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OLTL: Discussion for the week of April 4

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On the show is fine, but giving them this story was a mistake. I say that while thinking they both have some chrisma. However, they were wrong for this story. HBS and RW would have handled it better, whether Matthew were the bullier or the one being bullied.

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Brody was SO hypocritical about Marty. I almost yuked. Go McBain for pointing that out.

I love the chemistry between John and Tea, not gonna lie.

GO BLAIR! Christ that kid needs a hard 50 punches to the face and nuts. Oh, and an actor recast.

Shane is making me cry. :(

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SoapNet will repeat the episodes this weekend.

I really think they suck royally. They cant act. Gawd Gigi is sucking now with the scenes with Shane.

The actor playing Jack sucks. He is just as bad as John Paul and Farah.

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I blame whomever is in charge for just throwing him into this story. He could very well come into his own, but they put him into a heavy storyline right off the bat. He comes off like a real teen to me, sort of like Destiny, and if you are going to cast a young person, be aware that it will take them longer to grow into the role. But ABCD can't be bothered to easy these people in. It pisses me off.

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When the camera was not focused on Shane, and I was bawling my eyes out, I was laughing out loud at JPL and FF's sorry attempts at acting today. Especially JPL's facial experessions, they totally ruined what should have been emotionally heavy material, and turned it into the comedy hour for me. How many times can one actor widen their eyes and have their jaw drop half way to the ground, before one realizes that's not what the scene calls for? I do hope though that the kid that plays Shane gets a Younger Actor nom and wins after today. He out acted both of his screen partners today.

Brody's character assassination begun today with Brody's hypocrisy towards Marty. Perhaps it was the writers agenda all along, but I rooted alongside John today when he called Brody out on his own past with mental instability. It is nice to see Brody and Natalie still have chemistry.

Was that a picture of Tea and her father that Tomas has supposedly drawn, or a picture of Rosanne and their father? Will the Delgado siblings at least send a shout out to their murderess of a sister?

Sigh, I do wonder where will they take Matthew after this? Will he become even more darker and take the crazy route? Or will they redeem him like ATWT did with Will Munson?

I'm happy others are realizing what an amazing actress KDP is. Loved the scenes between Blair and her son, however I have to say: RECAST JACK NOW. That actor was weighing those scenes down whenever the script required him to speak.

No comment on the Viki/Charlie scenes. So many "WTF's" with that entire story.

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Yup, they should have eased him in the role before doing this story. Of course this story flew by faster than you could snap your fingers. It had no beginning middle or end really. This story was badly done. We have to remember that Ron doesnt know where these stories are going.:rolleyes: Unless it's a prenancy story....9 months.

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Marty and Brody have to go to help remind of John's awesomeness. Melissa Archer's job security, if OLTL has any now, is tied to propping John.

JPL has ruined so many dramatic storylines that at this point I wonder if someone at OLTL wants them to fail.

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