broke her family apart, shredded Lucky's heart for no reason and continued to lie about her baby's paternity constantly and it was all swept under the rug as if it didn't matter or if it did it didn't matter for long because well she is Liz goddamn it! and give her a break her baby died! She gets free passes! This kind of writing/thinking/portrayal of Liz is what has made me dislike the character to the point where I was rooting for Carly, Sam and Rebecca to claw her eyes out for her lies and her resulting hypocrisy all the while Lucky was endlessly demonized for his infidelity with Maxie and made an unknowing cuckold twice due to Liz's actions and cavorting with Nikolas and Jason.

So much word to this.

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I love a good rivalry/daily bitchfight on my soaps to but GH trying to make it happen with Liz & useless ass Siobhan just isn't cutting it for me. That girl needs to scurry on back to Ireland already. If Garin wants to stick to GH history and roots like he's said numerous times, he'd go back to (IMO) one of GH's money rivalries - Liz vs. Sam! And yes, with the Borg in the middle!

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To be honest when I saw Sonny on the steps, I thought they had brought the Brownstone set back. I should have known better

Siobhan continues to be a miserable b-tch. Im undecided on whether I want to see Lucky annull his marriage and dump her or if Id rather her just be killed off. The latter sounds like a good option but I dont want to see him grieve for her. She isnt worth the tears

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For me its only been since Jake's death. Ive always hated Siobhan and Im still bitter over GV's dismissal to care for Lucky like that anymore. Im no Liz fan anymore, but I dont hate her as I did just earlier this year. She was at her absolute worst with Jason a few years ago.

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Ugh can someone tell Epiphany to sit her fat ass down somewhere? I couldn't believe she yelled at Liz for being suspicious that some guy was trying to get into the drug supply closet who had no hospital badge. She had every right to be concerned.

As for Carly vs. Robin, I dont even know which side to take here. Hate Carly but I think Robin overreacted a little bit here.

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