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AMC and OLTL Canceled!

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I think the soap press has learned to just stay quiet because they were punished for daring to criticize.

The media gets lazier each year. I wish I were surprised at how pathetic their coverage has been, but why make an effort when you don't have to, or when you can just be told what to write? I got a good laugh out of that article which seemed to imply Franco appearing was the reason GH was not being canceled while OLTL and AMC were.

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On her Twitter, Robin Strasser announced:

"I'll have to leave OLTL sooner than the cancellation date, for compelling health reasons. Unable 2 meet high standards I owe our great show."

Her later Tweets suggest it's for major back surgery. She also throws in that she was once bulimic and that Diana, Princess of Wales, was her inspiration for getting help. Love that Robin Strasser!

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Interesting, I knew Linda Dano struggled with that but I'm not sure if I knew that about Robin. I do know that she was on the ski team for a while until a fan wrote in and said that whatever she was doing she needed to stop because she looked dead behind the eyes. Right then and there she gave up the Columbian. Trying to stay thin and to have the pep to make it through the grind, I'm sure Linda and Robin weren't the only soap actresses who took those avenues.

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True but I keep thinking about the rumor that said one show was having a battle in the writers room about whether or not to have returns. It doesn't look like that's the case with AMC. Though to be fair, the only confirmed returns we have are Zach and Dixie. I have no doubt we'll see Adam and Brooke but that hasn't been confirmed. I also expect another drive through from Joe and Ruth.

Who else could we expect to see? We know Natalia will be back. It would be nice if Annie could be released from the hospital and stop by to see Emma before she goes to start a new life somewhere (I don't see a reunion with JR.) but I get the feeling MCE has completely washed her hands of AMC. And I'm still hoping someone major and familiar is behind the whole Janerica/Zach/Dixie storylines so they can all be tied together. For all this talk about Leo, I'll believe that when he's on the screen. I just don't believe it.

Like everyone else I have a wish list (Greg Nelson, Lily, Reggie, Livia in court one last time) but I don't really expect to see anyone else.

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