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I am a big fan of 1994.  Lots of things happened. The beautiful wedding.  The interrupted Sheila wedding.  The exotic Moroccan adventure.  Thorne framed for murder. I even liked the James/Brooke romance.  Dr. Garvin's murder.  Ivanna's murder.  I did like Karen Spencer too as well as Connor.  It is too bad the show could not keep Connor.  Really liked the actor.

What I love most about many of the classic episodes was great plots and lavish sets, many sets.

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I am up to 1556 - 1558 and they are on FIRE! In the past, I often FF past certain scenes or storylines that don’t keep my attention… but not here…

I am relishing to see Sheila in her full powers. She is secure in her new marriage, and she is starting to realize the joys of being rich! In her entire history on YR and BB, I have never seen her money-focused, but who wouldn’t be tempted by the “sweet life” once given a taste?  I loved her free and relaxed interactions here with Brooke. I’m not sure if she actually likes Brooke, but she definitely sees her as an ally. She confides in Brooke: “you’re my only friend… I’m very private” Oh, if Brooke only knew!  A hat-tip to the writers for throwing in little future plot-clues such as: “Harry Houdini once owned this house…rumor has it there are secret tunnels underneath!”

I am very impressed so far with the Kevin story. It doesn’t feel preachy or PSA-like at all. (Cricket/Christine Blair Romalotti Williams should take notes)  The struggle to secure Kevin a job at the Bikini Bar feels very true-to-life.  I really appreciate that they cast Black actors. I love how Macy, while flailing in almost all areas of her life, is a passionate advocate for Kevin. I lol’d out loud when Aunt Ruthanne commented about Macy: “oh that’s right… she has a husband and a boyfriend!”

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 My only minor criticism is surely Kevin does have his challenges in life and I would like to see that... to provide a full picture… perhaps that is forthcoming.

The Sally/Stephanie scenes were delicious. Sally greets Stephanie with “free advice / a warning”… but by the end, Stephanie has turned the tables with a sly grin. In retrospect, I do view these scenes in a different light, knowing that Sally and Stephanie eventually come to a mutual understanding and respect… but that’s just fine.

At the end of 1557 when Ridge barges into Eric’s office… does Trish look like she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar??

I am all in for the Belief story and am making a point not to skip any scenes. I am mostly enjoying it. Stephanie forced to pretend to tolerate Brooke is fantastic to watch. And Karen subbing for Brooke for a Steve Massage is the most interesting thing Karen has done in months. However, I do not like the Connor actor and feel he is miscast. (I do wonder if I would have preferred Perry Stephens cast as Connor Davis!) And I definitely do not enjoy Connor and Ridge’s macho rivalry 

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1994 and (the first half of) 1995 were my favorite years of B&B and rewatching 1994 now, I still feel that way. I love the storylines and can't wait for some of my all time favorites (Taylor's death and resurrection, Macy and Thorne's singing career, Sheila's unraveling, Ivana's murder). I also feel the character setup from this time is some of the best the show has had. The only thing I'm uncertain of is how I'll feel about the Jessica/Dylan storyline because I don't remember much about it. 

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I agree this part of B&B is very good!

I found that Connor was a poorly developed character in the beginning (and his high school backstory with Brooke and Ridge didn't add up because the age difference between Brooke and Ridge is too big for them ever to have been in high school at the same time). But watching the 1994 episodes I feel that Connor has finally become more developed. IMO Connor didn't really "come alive" until they started putting him in scenes with Anthony. Somehow Anthony brings Connor to life.

I agree the Kevin storyline is very refreshing and respectfully told. Kevin is a wonderful and sweet character whose disability is part of who he is but doesn't define him. And his interactions with Keith and Macy are touching (agree that it is sweet how she advocates for him even though her own life is falling apart). I really like both Keith and Kevin and wish they had stayed on the show longer. 

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The whole angles used around Kevin worked a lot better than most PSA stories. Actually, it was so touching (I don’t want to spoiler Y&Rfan1983) when something really shocking happens around #1615.

