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A New Day in Eden

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I’ve heard most of the younger actors were fairly green. Biff had a substantial amount of story in these final episodes. Grant Wilson may not have had the time yet to really develop the character for himself in order to make Biff the strong anti-hero he could be. His sexual escapades are trite, but his other interactions tend to be rather interesting. I think the Francie / Biff relationship is interesting and I wonder if they played the dynamics between them and their parents is rather interesting.

For a character that gets all the soft core porn stories, Biff is a rather complex character. After sleeping with a stranded motorist, a hitchhiker, and the family maid in the course of a day, Biff has a rather involved conversation with his aunt Miranda before the start of the party.

There is more to Biff’s interest to Cynthia, which seems to have missed the script. In the previous installment, Greg warns Biff not to flirt with Laurel or Cynthia because they are not like Biff’s women. After Greg socks Biff in the jaw, Biff, alone, deduces Greg is involved with one of these two women and plans to flirt with both in order to incite jealousy from Greg. While Biff seems to have figured out about Greg / Laurel, I would assume Biff’s hypothesis about Greg / Cynthia is an undercurrent in the scene.

Another element I like about this scene is the relationship between Miranda and Biff. There is a sort of twisted parent bond between the two. Biff mentions learning about Pam and Clint, which doesn’t really seem to affect him. Miranda was involved with Clint so I suspect Biff uncovered this information for his aunt. Later, Miranda agrees to cover for Biff with Bryan when Bryan wants to send Biff to Santa Fe for a second time. At this point, Biff is a suspect and cannot leave town, but he doesn’t want his father to know he is considered a suspect.

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I have found little cast information from this show. Does anyone know who played these various characters were portrayed by:

Luanne Butler: dead student

Cynthia Claybourne, brother Logan Claybourne, father Prof. Emmett Claybourne

Corinne Collier: wife, John

Pamela Evans

Joe Franklin: husband, Betty

Dr. Hammond: surgeon

Isabel Kittredge

Penny Landis: victim #3

Gino Lombardi: Shelley's attacker

Luke Lombardi: suspect that hung himself

Lori Novack:Shelley's cousin

Frank Richardson, campus security

Ida Richardson: his sister

Hud Richardson: her son

Myra Sowalsky and her two sons: Davey[+Francie], and Hank[+Shelley]

Muffy Spencer: victim #2

Amy Stanley: the girl in Phoenix

Kevin Wallace: rapist/stalker

Beau: lover, Madge & Miranda

Does anyone know who:

Brioni Farrell

John Gibson

Catherine Hickland

James Horan


Thanks, I got most of the character's names from around this NDIE thread. I have been trying for years to find out more about this show. Thanks for any information anyone passes along!

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Luanne Butler: dead student

I'm not sure this role was played by an actual actress. I think she was the final victim of the Campus Rapist. In the script, Greg and Laurel find the body, but I don't think she was a regular character.

Corinne Collier: wife, John

I can say with some certainty that Corinne didn't appear. Miranda drops the bombshell about Josh Collier's first wife in one of the final two episodes. I guess it is possible she made an appearance in a flashback, but it would seem unlikely.

Lori Novack: Shelley's cousin

The actress' last name was something like Michaelson. It is written on the cover of one of the scripts I have with her lines all marked up. The handwriting isn't very clear.

Beau: lover, Madge & Miranda

I got the impression Beau didn't appear in the story. The scripts I have start with Bryan Lewis and Madge returning from Atlanta. It's possible Beau was seen in the Atlanta scenes, but I don't think so.

Regarding Joe Franklin, he definitely appeared in a flashback where he raped Betty and I suspect the actor was also appearing as "Betty's stalker," but that would be more speculation.

I think Anne Lockhart played the first victim.

Rachel Todd and Cathy St. George both appeared on the show. I suspect Cathy played Pam Evans, but I really have nothing to go on other than someone once said Pam was played by a former Playboy Playmate.

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Joe Franklin appeared in script #32, which covered parts 63 and 64. He was seen spying on Laurel at the Franklin cottage when she was being dropped off by Cynthia and Logan. When Kevin Wallace rapes Betty Franklin, Betty has a flashback of being raped by Joe before they were married. This flashback had previously been used in script #30. I don't have script #30 so I don't know the full context.

A maid name Honey appeared in several scripts. She was one of the women that Biff Lewis slept with.

In one script, Betty hears a voiceover from a woman named "Elizabeth" who tells her it would be terrible if Laurel were to learn the truth after all these years. "Elizabeth" doesn't appear in any more of my scripts and the reference is quite vague. The only thing I have thought is Elizabeth is Betty's mother since Betty is a nickname for Elizabeth.

To clarify, Myra Sowolsky and Dr. Hammond do not appear in any of the scripts I have. They are mentioned, like Beau, but Doug Marland is known for his large canvas of onscreen and offscreen characters. Similarly, Melvyn Masterson, Clint's father, is mentioned on several occasions and may have appeared onscreen. Again, he doesn't appear in anything I have.

A bit off topic, but Corinne Hamilton was the name of one of Doug Marland's cousins. I believe they both grew up on their grandparents farm at one point. That information comes from a census record.

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