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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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I dunno, she might have "lied" but anyone who paid attention knew VI wasn't done. This last time was totally different then the last time he got fired. I still think it was more something storyline (VI needing personal time, as well) dictated and people played along.

It's a lot different to stand before people and lie to their faces about their livelihood. Which if she did, she's as bad as Frons and ABC.

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If anyone ever expects to hear that, they don't know PR 101. Should any soap ever be cancelled in the next few months, few years, no network executive will say anything about the shows performance which caused the decision. They will always say "after ___ years on the air, _____ will end on _____. _____ is known for telling ____. The show was created by _____ after ____ felt the need to showcase ____. ____ was the _____ rated show on TV. In its ____ years on the air ___ will have earned ____ Emmy Awards."

________ ________ _________

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I love blaming characters and stories for the ratings as much as anyone but if they've really dodged the bullet, the first thing they need to do is get a new EP to get the budget under control. The budget has apparently been a problem for a long time. Fix it. New EP, then new writers.

I hate Rylee too (so, so much) but they are just a symptom of rampant mismanagement. THAT's what needs to be fixed.

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