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Flame in the Wind/A Time For Us

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Thanks. I guess I was wrong about Ettlinger being the only headwriter. Since then, I've read that Raphael Hayes wrote the shows opening episodes. After reading the detailed history of "The Young Marrieds" from a wonderful poster on this board, I wonder if Hayes had the same problem that Elward had with scripting and Hardy brought in Ettlinger because they worked together on "Love of Life."

Ettlinger's arrival in January would explain why the story begins to shift in the months to come. A lot of the initial story seems to revolve around Craig Reynolds and the publishing. Craig is in an important position at the publishing company, married to the daughter of the company's owner, in love with one of the company's authors (Kate), and the object of affection of one of his colleagues (Flora). When Craig departs in February after conflict with Ted Alcourt, who is described as a narcissist in an early press release, a lot of this seems to fall apart and shift in other directions.

I wonder if Ettlinger added crazy Liz Grey to the story. Liz doesn't appear in the story until March, but Tony receives a phone call from the hospital in February which probably indicated the direction the Tony/Kate romance was heading. Also, in the show's initial press releases, it indicated that Kate would be caught up in a defamation suit because of her book, which would certainly impact her relationship with lawyer Tony Grey. I wonder if this played out or if the story was scrapped when Rafael Hayes left the show.

Some other random tidbits...

- Hebert Bayard Swopes, III, Maggie Hayes' real life son, appeared on the show in 1966 in a running role. This role was announced in April, 1966.

- One of the articles Carl posted on ATWT mentioned Jenny O'Hara previously played Susan Michaels. This seems to coincide with most of the press from the 1960s and 1970s. O'Hara said she did a year on the show so Susan appeared into 1966.

- In a TV Guide article about the show, Doug Colton's ex-wife was said to be named Evelyn and that she was set to appear on the show in the future. Based on the article we have from Carl, we know "Evelyn" appeared onscreen. I think Evelyn may in fact have been Jenny O'Hara's Susan Michaels, but I'm not sure.

- I think the episode that saynotoursoap had posted aired September 23, 1965. The episode synopsis for that day reads: "Dave acts out of desperation." The September 22nd preview reads: "Steve learns shattering news." This is followed by September 24: "Steve makes an irrevocable decision." This would seem to fall in line with what happened in the episode. In the episode previously online, Steve has already learned from Jason Farrell about the pregnancy. Steve still seemed to be unsure what he should be doing, which would line up with him deciding in the next episode. Because of Jane's decision to go to Europe to have her baby, Dave decides, out of desperation, to ask her to marry him. This would set into motion the events leading up to October. It would appear that Jane initially says yes to Dave, but then Steve is forced to tell his friend that Jane is pregnant with his (Steve's) child only for Steve and Jane to marry at the end of October/early November. In November, Jane and Steve honeymoon in Bermuda.

- Most of the information we have on this series comes from Wesley Hyatt's book on daytime programming. For the "A Time for Us" entry, he used the information in TV Guide. TV Guide had daily descriptions for many of the NBC/ABC programs in 1965. Also, there is a rather descriptive article on the show in an October 1965 edition. It covers Roxanne Reynolds' dinner party, which actually occured in July 1965. The dinner party was suppose to launch "at least a year's worth" of stories according to Joe Hardy. With that said, Hardy outlines a lot of what is to come in the next year, but until we see more information it should be noted that we don't know for sure what happened. The article outlines the return of Craig Reynolds, Miriam Bentley pushing her pal Roxanne to pair off with Doug, Doug's problems with his ex-wife Evelyn, Doug and Roxanne's marriage plans, and the idea that ultimately Craig and Roxanne would get back together. I haven't seen many November/December synopses for "Time for Us" so they might actually reveal more of the story.

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Herbert Bayard Swopes, III, Maggie Hayes' son, appeared on the show c. spring 1966. He was only 17 years old at the time.


Jane Reynolds died in the Monday, November 28, 1966, episode. The previous Friday, Jane was driving to meet with her husband, Steve Reynolds, when a bout of blindness caused her to crash the car. On Monday, Jane succumbed to injuries sustained in the accident surrounded by her husband and her son, Mark. In the final moments of the episode, Steve shared the news with his in-laws, Al and Martha Driscoll. Jane is treated by Dave Simon, Steve's friend who loved Jane deeply. Before Steve arrives, Jane and Dave have a very tender conversation in which Jane thanks Dave for loving her and admits, while not in love with Dave, her love for him was something that was very special to her. It was a very different scene than what I was use to.


Surprisingly absent from the November, 1966, episode is Linda Driscoll, Jane's sister and longtime rival for Steve's affection. Linda seems to be off the canvas by this point as Jane begs Steve to look after her parents after her death because "they have no one." I guess Josephine Nichols' Louise Austen, Martha's mother, may have also have been written out by this point. Morgan Sterne's Dr. Stan Eastman is mentioned, but not seen.

