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Soap storylines in WWE/WWF

ER Tosh

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My favorite character was Sable. Through her becoming a bigger star than Marc, to her fued with Jackie and then Luna and joining the Ottities i loved it all. The Sable Bomb was bad ass. And her tag match that introduced Edge was fantastic.

Her best match, IMHO. The Strap Match w/ Luna

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZhzGhk1otfc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

"Luna, you little bitch!.."

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VZiwA-QGiPY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Aside from Sable, Stepahnie provided great story for year. Her abduction by the taker, her romance with test, her and hhh and their many affairs, her family drama, etc. This is so soapy!

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jack, do you know how much I am WITH you in the Sable love? I totally agree about the strap match. Actually, I remembered it so well, but before YouTube I had convinced myself it was something I must have made up in my head. When I found that video I was so relieved! LoL

I loved when she kicked the [!@#$%^&*] out of Marc Merro. And during her fued with Jaqueline, do you remember when she cut Sable's hair and the next week she had it weaved into her own? That was a great bitch move.

On a different note, does anyone remember when Kitty, Debra and then Chyna's sidekick, won a bikini match and the Women's Championship by wearing nothing but Bubble Wrap? Anyone know if that is online?

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I despised the Undertaker becoming the American Bad Ass...it made absolutely no sense, and now even though I no longer watch I was happy to see he's back to normal now..

My favorite wrestler of all time though was Shawn Michaels, and the most interesting storyline in the last 15+ years has to be the Montreal Screw over because it was REAL.

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Well our Soaps may be gone but I guess WWE will be around forever. I guess the difference is that WWE has so many revenue streams that even when it is not that popular (like right now) it is not in real trouble.

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WWE's problem is that it doesn't have major superstars that transcend into main stream media like The Rock and Steve Austin. They tried to pump up their current crop of stars but ultimately they all fall short. The last time I truly enjoyed WWE was before it merged and became WWE. The 90's era was pure gold.

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The Miz "The Chick Magnet" soapy storyline w/ Extreme Expose.



He eventually became pretty much the next face of the WWE. But he started in the low ranks, lower than the Rock or Austin and became pretty much a superstar. WWE when they work on these storylines usually hit it out the park.

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I enjoyed that period, but I know this will be a knife to the heart of a lot of wrestling fans who appreciate the actual wrestling and can discuss why Hulk Hogan was not a good wrestler, why Chris Benoit was the best ever supposedly, and the virtues of Lucha Libre and people like Ray Mysterio Jr and The Hardy Brothers. I don't know why they are suddenly ashamed of wrestling.

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Did you see WrestleMania how he depicted his story? It was, I'm fanwankin' a bit b/c I loved him on RW and RR but he's just been an amazing character to follow in wrestling, not since Rock and Jericho have I gotten back to being that interested in wrestling, my BBFL and I watch religiously RAW now.


He's the "Me" complex WWE wrestler/champ. He wants Cena's fame, and calls himself "Awesome" or "The Must See Champ"


It's like back to the good ol' days now. They even had Jerry Lawler in a s/l where his son rimmed him out, I didn't know Scotty2hotty was his son, called Jerry out as a bad father. :(

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I didn't like it either. And I can't believe he's still wrestling(is he?). Dude is soooooo old. LOL

Wasn't his finishing move, "The Worm," or something like that? Hilarious finishing move! :lol:

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