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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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Judith Light and Phylicia Rashad have wonderful NY theatre careers, I'm sure they're happy with life and wouldn't mind popping in for a day just to show their faces a la Julianne Moore. Stuff like that would be nice besides a bigger return like Tina, and of course the Cords and Kevins and Rachels... I still like my hospital wing dedicated to Sadie Gray idea for the beloved randos (Larry and Jenny too) to come say goodbye for a day, but I'll live. Hell, Robin won't even be around. I've made peace with the things that probably won't happen, I'm more hopeful about the vets popping up on the L&Os and Body of Proof, etc.

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I was lucky enough to see Novella Nelson on stage as a foul-mouthed grandmother, geesh, almost 20 (!) years ago. She was great, and a complete 180 during the talk back. I really liked Judge Fitzy, what a great recurring role, she worked a lot.

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I think as long as they don't do some kind of flash forward its easy to imagine life goes on. You can give stories proper resolution and still get the sense that the characters still continue to exist and have a future. You don't need a cliffhanger to do that.

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The new cover to SID has Peter Bergman on the cover saying that he wants back on AMC. You think CBS would allow him to make a guest appearance as Cliff for the finale. I can see MAB going to Frons and saying we'll loan you Cliff if you give us (Y&R) first pick at the upcoming garage sale

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I would be so thrilled if they would allow Peter Bergman on for a show or two as Dr. Cliff Warner! Sony/Y&R would have final say on him doing a visit to AMC, not CBS as they don't own the show. They have allowed crossovers from Days to B&B, (which both have Bell ties), but there has never been a cross that I can think of with a contract cast member from one network to another when the shows did not have a prior relationship.

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its knida different here as AMC is cancelled and done with. Were it to still ongoing, I definetly wouldnt see this as a possibility, but with it dead and gone soon anyway, they really arent competition to Y&R. I can see it potentially happening

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This made my heart skip a beat! Cliff and Nina back for a visit. You just know Taylor Miller would join him. And maybe, just maybe, we'd get a conversation between Cliff and Angie that acknowledged their past.

Oh please what am I thinking?

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