Edited by dc11786
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Earlier this morning, I read that Beverly Hayes (Jane Driscoll #1)  and Gordon Gray (Steve Reynolds #1)  were married in real life.   I had never heard this before.


Ms. Hays went on to roles on Dark Shadows, The Edge of Night, and The Secret Storm.  Mr. Grey later created the role of Ken Stevens on The Secret Storm.

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DECEMBER 28,1964-DECEMBER 16, 1966





Nancy Ackerman     Lynne Rogers                         Hoppers

Ted Alcourt             John McMartin     worked at publishing company  65                   ATWT, FC

Chris Austen            Richard Thomas      Kate's son    1964-65   ATWT

Kate ___ Austen      Kathleen Maguire       tell-all author    1964-65  Hoppers

Louise ___ Austen   Josephine Nichols     Kate's mother-in-law   64-66 Hoppers

Patricia Austen          Jennifer Leak         Hoppers

Miriam ____ Bentley   Lesley Woods    gossipy neighbor   65-66 Hoppers

Doug Colton               Ian Berger        gold-digging pianist     65

Roxanne Farrell Reynolds Colton    Margaret Hayes     64-66

Tony Corso               Victor Arnold        Hoppers

Paul Davis     Conard Fowkes    Linda's director    65    Hoppers

Al (Skerba) Driscoll             Roy Poole      64-66      Hoppers

Linda (Skerba) Driscoll       Berrett Arcaya     66

                                                Jane Elliott            65          Hoppers

                                                Barbara Rodell     64-65      Hoppers

                                                Joanna Miles    65-66        Hoppers

Martha Austen (Skerba) Driscoll     Lenka Peterson  64-66        Hoppers

Dr. Stan Eastman                    Morgan Sterne          66          TD

Jason Farrell                          Walter Coy            65-66

Leslie ____ Farrell                  Rita Lloyd            65-66         Hoppers

Elizabeth ___ Gray                Nancy Franklin  institutionalized psychotic     65             Hoppers

Tony Gray                               Morgan Sterne    attorney, Kate   65

Sue Michaels        Jenny O'Hara         65-66     Hoppers

Alice Perkins            Frances Fuller       64-65          LOL

Flora Perkins            Jacqueline Brookes envious woman 64-65        Hoppers

Craig Reynolds         Frank Schoefield    64-65    Hoppers

                                    Thomas Coley        65-66

Jane (Skerba) Driscoll Reynolds  Margaret Ladd   64-65   Hoppers

                                      Beverly Hayes       65-66      DS, EON, SS

Steve Reynolds         Gordon Gray           64-65    

                                     Tom Fielding (Holland) 65-66          LOL

Dave Simon               Terry Logan      65-66   Steve's friend  Hoppers

Rose ___ Simon         Anne Revere           Hoppers

Earl Wilson                 Earl Wilson, reporter    3/12/65



Doris               Pamela Raymond          1965       SS

Ellie   Linda's NY confidante    Billie Allen    1965

Fran       Elaine Hyman        1965         AMC, AL

Nick                  Jon Stone              1965

Pam                        Leslie Charleson       1965    Hoppers




Robert Hooks 

Leigh Lassen          ATWT, SFT

Herbert Bayard Swopes III   4/1966-??(17 year old son of Maggie Hayes)


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Here's the cast and several weeks of TVGuide  episode descriptions


DECEMBER 28,1964-DECEMBER 16, 1966





Nancy Ackerman     Lynne Rogers                         

Ted Alcourt             John McMartin     worked at publishing company  65              

Chris Austen            Richard Thomas      Kate's son    1964-65   

Kate ___ Austen      Kathleen Maguire       tell-all author    1964-65  

Louise ___ Austen   Josephine Nichols     Kate's mother-in-law   64-66 

Patricia Austen          Jennifer Leak         

Miriam ____ Bentley   Lesley Woods    gossipy neighbor   65-66 

Doug Colton               Ian Berger        gold-digging pianist     65

Roxanne Farrell Reynolds Colton    Margaret Hayes     64-66

Tony Corso               Victor Arnold      

Paul Davis     Conard Fowkes    Linda's director    65    

Al (Skerba) Driscoll             Roy Poole      64-66      

Linda (Skerba) Driscoll       Berrett Arcaya     66

                                                Jane Elliott            65                                                       

                                                 Barbara Rodell     64-65 

                                                Joanna Miles    65-66 

Martha Austen (Skerba) Driscoll     Lenka Peterson  64-66       

Dr. Stan Eastman       Morgan Sterne          66          

Jason Farrell                          Walter Coy            65-66

Leslie ____ Farrell                  Rita Lloyd            65-66  

Elizabeth ___ Gray                Nancy Franklin  institutionalized psychotic     65             

