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Thanks, since you two both agree on that I'll just rename them and move them into the 1995 folder. 

Taylor was presumed dead in a plane crash and discovered by Prince Omar. Meanwhile Ridge married Brooke in that sandcastle ceremony. Omar eventually discovered who she was, but she had amnesia and was known as Princess Layla. Somehow Brooke and Ridge ended up on their honeymoon at Prince Omar's castle, by now Taylor remembered who she was, but was devastated seeing Ridge with Brooke. Omar would make her watch them in the bedroom via closed circuit video. Taylor was also wearing a burqa when she interacted with them, so they didn't recognize her. Taylor decided to just stay in Morocco and marry the Prince. It wouldn't work today because it had a lot of Middle Eastern stereotypes and Taylor was locked away a la Princess Jasmine in Aladdin. Eventually Taylor goes back to LA and reveals her identity (the CALA Classics episodes that were just uploaded).


What was more interesting was probably the backstage part. Hunter Tylo was co-starring in a miniseries called The Maharaja's daughter with Kabir Bedi, which is why she was temporarily written out, and why he guested on the show. I remember reading some gossip about it back then in the soap press. I didn't have the internet back in 1994 so I'm surprised it even made it into the magazines and I'm sure what made it in was the tip of the iceberg. Allegedly Hunter had an affair with Kabir, and almost got divorced. I also recall her saying something about being bitten by a snake and possessed (???) and then she became a born-again Christian after that.  She also apparently was super close with Kimberlin Brown (I think they both lived in Vegas and commuted together by plane?), but they had a falling out and it was really nasty and I vaguely remember one of them was accused of keying the other's car??? And then they stopped speaking. Kimberlin and her husband also testified on Michael Tylo's behalf during a custody dispute. Some people online later speculated it was a lesbian relationship gone bad, lol.  I hope I'm not the only one who remembers this stuff, haha.


And after all that, Hunter went on Melrose Place and the whole Aaron Spelling lawsuit happened... she certainly has been involved in her share of drama.



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i remember that snake thing and stuff. Even my mother who ain't into soaps anymore remembered that. lmao That was wild stuff.

1994 is the year i really want to see again and especially coz of Taylor. That was when my mother got me hooked on that show when i was a little boy. I felt so sorry for Taylor and can't wait to see them episodes again

Edited by AMCOLTLLover
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At the time, and the way I remember them, they were my favorite years of the show! I loved Taylor's Morocco storyline, Thorne and Macy's singing career and Ivana's murder, and Sheila's increasingly desperate actions. I really hope to be able to watch these years again and see if they are as good as I remember. They were "high stakes" years with an unusual concentration of serious "life and death" situations. The earthquake (or was that late 1993?), Taylor "dying", Jack having a heart attack, the explosion in the lab, Sheila killing Jay Garvin, Sheila keeping James in a dungen and then trying to kill everyone including herself, Macy having cancer and covering it up to go on a concert tour, Anthony murdering Ivana and almost killing Sally and Macy while Thorne was wrongfully arrested and facing a potential death penalty, Jasmine falling down the elevator shaft at Spectra, and so on. 

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So unfortunately I am not home to currently check on it, but the omnibus (marathon) of this weeks B&B on Cala Classics is airing right now and it’s recording so fingers crossed I’ll have 10 episodes to post (8 given the two episodes I posted already) from ‘95 later tonight

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. If not I’ll be up and running for tomorrow and this weeks and we should have ‘95-on here soon. 

if this works than hopefully we will have ‘92-94 from Videoland next year and then 95-97 from Cala by the time the two intersect haha

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