In my memory, the arrivals of James and Anthony more or less kill any momentum for future stories of the Anderson brothers, which would be too bad because these character do work surprisingly well.


as for 1994: I remember to find Dylan and Jessica very dull / the storyline unlikeable because I never got why Eric and Stephanie went so ballistic against Dylan. I really look forward to the Universal Studios Remote. Can’t remember whether it was just a clip or one or two episodes where the young lovers enjoyed the amusement park. The rest makes it my alleine favorite year as well. Will be interesting to see whether this assessment will still stand out 

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Yes, I'm looking forward to EVERYTHING about 1994-1995 with the possible exception of the Jessica/Dylan storyline. In fact, if I remember correctly, there was a time in the second half of 1995 when all the awesome major high stakes storylines were resolved and all that was left was basically the Jessica/Dylan/Maggie triangle which at the time felt like a D story. My most vivid memory of Jessica is a scene with her playing the violin badly.

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Although I like Catherine Hickland, I say no.  Brooke the character has had some icky storylines over the years but KKL imbues Brooke with pieces of her own personality that make Brooke likeable despite some questionable behavior.  Also, Brooke has not been shown to be as mean and spiteful as some other characters so that makes her easier to like as well.

Perhaps it is just me but KKL is probably what I like most about Brooke.

Edited by PSPCindy
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Although I'm not all that familiar with Catherine Hickland I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no. KKL may not be a master thespian, but she has managed to imbue Brooke with enough positive characteristics to survive some really awful writing. Add to that the chemistry she has/had with her co-stars, especially Susan Flannery, and you have a recipe for success. For me the big draw with B&B was never the love triangle Brooke/Ridge/Taylor. That wore thin very fast, and by now it's more off-putting than the opposite. No, this show was always at its best when Stephanie and Brooke was at the forefront. Flannery and Lang worked so incredibly well together, and I doubt that Hickland would have worked as well.

Edited by I Am A Swede
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Yes Bold in 1 sentence is a story about two women who hate each other. Everything else is just a filler for me. The triangles have always been boring. At least after year 10... but Brooke vs Stephanie is just iconic.

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Personally I would probably even stop watching in 1997, as KKL was one of my favourite actress on the show, she had so many important storylines and memories (especialy with Stephanie and Ridge).

Basically I hate any replacements in the cast. I remember how much I suffered Jeff Trachta as Thorne - his character changed too much, so badly, he got very self-centered, hypocritical and boring, actually everything about him has changed and turned into a something I really hated to watch. He just wasn't Thorne I remembered and got to used to!

KKL's chemistry with others was pretty irreplacealbe, especially in this classic period. Then I was really afraid that she's not going back anymore as Brooke. Sandra was very much different than KKL, with completely different kind of energy and personality. As Brooke she seemed to be very boring to me, with no character and not that kind of chemistry with others, which is obvious - it takes some time to achieve anything good here. Also I believe the timing on the show was very hard for her and Sandra's role was quite transparent. 

To sum up I think that cutting Brooke's character would be much better than replacing with someone else. The same goes with Ridge, Stephanie or even Taylor. With Thorne's replacement I was very happy only with Winsor Harmon. Maybe he as Thorne became a huge womenizer, but this change was very exciting to watch and produced some great storylines. Also we got used to the replacements here...

Edited by Finrod
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I'm with you Finrod, replacements are not pleasing to me generally.  Clayton Norcross was a beautiful Thorne but I found his Thorne weak and could never see him driving story.  JT was not my cup of tea at all.  Frankly, I got so sick of all the singing.  I'm a musical person but I don't watch soaps to see community theater.  A little music is okay but BE and JT sang constantly.  Even today in re-watching classic episodes I ff the singing.

Winsor Harmon was a favorite of mine.  I still miss him and Thorne.  It was sad that Bell killed off all of his immediate family.  I found it particularly cruel that Thorne lost Ali to that bully Steffy.  Ali had problems but killing her off felt like a stunt to do an "aha" on the audience.  WH's recast was horrendous.  And I generally like Ingo.  He was miscast as Thorne.

I feel much the same about the new Taylor.  I loved to look at HT back in the day.  She was so gorgeous.  Later not so much but still she was Taylor. Though I often had issues with the portrayal by everyone on the show that Taylor was a "saint" Tylo did play Taylor with a certain gravitas that Allen totally lacks.  KA does not fit.  And I'm not sure if it is the writing, her acting or the directing but Taylor is obnoxious, silly and comes off as dumb.  The whitewash of her past does her no favors whatsoever.

But in general the stories being told today are so superficial and really make no sense.  Even topics that should be impactful and really emotional come off as unbelievable and too truncated.  There is no build and layering to the plots.  It is very frustrating that the show centers on one story for months to the  detriment of other characters and fans of the same. I have tuned out for months because it is just not entertaining. It is very sad.

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