Tony Gray          Morgan Sterne    attorney, Kate   65

Alice Perkins            Frances Fuller       64-65          

Flora Perkins            Jacqueline Brookes envious woman 64-65     

Craig Reynolds         Frank Schoefield    64-65    

                                    Thomas Coley        65-66

Jane (Skerba) Driscoll Reynolds 

          Margaret Ladd   64-65   

          Beverly Hayes             65-66      DS, EON, SS

Steve Reynolds         Gordon Gray           64-65    

                                     Tom Fielding (Holland) 65-66 

Dave Simon   Terry Logan      65-66   Steve's friend 

Rose ___ Simon         Anne Revere          

Earl Wilson         Earl Wilson, reporter    3/12/65



Nurse Andy      Jenny O'Hara   1965

Doris               Pamela Raymond          1965     

Ellie   Linda's NY confidante    Billie Allen    1965

Fran       Elaine Hyman        1965        

Nick                  Jon Stone              1965

Pam                        Leslie Charleson       1965    

"Movie Star"   August Dorr Watkins    1965   (actress Jenny O'Hara's first husband...  they met on the set)




Candice Azzara

Valerie French

Robert Hooks 

Terry Kiser

Leigh Lassen          

Herbert Bayard Swopes III   4/1966-??(17 year old son of Maggie Hayes)




Roxanne becomes alarmed by Craig's action.
Kate tries to help Jane resolve a problem. (Margaret Ladd)
Linda alters her relationship with Steve.
Craig becomes more upset by Ted's insinuations.
Terry receives an important call from the hospital.
Craig's actions have surprising repercussions.
Jason's maneuvering brings unusual results.   (Walter Coy)
Al is worried about Linda
Chris asks Kate a question.
Steve wonders about his future relationship with his father
Not Available.
Martha is concerned about Kate and Tom.
Jason Farrell and Kate have an unpleasant conversation.
Kate questions feelings about Tony.
Not Available
The arrival of a new neighbor upsets Kate.
Steve is suspicious when Linda delays her plans.
A strange inquiry destroys Kate's mood.
Jason Farrell makes a surprising offer to Al.
Kate promises to help Liz.
Roxanne insists on talking to Kate.
Linda doubts Steve.
Not Available
Roxanne receives a suggestion from Jason.
Kate makes a decision about her book.
Kate is faced with a decision.
Al is confronted with a major choice.
Linda is offered a bargain.
Louise makes a surprising proposal.
An ominous threat shakes Jason's publishing empire.
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Nice to have something new on FITW

A Pioneer Of Pioneers by William Hyder baltimore Sun Sun 17 Jan 1965

A BALTIMORE-BORN actress is a regular on ABC-TV's new day-time serial "Flame in the Wind." Ironically, the show is not being carried in her home town. But Baltimoreans who can pick up Washington's Channel 7 can see Margaret Hayes weekdays at 2 P.M. in the role of Roxanne Reynolds. Miss Hayes, who is sometimes billed as Maggie Hayes, is the daughter of the late J. L.Ottenheimer. Nominally an insurance broker, Mr. Ottenheimer was a performer at heart. He spent much of his time organizing talent shows and taking them to hospitals, institutions and U.S.O. clubs.

In the early days of radio he headed a local show called "Jack Ottenheimer and His Gang," writing the songs and skits himself. Growing up in this atmosphere, his daughter Florette took naturally to the stage. She gave her first performance at School No. 64, Garrison and Maine avenues, and continued acting in school shows at Forest Park High School and the Teachers' College of the Johns Hopkins University. At the Hopkins she was one of the first girls to appear with the Barnstormers, who for years had barred female performers.

After a period of modeling in New York, during which she worked in three short-lived Broadway plays, Florette was signed by producer Hal Wallis to a Warner Brothers contract. Under the name of Dana Dale she made her screen debut in 1940 in "The Man Who Talked Too Much," a movie starring George Brent and Virginia Bruce. Her second picture was "The Letter," which starred Bette Davis. More small parts followed at Warners' and later at Paramount, where she was given the professional name she still uses.

But the newly-christened Margaret Hayes soon felt the need of more stage experience. Returning East she toured in "Jane Eyre," "Laura" and "The Philadelphia Story," and appeared on Broadway in two George Abbott shows and starred as Jo in a City Center production of "Little Women." In the late Forties Miss Hayes married Herbert Bayard Swope, Jr., a producer-director in the theater and television. TV was mushrooming at the time. Hundreds of live dramas and comedies were being produced in New York. Miss Hayes was soon caught up in the stream.

