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Was just about to mention this. We already have these episodes online. It'*s Felicia's swan song... This time period was AMAZING. I'm currently watching the last 1993 episodes uploaded by DAYS22 from January 1993. What a treat: Darla as Camille, Taylor as likable as I remember her, Sheila's desperation to temper with Bridget's paternity test!

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I noticed that, too. It was very smooth sailing. Scripts were also not too bad. The problems after the strike were much more glaring with several botched up episodes and sudden story switches for 2 weeks before it was back to normal.


i have no idea who wrote B&B and Y&R for that matter. Maybe the likes of Rex M. Best or Eric Freiwald for Y&R and producer/director Dennis Steinmetz for B&B with help from some other script writers from the Bell universe?

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Thanks! I was recently watching the episodes on YT and I thought they flowed through perfectly. I didn't even know I was up to the post-strike episodes until I noticed Bill Bell's name in the credits again.


The only other soap where I've seen a large chunk of strike episodes was Another World, and with them the decline was very noticeable.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Yeah those dates seem spot on, at least that is what I have too.


ETA: Actually sorry @YRfan23 I do have something different. I think B&B was pre-emtped on Jan 2nd 1989. So #442 is Jan 3rd 1989. Episode #451 when Stephanie and Ridge find the cigarette near Angela's bed was mentioned in the weekly newspaper synopsis for Jan 16 - 20. Which pushes Sally's first date to Jan 17 and Darla and Saul to Jan 19. However I could be wrong

Edited by will81
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Monday 1/2/89 was a preemption date for CBS so maybe the newspaper synopses didn’t pick up on that?


heres what I have listed as being the CBS daytime preemptions from 1987-89 (at least for Y&R/B&B) for those who are curious.




1/1(New Years Day)

7/7 (Iran contra)

7/8 (Iran Contra)

7/9 (Iran contra)

7/10 (Iran Contra)

7/13 (Iran Contra)

7/14 (Iran Contra)

7/15 (Iran Contra)

7/23 (Iran Contra)

7/24 (Iran Contra)

9/7 (US Open)

9/11 (US Open)

11/26 (Thanksgiving)

11/27 (Thanksgiving)

12/25 (Christmas Day)



1/1 (New Years Day)
9/5 (US Open)
9/9 (US Open
11/24 (Thanksgiving)
11/25 (Thanksgiving
Wk of 12/19-12/23(Unknown, seems like only Y&R was preempted one of those days)

1/2 (New Years/Tournament of Roses Parade)
1/20 (George H.W Bush Inauguration)
2/20 (NBA Games)
9/4 (US Open)
9/8 (US Open)
11/23 (Thanksgiving)
11/24 (Thanksgiving)
12/25 (Christmas Day

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FYI: The years listed with those YouTube videos are off because the closing credits are no longer the original ones in all cases. And “AmySilence” solely relied on this credits for her labeling of the episodes...

I find it fascinating that unlike internet clamor that Sallys role got eventually expanded, it is clear that Bill Bell knew of Darlene Conley’a talent from Y&R and built the Spectra clan from scratch right at the brink of 1988/1989. No turning back, he was already in the process of phasing our Katie, Storm and Rocco (plus Nick) to make room. Those uploads from AmySilence are a totally unexpected gift that keeps on giving! Just 50 more episodes and she will close the gap to the uploads by “MarekLogan” with those annoying Polish voiceovers that are on YT with almost consecutive episodes (including some gaps) of 1989-1992 B&B.

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#455 was just uploaded and there's a major behind the scenes shake-up: Meg Bennett is no longer writing, Dennis L. Steinmetz is no longer a producer, Brad Bell (starts taking producing duties) joins Ron Weaver as an associate producer, while Hope Harmel Smith (formerly an associate producer) is upgraded and John C. Zak who had directed a few episodes in early 1988 (and will continue with the show for the next ten years as director and producer...) is "in" as well under the title of coordinating producer.

Edited by sheilaforever
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