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Edna was in and out starting around 1978.

I think Nancy Frangione was playing Tara at this time?

Elizabeth Lawrence was a wonderful actress - if you want to see her in a very un-Myra role, try to find some of her GL work as Bess Lowell, in 1993-1994.


What was this blood test about with Erica? Did she think she had HIV? Was this after Kinder had drugged her and made Dimitri think they'd had sex?

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This was right after Kinder drugged her and made Dimitri think they'd had sex. Erica couldn't remember anything that had happened that night, so Myrtle suggested that perhaps Erica had taken some pills and that's why she couldn't remember anything. Erica went to Joe for a blood test to see if there were any drugs still in her system.

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AMCHistory posted a fascinating Michael Brainard interview in the They Almost Became thread. It helped answer one of my questions about why he was not asked to return to the role on a permanent basis. I still wish they had asked him though - the few bits I've seen of him in the 1995 anniversary episodes are better than anything with Michael Lowry, whom I despised in the role.

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Agreed, and that's the only place I've seen him as well. Lowry was just awful in the role. Yes Jake has had a myriad of problems under Peck and Goldin (who only really became likeable for me his last few months when Broderick's writing seemed to mesh with him), but I prefered both, even Goldin in some awful moments, to Lowry who I *never* liked in the role. I used to always simply blame Lowry, but I actually kinda liked his brief run as Ross recently on OLTL despite it being a thankless role...

ANd yes, he changed his name to sound more grown up apparently and also because at the time he didn't want to be so associated as the Jr to his father... (I guess kinda like JR not being called Adam Jr, etc...--I admit personally, unless you're named for a dead relative, I think naming a child after his parents albiet with a Jr is never a good idea, even if it used to be done for family legacy reasons).

Edited by EricMontreal22
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I will definetly catch up with these AMC masquerade episodes this weekend. That was one of my favourite eras of the show. I especially loved the beginnings of the Palmer/Phoebe relationship. Finally, Phoebe found a match in Palmer. Everyone in town had to "keep up with Phoebe" ala the Joneses, but now Pine Valley had someone with a bigger fortune, a bigger personality, and a bigger house... and he moved in right next door to the English Estate.

I think despite her despiration to one-up Palmer, which lead to many an argument and a mild rivalry, at the end of the day Phoebe and Palmer were closer friends than either realised or wanted to admit.

Here is a great photo from that evening:


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I think that RPG's interpretation of Joey favoured Brainards. Both had the brooding-dark side, and both of them played up the comedic side of the younger Dr. Martin.

Lowry was not terrible in the role, he just was not "Joey." He was more of the stero-typical soap-hunk. I felt bad for him too because he joined at the time that the Martins were really being marginalised. Charlie and Ruth were getting the boot. The Martins began existing is separate spheres, only playing together at Christmas and Thanksgiving. He definitley did not get the benefit of the Martin family living room scenes like Brainard did (and to an extent RPG in the more modern Tad Martin Boarding House scenario).

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RPG could be unbearable, and I know he wasn't well liked on here, but I think overall he did get the mix of the character, as I perceive him, best, and when he was good I thought he was, well, very good (maybe not great). It may have been a condensed story due to the ending, but I appreciated this past Summer that the STD story with him and Amanda wasn't about him demonizing her or agonizing over it, the way STD stories nearly always are on soaps, but a much more realistic take on what would happen in that situation with someone you loved.

I dunno, I just found Lowry so unappealing in the role in general (I didn't mind him the first few months with Liza I admit, and pairing him with Ally--I think that was her name--didn't help matters), but what you say is probably true. Maybe they renamed him partly because they realized it was such a different take on the character. Peck was fine--I liked him with Greenlee and even somewhat with Mia, but he did seem all too serious for the character, although I suppose you could do something interesting with having the two Martin brothers be such opposites--which they never explored.

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I hated the story with Liza. All he did was judge her and shame her for months and I blame that story for ruining Liza as a character. I also thought they had no chemistry. Generally he had two modes - smug and constipated.

I liked him a little more with Allie, but that story went straight to hell within a few months.

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Yes, their scenes together are great (as is some of the random scripting--AMC really used to have above average dialogue, particularly in terms of wit--actually even in its most barren more recent years I think the scripting, for whatever reason, was often a notch above most other soaps--I love the opening scene with Brooke and Langley in that episode where they talk about his little legs...). I also love how the whole sequence (I think there was another one or two episodes after the three I have, that were still at the party) is set on location and filmed almost like Gosford Park or something, it feels so different from a normal soap, with a true sense of the party going on in all these various rooms at the exact same time.

I'm nearly done uploading the second episode from the Monday right after that Friday, since I had time to load it in the computer while on my fruitless search for the OLTL Tribute magazine tonight. Will post when done.

One question for youtube users (and maybe I need to post this in the video forum)--I noticed that though it seems to work for everyone here, when I do a search for the episode on youtube, signed out of my account, it doesn't seem to come up. I made it a public video, so I hope anyone interested doing a search would be able to find it...

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To be honest by story with Liza I think I meant the two weeks they spent in that country inn when he came back. That was what came to mind--I found the character interesting back then. I didn't like his involvement with her afterwards... And yes--people complain that Tad got too judgey but really he had NOTHING on Lowry's Jake. Ugh.

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