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Yep, it was arsenic in the rice pudding. I'll always remember that because my mom used to always make rice pudding, but she stopped during that storyline. LOL

Here's the closing credits from September 15, 1994:

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Poor Julia is about to get raped by Louie Greco sad.png

Edited by Pine Charles
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Say what you will about Megan but I always thought she was generally good at creating social events that moved story quite quickly. She also did the Mardi Gras Ball as well and that pushed several stories forward. Megan knew how to play the game more then most and she always had relatively good/strong/interesting sweeps stories to keep people watching for the most part. I don't think she gets enough credit for the good things she did for this show. Bringing back Janet Dillon for instance was a gold mind it really made the show so much more interesting for about five months or so before Dixie landed in 06'.

I think one of the worst things about AMC in the last few years was that the show seemed so insular in so many ways, and an extension of that was due to the poor use of sets and the lack of diversity in PV. You really only had a hand full of sets for the show and most of them were homes and apartments. You never really felt the show had a community environment much of the time. You just had endless sets of apartments and houses. Very little outside establishments and places of business.

I don't really remember much of JR prior to Ridings. Can we codify them real quick? What were the JR's most memorable for? I know McCartney dealt with the decline of Tad's cheating and their break up and Riding ran away.

Jesse McCartney - ?

Bennings - ?

Ridings - ?

She never should have came back for her 05-07 stint. Moreover that entire Di storyline at the end of 05' never should have happened. The impact that Dixie was alive could have been a bigger deal had she just comeback at the end of the show like they planned just before for the cancellation. That was the best way Dixie could have came back. I hate how the show used her like a yo-yo whenever they needed a sentimental appearance for the Martins and Chandlers it gave her no gravitas as a character.

I don't hate her. I just think she was overrated and over important. I remember reading a publication that once said she was the "heart" of All My Children shortly after her 07' death and I just never felt that way. I could agree about that statement with Eden Rigel's Bianca or Debbie Morgan's Angie. But I never felt that way about Dixie in her most recent interpretations.

I never got the Liz Hendrickson love, she is a very understated actress though so I can see why she would work on Y&R. That kind of actress just can't work on AMC though. Was she better/different as Frankie? That seems to be where most of her fan support came from and then the audience just accepted her as a long lost twin.

Interestingly enough I liked Kendall here more then I liked her during her last few years. I can't believe how utterly and completely Zach wrecked her character. The person Kendall was from 02- early/mid 04' was exactly who she was supposed to be and once she was paired up with Zach she completely lost any viability as a character in my eyes. You just slowly saw all the life seep out of her. It happened with all of the members of Slavery. Greenlee should have left after Leo did. Kendall should have went to jail for killing Micheal Cambias, Ryan should have never came back in 03' and Zach should have left with Maria. The characters themselves just became so redundant and pointless so quickly after they were created.

Trey had so much raw potential as a character. It's a shame he never took off.

This screams of writers wanting Dixie to be perceived one way character wise (sainted mother) while writing her another (the cheating). I think it is obvious that the writers didn't want to write her this way but I am sure Cady wanted Dixie to have more "edge" in order to justify Dixie as a character instead of just Tad's wife. Hence why both times when she came back she was saddled with grey characters like David (98-02') and Zach (05-07') instead of utilizing her familiar role as mother and wife.

Didn't Adam kill Gloria's baby though, by locking her in a room and not helping her when she said her baby was in danger? I never got over that. To me that's one of the reasons I could never like Adam as a character. His evilness was just extraordinary and I didn't find it charming or interesting, I just found it sick and depraved. It doesn't shock me at all that someone would want to shoot him after all he did to people in the Pine Valley community.

I disagree here, Dixie got a lot of crap when she returned back in 06'. It was just starting to get better by the time Dixie died in 07' but I generally do think she paid for her mistakes in terms of having people pissed off at her for staying away for so long. I also can't blame her for JR ending up the way he did. I honestly think JR was just messed up from the start. He was always a written to be a character who couldn't cope with hardships and had very little resilience in the face of adversity and I don't think that can really be blamed on Dixie. JR had a relatively good childhood all things considered. He wasn't abused, mistreated, neglected or in anyway treated badly as a young child. So I can't blame Dixie for JR's problems once JR went into adulthood. I don't think you could even blame Tad for that matter he was so rarely around until JR's teen years. For example look at how Jaime is and compare it to how JR ended up. Night and day, even though they both had the same parents.

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Her acting has been much more shrill and OTT on Y&R. That and they made the mistake of throwing her with various men, when Liz has anti-chemistry with men.

As you said, they said one thing and wrote another, especially since Cady wanted tougher material. The Dixie of 2006 just felt isolated and needless. I think the last few years of her 98-02 stint were similar. One problem is that the era of AMC which Dixie thrived in were gone, and so was that era of the Martin family. By the late 90's they'd become very judgmental, hard, cold, and I no longer saw what kept Tad/Dixie together.

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It was when Kendall and Greenlee were plotting for Kendall to be a surrogate for the "Rylee" embryo. Erica actually had Josh hit on Kendall to see if she was pitching for the other team or not, and Josh reported back that Kendall was straight. Considering that Josh turned out to be her brother, that could have been really awkward.

I think the scenes right after that the kiss are also on YT. Kendall finally comes clean with Erica about the planned surrogacy, and Erica tries to talk her out of it, saying that it would be really hard to go through the whole pregnancy and then give birth and have to give the baby up - how will Kendall not fall in love with that sweet, innocent little baby? Kendall looks Erica right in the face and says something like, "well, you didn't fall in love with me, mother."

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