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AMC Tribute Thread


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I remember that - it was around the time I first started watching, because I remember laughing at Hayley in the car. I'm surprised they got that through, especially the scenes where Arlene would sort of flee, and he'd grab her. And the scene was totally clothed...

That story was pretty shocking. People criticized the cliches of soap for years, but sometimes they work, and the jolt of Hayley's mother nailing Hayley's husband, the hate sex, ending in him trying to kill her, was just addictive to watch.

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I think - but aren't 100% sure - that he was put in there after he faked a kidnapping. This was when he was running for the Senate. Erica got freaked that Travis' political rivals could potentially harm/kidnap Bianca, so she took off and assumed the false identity of "Sally" - a waitress at a hick diner.

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Travis was in Oak Haven in 1988, the same time as Skye, which blossomed a mild flirtation/romance. It was very good plotting, as Skye was in prison basically after breaking from reality over her jealously of Barbara's (Travis' ex-wife) relationship with Tom:
: Travis feared for Erica and his unborn child when Erica fell ill of Toxemia. The condition could cause Erica to have a stroke, killing their child and her. Erica faded in and out of a coma as she went into labor. After hours of complication, Erica gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Bianca Christine Montgomery, named after Travis’ late sister, Christine Montgomery.
Travis loved his daughter and wanted to provide her with all the world could offer her. But, his company was faltering as a result of his failed Senatorial campaign. He turned to Barbara to help him hold off a hostile take-over by Adam Chandler. Adam proved a formidable threat when he convinced Jack to help him in the buy-out.
Travis plotted an insurance scam to remedy his cash flow problem. He hired Steve Andrews to kidnap him so that Erica could cash in on his life insurance plan. Instead, Steve kidnapped Bianca and used her for ransom. Though Bianca was recovered safely, Erica blamed Travis. Afraid of what Travis may do next, she ran away with Bianca.
Travis tracked Erica and Bianca to Sea City where Erica was working as a waitress. Travis recognized Erica’s new friend, Dave Gillis, to be none other than Steve. Steve again tried to run off with Bianca. Travis shot Steve to save his daughter. Erica forgave Travis and moved back to Pine Valley.
Travis returned to Sea City to settle Erica’s affairs. On his way home, he was mugged and beaten. When he awoke, he had no memory of who he was.
: Travis and Erica’s marriage crumbled as a result of his amnesia. He believed he was still married to Barbara. They began a secret affair.
Travis learned his amnesia was being perpetuated by a malignant brain tumor. Not wanting his family to suffer through his operation, Travis secretly slipped out of town to recover.
For more to the story:
NOTE: I know that my bio's are not 100% clean, but I have been taking notes and hope to one day update all of them.
Edited by AMCHistory
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It is isn't it! I think I've been brainwashed to think any early AMC (or OLTL, etc for that matter) must have that fuzzy, archaic, B&W kinescope look.

It's always fascinating to me these soap characters and couples who often lasted for YEARS and were never really A story material. I think soaps used ot have more of this--and it helped add to the secnse of community (I mean, I doubt Devon and Wally ever made any soap rag polls as fave couple). Of course OLTL with its quick changeovers seems to have a TON of such characters.


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Maxwell--who I love--was camptastic in the role! LOL it just got pretty ridiculous--even as a teen I felt that, but a part of me enjoyed that, LOL. The middle Pierce wasn't remotely memorable and I wonder if they ever even thought about keeping him around or if he was a stop gap. it's too bad that the first Pierce had to be left go, I did like him and with Janet, but it was understandable after his behaviour. (That essay on soap viewers in Worlds Without Ends in its section on gay fans says that the most watched soap at the time--this was '96--amoing gay men by far was AMC but the essayist found it interesting that more women responded to Michael Delaney as one of the most appealing and attractive men on the show--apparently by a wide margin the one gay men surveyed fou8nd the most attractive was the first Pierce).

Alec and Arlene were great together I think. Yes the story was borderline sleaze but so well done...

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