She starred in more than 200 teleplays, including the first drama in the long-running "Circle Theater" series. This is the period everyone calls TV's pioneering days, but as a radio performer Miss Hayes outpioneered the pioneers. She had worked in TV as early as 1939, appearing on an experimental program. In 1955 Miss Hayes returned to Hollywood to appear with Glenn Ford in the movie version of "The Blackboard Jungle." Other films followed. By this time TV production had largely shifted to California, and once more Miss Hayes found herself in the thick of the medium.

She acted on most of the big shows. Miss Hayes and Mr. Swope make their permanent home in New York. They have a son, Herbert 3d, age 15, and a daughter, Tracy, age 12. Tracy is named after Miss Hayes's favorite stage role, Tracy Lord in "The Philadelphia Story.".

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Frank Andre played Dom Corso, who sung in a night club as early as December 1965. He seems to be one of the leads by the fall of 1966. Also working at the club was Stash (Bayard Swopes). Corso sang a rendition of the show's theme song. I suspect that Dom may have been a love interest for the final actress (that we know of) who played Linda Driscoll (Beret Arcaya). 

I also suspect there was a third Steve Reynolds. There is a question in a newspaper TV column asking why Tom Holland (Steve #2) left. Given the timeline, it's possible that Steve just left town with his and Jane's son Mark after Jane's death in late November, 1966. I suspect though the final Steve appeared sometime late in 1966 when Steve was on a business trip in South America. 

I wish more information would appear on this show. The latest episode summaries in TV listings I can find are from December, 1965 in newspapers. I do wonder if TV Guides might not have listings for the show, but I haven't really explored that option. 

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DECEMBER 28,1964-DECEMBER 16, 1966





Nancy Ackerman     Lynne Rogers         1965                 

Ted Alcourt             John McMartin     worked at publishing company  65              

Chris Austen            Richard Thomas      Kate's son    1964-65   

Kate ___ Austen      Kathleen Maguire       tell-all author    1964-65  

Louise ___ Austen   Josephine Nichols     Kate's mother-in-law   64-66 

Patricia Austen          Jennifer Leak         

Miriam ____ Bentley   Lesley Woods    gossipy neighbor   65-66 

Doug Colton               Ian Berger        gold-digging pianist     65

Roxanne Farrell Reynolds Colton    Margaret Hayes     64-66

Dom Corso  Frank Andre    1965 - 66   Nightclub Singer

Tony Corso               Victor Arnold       64

Paul Davis     Conard Fowkes    Linda's director    65    

Al (Skerba) Driscoll             Roy Poole      64-66      

Linda (Skerba) Driscoll       Berett Arcaya     66

                                                Jane Elliott            65                                       

                                                 Barbara Rodell     64-65 

                                                Joanna Miles    65-66 

Martha Austen (Skerba) Driscoll     Lenka Peterson  64-66       

Dr. Stan Eastman       Morgan Sterne          66          

Jason Farrell                          Walter Coy            65-66

Leslie ____ Farrell                  Rita Lloyd            65-66  

Elizabeth ___ Gray      Nancy Franklin  institutionalized psychotic     65     

Tony Gray          Morgan Sterne    attorney, Kate   65

Alice Perkins            Frances Fuller       64-65          

Flora Perkins            Jacqueline Brookes envious woman 64-65     

Craig Reynolds         Frank Schoefield    64-65    

                                    Thomas Coley        65-66

Jane (Skerba) Driscoll Reynolds 

                                   Margaret Ladd   64-65   

                             Beverly Hayes             65-66     

Mark  Reynolds   ????   1966   son of Steve and  Jane

Steve Reynolds         Gordon Gray           64-65    

                                     Tom Fielding (Holland) 65-66 

Dave Simon   Terry Logan      65-66   Steve's friend 

Rose ___ Simon         Anne Revere           1965  Dave's Mother

Earl Wilson         Earl Wilson, reporter    3/12/65



Nurse Andy      Jenny O'Hara   1965

Doris               Pamela Raymond          1965     

Ellie   Linda's NY confidante    Billie Allen    1965

Fran       Elaine Hyman        1965        

Nick                  Jon Stone              1965

Pam                        Leslie Charleson       1965    

Stash     Herbert Bayard Swopes III   4/1966-??(17 year old son of Maggie Hayes)    worked at the nightclub

"Movie Star"   August Dorr Watkins    1965   (actress Jenny O'Hara's first husband...  they met on the set)


Candice Azzara

Valerie French

Robert Hooks 

Terry Kiser

Leigh Lassen          

Bob Paget      August 1966



@dc11786 --  I added the info that I didn't already have.    I originally had 3 actors for Steve.  Gordon Gray, Tom Fielding and Tom Holland, but later learned Fielding was Holland after a name change.


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