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Started the next episode. Ten months later, new stuff, a brand new arc it seems. Now I see what you all meant about the show initially receiving a 13-episode order. Honestly, it probably would have been best to leave it at 13 episode seasons but ABC would have been crazy to end the season just when the show managed to go UP 2 million viewers.

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Mellie annoys the hell out of me to no end 99% of the time and sometimes that 1% I am rooting for her, just her -- and I need for her to get her life sorted. happy she finally did what she's been claiming she'd do for what seems like forever but still half of the time she's so basic... for what seems like one strong kick-a** woman she's so amll. "I'm going to give Fitz time to recommit to his family." Riiiiiiiight. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate when she says that or any variation of it.

I need her to start making her "comeback" that she gave a big speech about sometime this season or whenever.... because that would be great TV.

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idk why but I'm never really here for him, I ranted to my friend how much I loathe his character and can't wait until he's 86ed from the show. She said she never knew my hate ran so deep, I laughed because I don't hate him I've just found hard to like him in anything post Felicity and especially after seeing him in Scream 3... but the story of who the mole is is intriguing with or without him so idc anymore.

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Foley is a blech actor. He is very one note and boring. He was that way on Felicity and he is still that way. Of course, this means that he will probably be a regular next season. SR loves her bad actors.

Mellie is doing her impression of Jennifer Holiday in Dream Girls and is pretty pathetic, but at least it has gotten the plot moving so I say good for her. Of course, in real life that would be end of all her political ambitions, but this is a Shonda Rhimes show.

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I watched the last two espidoes on OnDemand and I'm left wondering if Olivia and her gang of misguided misfits care that the head of the CIA is dead because they incorrectly fingered him as the mole. We're not suppose to wonder about those insignificant things...

When Oliva yelled Fitz had to "earn her" I looked at the tv incredulously. Now granted I understood that there was a time jump after the reveal of Defiance and he turned his back on her but when he came to her at the hospital and she whispered you left me all alone the thought must not have entered her mind that she was the one who left Fitz "all alone'" as he practically begged her to return to him practically in every episode and she shot him down each and every time - of course, not when she finally decided she would wait for him just as he found out about Defiance. And speaking of which, Fitz was absolutely robbed in never being allowed to have a genuine confrontation over that that should have resulted in Olivia having to earn his trust. Instead he has to earn hers and whenever is it not about Olivia as Fitz once again had to grovel and beg her to give him another chance.

So now he has proven he "earned" her because he chose her over his presidency when he was always willing to do that very thing as I disntincly remembered her conspiring with Mellie to keep him in check that resulted in America's baby. So this grand declaration of him having to prove to Olivia as they count down the minutes both literally and figuratively is ridiculous. These two have so many issues between them that needs to be adressed without the psuedo harlequin romantic bullsit Shonda keeps hammimg and this is why i no longer root for them.

So when all is said and done, people were literally killed and lives were destroyed to keep this undeserivg man as the president (irregardless of Defiance) when he has absolutely no problem throwing it all away for his mistress... oops... lover.

Everyone on the team knew all along that she was having an affair with the president of the United States and no one dared to question it. In the words of Harrison "it's not my business". Gotta love that cult like loyalty.

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OMG my mouth dropped when I saw it was David handing Billy Chambers the card. Ugh my summer will be so incomplete without Scandal!

Already preparing to have anxiety attack watching next week's finale... lol

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I figured David was the one working for the mole. OPA ruined his life. As much as I wanted to buy his forgivness act I knew he was plotting revenge. As for the mole I had NO idea. That was a surprise and a disappointment. How long has it been since we've seen Billy?

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I only figured out that it was David when he was watching Olivia open the safe. Good for him. I am for him trying to get justice and reveal the election rigging although by teaming up with Billy Chambers, he will likely end up dead.

Olivia is so happy that things have got to fall apart between her and Fitz in the season finale. I have been so pleased that there is finally some movement there. I really wish Shonda would let Mellie name Olivia so that Fitz can announce he is getting a divorce publicly, but that would be too easy. It took Derek on Grey's four years to get out of his marriage with no real obstacles so I am expecting the same and more with Fitz.

I noticed that Shonda is trying to redeem Jake. RME. Guess, the blah Foley will be back next season, while David played by the talented Malina departs.

Last night's show had a preliminary season high with a 3.2, 18 to 49 women demo.

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I don't think Malina is going anywhere. There is still a lot of storyline potential with David. We have to get the backstory as to how he and Billy ended up working together, whether it was something he was forced to do something he wanted to do if he'll end up blowing things wide open etc.

As far as Foley he's only a guest star so yeah he might be back next season but who knows for how long.

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