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AMC Tribute Thread


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I didn't realize Jeremy and Silver had ever made love. The scene was classy and tasteful (very nice music choice). I can see now another reason why she went off the deep end when he distanced himself a few months later. Did the show just abruptly reverse course on their relationship or was this planned?

I've only ever seen Hilary when she was pining about Tad, so it's great to see her in the workforce. Carmen Thomas and Susan Pratt have great chemistry together! This story feels very modern for the time - Pratt is very Sigourney Weaver in Working Girl (complete with big poofy hair). Hilary eavesdropping was a delicious moment, and my jaw dropped when she personally attacked Barbara that way. The characterization for Hilary in this episode is so complex - she's trying to be smart and she has good ideas, but she's impulsive and kind of a brat. This story had so much potential. I'm sorry it didn't go anywhere.

I never knew Barbara wanted Adam.

If I was watching these Erica scenes at the time, I might have thought she was being melodramatic, but with the later rewrites about Kendall, the scenes felt like a punch in the gut. Erica talking about what her father told her she would lose. Erica saying she was being "punished." Nick looking devastated as "punishment" echoes through his mind. Do you think that Agnes already had some of the Kendall story in mind at this point?

I love Brooke and Adam here. So mature, trying to work through their many personal and professional problems.

I'd almost forgotten Ruth and Joe were on the show, as I hadn't seen them in any of these.

There's so much raw potential in some of this episode, so many building blocks, and a real style and sophistication that none of the other soaps had at this point. I'm sorry that these elements of AMC were dumped when they revamped it in 1989.

Edited by DRW50
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There's a great scene with Barbara and Hillary in the first video I posted where Hillary calls out Barbara for turning down everyone's ideas, as well as some more personal digs, and Barbara fires Hillary, only for Hillary to say that she can't fire her cause she quits.

Edited by ghfan89
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I'll have to watch that one soon. (I'm sort of watching late 87-spring 88 right now). I wish they'd done more with that rivalry.

I watched this one a few hours ago.

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I love the Stuart/Cindy and Angie/Jesse scenes so much. What a nice treat to get these sweet domestic scenes for Angie and Jesse. They're very different in tone from the domestic scenes they had in AMC's last few years, but equally effective. I like seeing Jesse and Cindy bond too. We wouldn't get that type of scene on a soap now. Him coming to accept her, standing in for the audience doing the same. Ellen Wheeler and David Canary are so special together, and I love his brief scene with Myrtle.

I had no idea Natalie spent this much time with Jack. I wonder if this was supposed to go somewhere? They have good chemistry.

What's with all the movie plots at this time? Both Natalie and Erica had the possibility of making movies. Can you imagine them as rival movie stars? Might have been fun, anyway.

Palmer's behavior is despicable. Was he really asking Jack to taunt and sexually harass Natalie? Wow. Why would he not just hire someone for that (as he did when Jack refused)? I had no idea so much of Natalie's harassment at this point was from Palmer. I thought it was Silver. Palmer's responsible for the brunt of it.

I keep forgetting when I watch the Nico/Julie/Charlie/Cecily stuff that Nico and Cecily and Cecily and Charlie would later marry. It's impossible to believe that this Charlie would turn into the tooth guy.

I forgot to ask - was Julia Barr pregnant around this time?

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I am still working my through these clips, but IF Agnes had this story in mind years in advance, Nick absolutely would not have known in 1988 that Erica had been raped because Mona told him about it in 1993, and he was STUNNED. That scene with Mona telling him about the rape and pregnancy was the first Nick had heard of it, and it was the first the audience heard as well as to how Erica could have this other child.

Susan did say in 1993 that way back at the very beginning of AMC, Erica and Mona made reference to a visit Erica had had with her father, so there was that. Also, right before she found her father in 1988 or 1989, she told Jack that she dreamed about a circus and going to the circus, and it was her birthday, and it was a big party ALL for her, and her father was going to be there... and that was what inspired her to want to take baby Bianca to see the circus (and hence the whole lame Barney the Clown thing)... but there was a dream sequence around that same time in black and white in which a teenaged Erica is running through an empty movie studio looking for her father and calling out for him, and she's getting increasingly worried because he's not there and she's all alone. So for me, I don't know that Agnes necessarily planned it, but I think as far as retcons go, she (and Megan McTavish) did a pretty good job of working it into the existing story, down to the minute details... an elaborate birthday for Erica, and Erica being abandoned by her father again.

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David delivers Colby Chandler (then Colby Martin)!

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I love that David just happens to have a CD-rom in his laptop about how to deliver breech babies. blink.png Hard to believe that just 14 years after this scene, this was David and Colby:


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Hi, if you are talking about me, I don't have those episodes, unfortunately. Although some of the episodes I posted deal with the aftermath of that story and have some flashbacks of the rape, and Julie running away and Julie confronting Ross about it. Also, I posted the scene were Natalie murders Silver and Palmer finds the body.

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Very tense scenes with Natalie on the stand, played superbly by Kate Collins. I don't care for most soap trials but this has such a sick sense of dread to it. And having Pat speak about rape victims makes this seem less exploitive, which I appreciate. (I also liked the shade she threw at Ross' defense attorney). There are so many different elements to this - it's a true umbrella story, right down to little details like the strain on Mark/Ellen, Donna's nerves, etc.

I'd forgotten Benny was still on the show at this time.

Matt and Nina are just so blah. I guess Dack Rambo was on Dallas at this time but I wish they'd found a better partner for her. As it is this seems like filler, as does Cliff in jail. It's two different shows.

James Horan is one of those actors who to me doesn't ever have enough charisma for bad guy roles.

Appreciate getting to see some flashbacks of the night of the rape (nothing of the rape itself, just Julie and Palmer). I wonder if that's the same exterior they always used for Cortdlandt Manor.

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Natalie had a flashback of the rape before Silver came over the night she was accidentally killed by Natalie. Silver posed as a rapist trying to scare her.

I always liked Pat, and the actress who played her. She was always so emotionally available that it was easy to sympathize whatever she was saying or doing.

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Marie Osmond, Brian Boitano, and SUSAN LUCCI on Oprah's "Where are they Now?" airing on OWN next Friday.

First Look: Marie Osmond, Brian Boitano, Susan Lucci and Supermodel Emme on Oprah: Where Are They Now?

Susan Lucci talks about life after Erica Kane, and Marie Osmond reveals how she really feels about aging. Then, Brian Boitano shares his surprising self-reinvention. Plus, supermodel Emme explains how she overcame being called "the f-word." Tune in Friday night at 9/8c.

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I haven't made my way through the 6 hours ghfan89 posted yet, but this might have been the first time we saw Cliff was alive; at least that was the impression I got from that episode. I agree about Matt & Nina. I wish they'd paired him with Erica back when he was staying temporarily at her house since she was the only woman on the show I thought he had any chemistry with.

I agree about the trial. I hope somewhere out there is the episode where Julie shows up in court and admits she was the one who overheard the rape.

Thanks so much, by the way, for putting so many episodes up! I need to make more time to watch what's on YouTube. I'd love to see the episode where Nat kills Silver again.

I wish they'd brought Pat back when Angie & Jesse returned, even if it was just a short visit. She really should've been there for the wedding and the aftermath of the baby switch.

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