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OLTL Tribute Thread


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Frankly, it wouldn't have surprised me one bit to learn Irene Manning had actually killed Victor. Just imagine, too, if Dorian had discovered that little nugget of information.

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It wasn't some dramatic, tearful confession, but she did say, "I killed your father, Victor Lord" and Viki just brushed her off. Robin has always maintained that Dorian did it and I wondered if this was a little gift to her from RC that could easily be worked around... Just as easily as Viki dismissed the claim.

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OLTL trying to make a mystery out of who was Viki's daughter, Sarah or Megan was so stupid considering they were different ages! Only one of them could have been born when Viki was 18 and that was the older one, duh! That storyline seemed like todays type of writing

Edited by Cheap21
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The whole thing was a little dumb. I think viewers just went along because they loved both Megan and Sarah and wanted to see the conflict with Viki.

Rauch seemed to really throw new characters in without build up. When it didn't work, it didn't work, but when it did, the characters became hugely popular.

Edited by CarlD2
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And when Viki brought up the fact to her that neither of them did bc he came back in 2003, Dorian just said "if it really was him". She never saw him then so wouldnt have been able to assess if that was Victor or not. I thought it was vauge as nothnig was clairifed in that episode. I dont see why any of this was even brought up as it went nowhere

If the writers really wanted to do something with this, they could have revealed that the man was actually Victor's brother. This could have been the springboard to bringing on new Lords as he could have had kids/grandkids

Edited by Cheap21
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Richard Abott was the son of Victor's sister Gwendolyn Abbott.

Powell Lord was the grandson (or possibly son) of the brother of Victor.

I would not want to see other Lord relatives until all of the ones we know about were used. Dr. Dan Wolek was wasted so during the final decade. Tina also had two children who were not used to their fullest.

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Viki saw him, though, and she assessed that he was. Of course, as we know by now, physical resemblance alone means nothing in these situations, and they could explain it away by saying he underwent surgery to look like Victor.

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