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OLTL Tribute Thread


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Watching that Christmas episode made me sad and happy at the same time. Sad that there will only be one more Christmas for us in Llanview. One last time we will see the beuitful Christmas tree in Llanfair and all the happy familes celebrate in their own way. Who can forget when Todd was in that motel room with that little charlie brown christmas tree when Blair suprised him. and back in the 1990's when they actually did Chrismas eve at St. James church with all christmas pagent (made up of the actors real children.)or early 2000's when Viki lit the christmas tree at Angel Square and all the characters dreamed of what they wanted their lives to be. I think Dorian lit the tree last year but it was just a little part of the episode (which i really liked, especially Echo falling through the chimmney.)

but then i have to remind myself that we are very lucky to have one more Christmas episode because AMC is ending in September and last Christmas was their final one without them even knowing it. No more Martin Christmases.

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I guess they're supposed to be stock poses used for casting or whatever but it is kind of jarring. She also reminds me a bit of the girl in Poltergeist.

I think I put another photo of her, with the cast, a few pages back.

I wish we could see any of Meredith (although I think there might be one episode with her on Youtube; can't remember).

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Funny because the 1968 episode at Paley is about how Meredith has gone missing from the hospital and we don't see her at all in the episode, just Gillian-Viki and Victor fretting over her disappearance. I wonder if anything still exists of Viki and Meredith's original relationship.

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When did OLTL go to color? it's weird because Days of Our Lives was in color on the first episode but maybe NBC had color before ABC? I knwo by the time All My children came aorund, I think they started in color (although whatever is left of the early years have been turned into Black and White episodes.)

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More of the Old West 1888/1988 saga. I guess this still wasn't strike material, as the writers names are in the credits, but a lot of it seems like filler. But it's good filler - the scenes with Blaize and Michael Jeter in the mental hospital are wonderful. It's nice to see more of Melinda and dealing with her mental illness, although something about her just always seems poorly utilized. I also find the setup with Rob, John, Cassie, and Melinda to be a little bizarre. Did Rob and Melinda ever get together? If so that would complete the circle.

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