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To literally all the angels that have uploaded hundreds of episodes last two days. You have made me cry from joy for hours last night. I've been up not sleeping just to be able to keep up and download. Because of you now after months long pause me and my partner will resume watching Bold. We have just married and that was our hobby and we wanted to watch the whole complete series in couple of years. Sadly the episodes ended with a big gap at 1999. Now we can resume with 2000 and the following years. Let me just say a million than you and wish you best of health and best of joy. You guys are simply The best.

I want to especially thank @rsclassicfanforeverwho I suspect is the angel that uploaded in German. Without you this vault would not be the same. You are a true hero to this community.

Also thanks to @BoldRestlesswho found new sources! You too are an angel.

God bless you guys.


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I was waiting for you to come online to see your reaction. It's amazing, isn't it? It's a different person who uploaded the German episodes, but of course, I agree rsclassicfan is wonderful too.


There was a list somewhere on the vault with missing episodes... maybe someone can update that after this weekend?

I wish. Getting Y&R is my #1 goal and I'm constantly trying to find new episodes. It does not seem to be as well archived as B&B, perhaps because B&B is more international. I get frustrated when I see that people upload entire years of GL or B&B at a time from one channel and for Y&R it's like one episode here and there.

Edited by BoldRestless
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And if the German angel has the time maybe he can upload 2002 in German too ... I would be sooo happy. The 2002 in English we have has some unbearable quality and looks so bad on tv. That's again if the angel has time. I am forever grateful to everything you have done and feel bad to keep asking. God bless you.

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Also guys I am willing to make 2001 and 2002 episodes with using pristine German video and English audio from the bad video quality source. It will take probably time ... But I am willing to do it... I just made one video like that as an experiment and looks great... I even enhanced the audio a bit. If anyone is interested I will upload them. Will try to make them as little size as possible to not get the vault too full.

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Awesome!  Thank you 

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It's a ton of work. I did a few of the Y&R 1986 episodes. I used audacity and avidemux. It would be great if you could do it! You were the one who made those good subtitles too, right? So either the subtitles or the redubbed videos would be really nice to have.  

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Yes I did I have subtitles up to 2750 and will upload them soon. I just stopped uploading thinking nobody is interested. I know it's work but my partner and I have time till 2001 and 2002 and I will start doing 10 episodes a day...in a month I can do a year. It really looks great. Thanks to @Bundy1965 and his amazing German videos. I Will do them on my phone and just resync them and convert without losing quality with some sound improvement and maybe even add a denoiser to even look better. But I am doing nothing.

All of this is possible thanks to the amazing angels. Thank you to all of you our heroes.


I also want to thank you again @BoldRestlesssince you started this new wave of surge of uploads looking for sources and keeping the fire in this thread alive. You and your sources really make my whole year. I am so happy watching again... We hope to complete all 36 years in 2 or 3 years. We watch about 5 episodes a day sometimes more sometimes less.

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Sure! I'm happy to have them too. I have met a lot of nice people, who saw my email address on the vault and reached out to me or who I met on YouTube and kept in touch. 


I would love the subtitles. There is not really much for me to comment on since I'm very far from being up to watching those episodes, lol, but it makes me happy to know they are there when I do, if there's no English available. I would simply ask, whatever you make for yourself in terms of subtitles or dubbed videos, that you share it.  From what @ChickenNuggetz92 has told me, he prefers higher quality videos even if they're larger and he always manages to figure out how to keep the vault going! He's really the hero in this story.  


Again I will ask if someone would update the lists in the vault with the missing episodes, especially if it could be noted what is poor quality/partial/not in English. That would make it much easier to see what is needed.

Edited by BoldRestless
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