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OLTL: Discussion for the week of April 11

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Not only could Brandon Buddy not act, but by the end of his tenure he appeared ill and overweight. He seemed like a part-time model who sort of fell into "acting." If Cole were to return I'm sure they would recast. They clearly lost interest in the character some time before he left.

James is a whole other type of joke himself and equally dumb, but at least I don't worry about his caloric intake.

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Bringing Cole back would be pointless without Marty.

Not that I want to see more misogyny on daytime but the only way I would enjoy any Starr pairing is if it was a man who shut down the me-me-me stuff and the Todd stuff. Starr has become so trapped in her own bubble that even living with a lunatic who kidnapped her baby seems to barely get a blip.

Maybe they could bring in a cop from the other side of the tracks or something.

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I agree on all that point but why ABC hyped starrJam as the big next thing since I dunno. The thing is they got so hyped up and people got tired of them so quickly. Nic Robuck is an okay actor IMO but also he's bland. Rumor has it that he's the first one out.

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Clint is :wub:

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the character destruction of Charlie Banks. I hate that my couple had to end like this and Charlie/Echo get their happy ending while Viki's life is turned upside down because of them.

I love Ted King, but I'm just not feeling Tomas Delgado, hopefully something changes soon.

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I think he fell way too quickly and way too hard for Echo, like a teenage girl, dropping the L bomb and leaving his wife and all that when I think he was mostly driven by lust and ego (by comparison, Echo made him feel less broken and pathetic). It's being written and acted like pure love on Charlie's part and I don't think men jump in head first like that, dick first, but not head and heart first. Maybe we should be thankful that the secret affair didn't get dragged out, but it's all been wrapped up so quickly and the writing has done Charlie no favors whatsoever. And I don't like that because I thought Charlie was a good dude, I'd hoped he and Viki would ride it out.

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Well me too, except everything about Charlie is so uncharacteristic of everything, that I can barely notice specifics.

That said, I actually kinda enjoyed today. Despite the Charlie mess, there was some great acting, and I actually kinda liked the bullying story as well (maybe cuz we didn't actually see Jack too much). I will say that I'm glad they're continuing with the aftermath and hope we do see counselling sessions, etc.

The only really blah moment today were the James/Deanna/Starr stuff (Which thankfully seemed to be about a combined 5 minutes in total). It's just SO blah, and I can already feel it going absolutely nowhere. I almost wish she would just go back to doing porn, at least that would give me a few laughs (do we know if we're done with the porn story yet? It's impossible to tell on this show, just when you think a story is over it creeps back up...)

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I don't think we've seen the last of porn. :lol:

Starr/James/Deanna was two-fold awkward, the given circumstances of the characters and the acting both. :lol: Can hardly wait to see what their dinner out is gonna be like. I'm sort of like, "Can we just ditch the charade with her and James and put her with a new guy because this is tired already!" Not that Cristian has the best luck with black women, but I would like Deanna better than Rama with Cristian.

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I do think Charlie's touched upon it in at least one scene, but I think the real point to be driven home in this story should have been Charlie's inferiority complex. That at heart he doesn't think he's good enough for Viki. I'd have liked to have seen more of that than just, "I can't help myself, I truly, madly, deeply love Echo now Viki and instead of really asking myself what these feelings are all about I'm just gonna go with it and I am leaving you. Sorry. These are the brakes." Now that empty-headed impulsiveness I can definitely attribute to a man, but the writing is leaning towards Charlie truly in love (which is actually more devastating for many women who are cheated on, moreso than the act of sex). Charlie didn't even have a, "Please baby, baby please... I [!@#$%^&*] her, I make LOVE to you!" moment with Viki, he was just done. Like, damn, it really shouldn't have been that easy to quit Viki, was he really in love with her to begin with? :unsure:

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