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OLTL Tribute Thread


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OLTL lucked out with all the actresses chosen to play Dorian. Each one was competent and brought their own flavors to the role.


Under Pinkerton, I saw Dorian as buttoned-down, self-possessed, and in firm reign of her limited emotions. She was the sort of woman who would observe those around her and assess how she could best use them to her own advantage. She was intelligent, but shrewd and cunning as well.


Malis' Dorian was more emotional. To me, she came across as a woman who had deep feelings but kept them under control out of necessity. She did not want anyone to see her vulnerable areas and use them against her. Being brighter and more capable than many people, their flaws would vex her to the point of annoyance.


Strasser played Dorian as someone with a lot of strong feelings too; feelings that would lead her to lash out in anger or pain, a sharp contrast to Pinkerton's Dorian, who would hold back, assess the situation, and carefully plot out every step she wanted to make before she acted. Both these Dorians could be dangerous, but Pinkerton's version was more calculated and Strasser's more impulse. Strasser's Dorian always struck me as someone who could take glee in her own machinations.


Dixie Carter, who briefly assumed the role in 1974 while Pinkerton was on maternity leave, was good too. She was already perfecting her "death stare" which would be a memorable aspect of her role on Designing Women.

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Thank you so much for this astute and fabulous rundown. It's absolutely criminal that so much of these ladies' work is lost. Very grateful for your memories. 


Strasser has strong feelings about Dorian shedding tears. Do you remember Pinkerton, Malis, or Carter showing such vulnerability?

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Malis showed the most emotion and vulnerability. Pinkerton's Dorian was the most impenetrable, emotion-wise


I thought Princi's Dorian displayed a combination of traits that the other actresses had brought to the role. Her Dorian was determined and tough when need be, but she also struck me as someone who--after years of fighting to attain and maintain power and prestige--was ready to let her hair down to a degree and have some fun in her life.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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I've been meaning to write the gentleman who runs Erika Slezak's fan club/newsletter. He does such great interviews with her. I'd love to hear her thoughts about working opposite her various Dorians over the years.

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I happened to see snippets of episodes with Malis playing Dorian.. and what struck me was how her Dorian and Vicki got along at least on a social level.  She seemed to serve as a bridge between Pinkerton's colder Dorian and Strasser's more emotionally charged Dorian.  It also seems like she also got to play up the early parts of Dorian inheriting money and Llanfair... the nourve riche aspect in a way.


I recall Princi most in the role in the early 90s.  She was more upper crust, could lash out emotionally like Strasser's Dorian, could be cunning and assess her prey like Pinkerton's Dorian (from what you describe), and had a certain flair for letting her hair down (the teased hair and motorcycle leather I recall) that I could have seen Malis playing.



@vetsoapfan  Any thoughts on Vicki's sister Meredith?  When my mom was alive and in high school... she watched OLTL in the early years and she told me she loved Meredith and couldn't stand Vicki... and kind of always rooted for Dorian lol

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When Viki was on trial for killing Marco Dane, Claire Malis played Dorian as she went on the witness stand and fought strenuously to defend Viki. I remember thinking that Nancy Pinkerton's version might not have been as convincing in Dorian's defense of her arch enemy, but Malis' performance really worked for me.


I adored Meredith Lord, and her love story with Larry Wolek was lovely and memorable. I couldn't believe the show killed her off. Meredith and Larry could have become the next tent-pole couple.

Edited by vetsoapfan
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Agnes Nixon revived (? I hate to say recycled or rehashed, seems disrespectful lol) rich possessive father Victor/ill daughter Meredith/Dr. Larry with rich possessive father Palmer/ill daughter Nina/Dr. Cliff (neat connection having original Viki, Gillian Spencer as Daisy). Years before the DID s/l, James Mitchell said in an interview that he saw shades of incest in Palmer's obsession with Nina, specifically a moment where he longingly smelled her scarf.  He remarked on how the show obviously didn't go there, but it would have been interesting nevertheless. Then of course, OLTL did go there.

I believe Carl shared articles re: Pinkerton's firing/Malis' hiring, the show wanted to keep Dorian but felt a recast was essential for any sort of audience acceptance. Earlier, we discussed Strasser's motivations for the role in regards to Victor's death, but even Joe Stuart told her in their first meeting, "It didn't happen."

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We never saw Victor's actual death scenes, so no one can say for sure what part Dorian played in his final moments. It's all supposition on everyone's part, including Stuart's. Watching the show religiously at the time, I did suspect that Dorian was at least passively instrumental in his death (letting him die without trying to save him, rather than actively killing him), but we will never know for sure. I DO know that the imposter they brought back decades later and claimed was Victor Lord was NOT him. UGH! Dreadful plot, idiotic retcon!

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