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Thank God for you and the other angels!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really don't know how to be thankful enough. I just watched some of the new episodes and sobbed... ive waited 20 years for this... thank you for making it happen.

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So I know we've been speculating a bit about when Brad Bell took over as head writer and when he started influencing the writing. I was just watching episode 1301 (from 1992) and it seems to me like there's a HUGE shift in the writing in that episode. Not entirely out of character writing, but massive shifts towards the extreme and villainous in characters like Stephanie and Blake. Did anyone else notice it? Could this be Brad's influence?

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BTW. The youtube channel has started premiering 4 episodes a day.... which means 28 episodes a week. Or that would mean... 1460 episodes a year... That means that next year on the same date the channel will be premiering episode 2170... or November 1995... And 2 years from now... it will premiering 3630 or september 2001. So well be having a lot of drama the next 2 years.

The bad thing is that they continue to upload in very low quality compared to videoland. So the vault will always be preferable for me. 

Edited by divinemotion
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