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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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Is that what it is? I just attribute it to delusions of grandeur. An unprofessional, poor man's Perez Hilton (ouch!) thinking he's doing journalism that rivals the works of Woodward and Bernstein. His battle cries of "We're reporting what THEY don't want you to know! We're doing this for YOU!" attitude rings false when you have "I know something you don't know, and I'm not gonna tell yooooooou!" as the end result.

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That's very true these soaps may do well overseas but if they don't make money for the home network then their gonna be goners and B&B is on those train tracks. This is why B&B is better off syndicating their soap here in the States like they do overseas or in other North America countries like Canada and Mexico. I think Bell should ditch CBS for a syndicated suitor if there's one out there if not take your chances with CBS.

DAYS is so cheap for NBC that I can't see them getting rid of it unless the ratings are super low. They've maintained a stead audience and even built it at one point ever since the January 2007 threat that the soap would be gone for sure by 2009 and it never happened. DAYS and Y&R do very well online and I see media online starting to make money there so this could change the game in the future. Even YouTube has added annoying ads before videos which will be a game changer.

GH is ABC's darling so it'll be the last to go but OLTL & AMC are the two vulnerable ones so we'll see how it goes with them.

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I find the entire concept of "soap opera news and critique" utterly fascinating. The fact that it all boils down to a bunch of fans with titles who are bitchy bloggers or lucky enough to have their own magazines, by the grace of GOD salaried or blissfully entitled and unpaid, the fact that "hard news" goes unreported but dangled over fans' heads instead so "reporters" can delight themselves in "I know something youuuu don't" or pad their nests to prove that they knew all along when the news finally hits but thy were too afraid to tell it because they might lose their moles... I mean, soap opera "NEWS" is tabloid journalism's pimple faced bucktoothed little cousin sippin' on a Big Gulp. Somewhere, somebody bigger and more important should be looking down on soaps and laughing. Hard. But we fans can handle that ourselves. ^_^

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