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B&B: Old/Classic Discussion & Articles

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#1809 – here is it: the one event that probably kept me watching this soap as young teen: the end of Jay Garvin. In retrospect I would have expected much more build up because it happened all so fast. James is suddenly on Sheila’s trail. The motivations remain sketchy; the writers claim that James is digging deep because Sheila is Brooke’s assistant. Dear James: Stephanie and Brooke both have some skeletons in their closets, too. But maybe this turned him on? ALL of James’ lovers on this show were rather complex (read: devious, crazy or off-the-rails) women at one point or another if I think about it… LOL

Anyway: the first of many balcony falls in B&B history (is anyone counting???) was just great TV with Sheila being cornered and well Jay taking a deep fall. To my utmost surprise the rest of the episode had some super boring stuff: Eric and Stephanie have lunch and discuss basically nothing. Jessica speaks with Ridge about his skimpy swimwear and is then introduced to Brooke. Talk about nail-biter material. NOT

There are some things that are definitely working really well in Summer 1994: the acting of Ian Buchanan and Kimberlin Brown. The wonderful conversations between Sheila and Mike – and basically every scene featuring Sheila. I have only seen Ivana’s first episode in which she bantered with Dylan – and it was GOOD. The Spectras are losing steam and my best guess is that Sally and Macy will soon make up after suffering a nasty fall-out due to Anthony. The story was a lot better than I remembered it. Now it is time to move on quickly, though, ‘cause Sally and Macy have to be at good terms – they have such a sincere relationship, IMO. 



@ Divinemotion: 1996 is good in a way that it features a broad variety of stories and characters. And most storylines work really well. I re-watched it in 2021. IMO, it is losing considersable steam in the fall with Brooke/Ridge/Grant because the writing is not doing any character favors, but apart from that there is lots to like - and actually most stories are cut too short (for my taste) instead of being dragged out...



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The huge rise of Reilly's Days from 1993 to 1997 really shook up both Y&R and B&B.

Y&R is fine through the first half of 1994. Summer 1994, the frat party starts. Fall 1994, Y&R goes off track in the aftermath of OJ. Y&R doesn't recover until the second half of 1997.

Bradley takes over B&B in 1993 and it goes into a lull for the rest of that year and for most of 1994. Some signs of life in late 1994 that lead to Bradley's big storylines culminating in the first half of 1995.  Second half of 1995, the tanking starts and B&B is done for me after the Jabot/Newman crossover in 1999. The consensus here is that B&B was done after 2002.

Edited by kalbir
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Episode 2208 is amazing. Its like the Othello drama... Brooke and the letter that destroyed her life. I know that soon it will become boring again. Bradley cant do more than 5 interesting episodes in a row. 

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I remember the whole Ivana/Jessica storyline so differently from how it actually played out. The way I remembered it, Jessica was good and innocent and Ivana was the mean girl. But watching it now I find Ivana a LOT more interesting as a character than Jessica. Ivana is mischievous and jealous but still in a kind of relatable way, Jessica is just an annoying kid who thinks she's more mature than she really is.

And I actually liked the fallout between Sally and Macy (although it was for a silly reason) - what I didn't like was how the (inevitable) reconciliation seemed to be over and done with in just one episode, as if the writers were in a hurry to push the reset button. I would have liked to see more of a gradual realization on Sally's part.

Sheila and Mike are always a joy to watch! 

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I can now report that Eddie Cibrian played "Dave" a college buddy of Dylan in #1814 which probably aired June 10, 1994 on CBS. Also feautured was David Ramey as "Ted"- he would later play Diggle on ARROW where Dylan Neal was as semi-frequent guest star. What a small world!

BTW: Eddie Cibrian was shirtless in that scene (as the only actor!?) which seemed to mimic those Malcolm and Neil gym scenes from Y&R in the mid 90s.

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That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing! I think the streaming craze came a little too late for many countries where B&B's appeal shrunk over the years and/or daytime programming was seen as too costly to buy the rights for this show. Soaps while not the biggest audience grabbers in general are a great way to beef up one's streaming library and are a continious draw for subscribers. I fear that attracting a new audience is very hard, though.

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My recollection is when there were space problems, @ChickenNuggetz92 removed those years since they are mostly on YouTube anyway (and in my opinion, not really classics 

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) but that may have inadvertently excluded the "not from youtube" ones. That was before the Y&R and GL Vaults were split up though, so maybe there is room now.

Are you looking for something specific? I can look at my files tonight to see if I have those ones from @Marquise

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Thank you for responding. I am not looking for anything in particular. 

Let me say that 1996 has been WAY WAY better than 1994 or 1995. After two incredibly unbearable years... We are finally enjoying the show. 

Im about episode 2248 an Sheila is about to start poisoning Stephanie. 

I loved Brookes fall and I think she deserved to fall after basically TAKING and TAKING and making everyones life a mess for 9 years. 

I love Sheila s storyline and I find Sheila more interesting than 1993 even. I love how her character has developed and become even more obsessive and borderline. 

Here are the problems.

1. Maggie... Dylan... Jessica... the other young cast members... dont WORK. AT ALL. Its like watching 2 different shows with no connection. We have compelling family drama... psychotic Sheila and then these boring scenes with Jessica or Dylan. Or Sly and Jessica.

2.Maggie was completely destroyed after starting very interesting... She is now just the maid... and I find that very strange... The maid working in the house in which her daughter is basically like the little princess in the house. Its unrealistic.

3. Sly is destroyed. He started WAY more intersting and was more of a good bad guy... Now he is one dimensional jerk. Boring.

4. Lauren DOESNT work. All she has done the last 50 episodes is try to seduce a man that doesnt want her. She looks pathetic and doesnt fit in the show at all. I didnt expect this at all. 

5.All episodes have problems. There is no perfect episode like there was with Bill Bell. The dialogue at times is so untalanted and basic. Let me give an example. Dialogue is like that a lot of times.

- I have a problem!

- You have a problem!

- Yes I do... I tell you there is a problem.

- You are telling me there is a problem?


This constant repeating and repeating is like telling the viewers = You have low IQ.

I really hope it will continue improving. I remember that as a CHILD I loved this period on the show and I would be so mezmerized. But I was 5! This time its difficult.

BUT... Brooke... Stephanie... Taylor... Sheila drama saves the show for me.


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