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AMC: Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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This Erica story was filmed when she left for her book promo right? That's why it's being played this way?

LOVED seeing Having it All everywhere on this episode--especially as I was just looking through my copy today lol. Liked the Minx stuff, the Erica stuff--the rest was OK.

Jack's an attractive man and prob the fittest male actor in the upper ages on the show--WHY do they always give him shirts and suits that he looks to be drowning in?

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Oh come on--this is classic soap red herring--for all the reasons you say. If this was OLTL where characters turn psycho maniac at the flip of a switch I could maybe buy this sudden new side of Krystal, but...

Yeah they screwed up with the instant message--I thougt they did a quick shot cuz Colby would read it outloud, but went back and paused it--not that ti was that important...

Time frames on soaps is always screwed up--on every one I know (I mean what time of day it is) but it seemed weird that JR and crew seemed to be going out for dinner--drinks, lots of food (that as always is barely touched)... Maybe an early dinner cuz of the concert (does Pine Valley have a stadium?) but... And then JR phones Lucretia to tell her to give AJ cold medicine with his lunch? Why couldn't someone paying attention (which Kate Hall usually does) change that line to dinner and it would have all made sense?

Good points but you forgot the most extreme to me--unless maybe Krystal somehow teamed up with David or someone, there's no way Krystal could have been spending days recreating and building Erica's room, a video system, etc.

No [!@#$%^&*]!! Give her some green salad with no dressing and she'd be set for a week! It reminds me of when the Fusion Girls used to get excited to have donuts in some episodes, you'd see Kendall pick a tiny crumb off the donut and toss the rest in the garbage...

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Agreed that it's definitely not Krystal. Total red herring. I am curious to see who's behind it. Doubt it's anyone NOT on the canvass, since I don't think they can even afford day players at this point LOL. Probably David and Liza plotting together against Erica for some reason.

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It's probably Opal. She couldn't stand to see Erica keep making foolish choices whenever it came to the men in her life when she (Opal) would never have another chance w/ Palmer.


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I just don't see David ever doing something like this to Erica. Yes, David and Erica all for a little bondage and putting each other through a little emotional hell, but something like this? This is twisted. D&E have never been twisted to this extent. I just can't find a reason, or one that is believable to make me think David would bother with something like this. I pretty much ruled him out when Miranda was threatened. He would never. Not after the baby swap.

Krystal is way to obvious, even for K&S/.

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