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Unfortunately I had to resort to buying 1994 eps from Gilson. He is recording in perfect quality. Pity @rsclassicfanforever gave up recording VL nonetheless I fully understand this decision; it is a time-consuming and painstaking job to do. The Angel uploading eps these days is recording in a strange format, there is much smaller screen than usual. That is why I had to resort to buying from Gilson, unfortunately. But I do not have anything against that, it is good the Vault is being made use of. 

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I'd like to ask you an honest question (and it may come across as blunt):

If you do not have anything against buying 1994 episodes from Gilson, why do you point out twice in the same post how "unfortunate" it is? (And no, paying for things is not unfortunate, it's normal. Getting things for free is fortunate.)

I honestly didn't even notice the difference between the recent and not so recent uploads until you pointed it out. I can't see any actual noticeable difference in picture quality, only the black frame that wasn't there before. And that can easily be zoomed away with a few clicks of the mouse (it never bothered me though).

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I do not get it how can it be so "easily zoomed away with few clicks of the mouse" but nevermind, I suspected an hideous attack on me like it was the last time since everyone here has got to be just happy about literally everything and gets furious by any kind of criticism, even a slight one. It is unfortunate, yes, but what other choice is there really, I can't record on my own, I don't have time for this. Maybe I am complaining because I am watching eps on TV and black frame cannot be zoomed away just like that. But I just said my opinion which I know is unpopular and even undesirable but still, this site is meant for discussion so that is what I've used it for even if everyone does not approve of my opinion, I just simply don't care. What is fortunate is that there is someone who still is recording and uploading otherwise you would end up with nothing to watch. And I do believe it is just the way it is being recorded and cannot be changed or improved manually , plus I did not say one word about the quality of the uploads which is still very good. 

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Attention everyone and especially the anonymous uploading angel we appreciate so much - 

@ChickenNuggetz92 provided an update here https://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/topic/61220-yrbbgl-vault-updates/page/3/#comment-1813298


new uploads to the Vault are temporarily on hold while ChickenNuggetz92 migrates the Vault to a new OneDrive. He'll keep us updated... meanwhile, a million thanks to ChickenNuggetz92 and the Angels!

Edited by yrfan1983
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Using VLC Player, the dialogue window where you can cut away the black frame is accessed via Control+E (Windows) or Command+E (Mac).

I reread my reply and I don't see how it constituted a "hideous attack". I just felt that there would have been more constructive and polite ways to make a suggestion to the uploader that they change the video format if possible, rather than saying how you wished that someone other than them was still uploading, and that it was so unfortunate that the new uploads were unwatchable to you. I remember there was a previous Angel who was so discouraged by similar comments that they stopped uploading.

Fingers crossed this issue can be fixed! And again, thanks so much to everyone who is making the Vault possible! It truly is a dream come true for us classic B&B fans!

According to my notes, Sheila's first episode is #1293.

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Ok, I just finished 1571... I am in shock that Brooke successfully claiming the Belief patent comes down to Ridge accidentally grabbing the unsigned copy of the contract and leaving Brooke with the signed version...

What a dope! What a dingbat! Ridge is a failure as a businessman.

Stephanie is not far behind Ridge. Her ineptness in failing to double-check the contract is one of her all-time biggest blunders.

Edited by yrfan1983
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